Amazing. So much information on this site. I definitely intend to research more and get a couple of your machines Bob. At least I will start with the portable one.
I have a few devices currently. I picked up two different PEMF 120 devices online secondhand… And have found them very powerful over the years.
Years ago, I also picked up an “EarthPulse” device. But there seems to have been a hostile takeover of the company or something like that though… So when the controller went problematic, I actually eventually had to order a new controller from the company that manufactured them, but no longer works together with earthpulse. They call their controller AumPulser. I can imagine that is why Dr. P discontinued the use of promoting them as a good sleep device because they basically sort of went out of business or got a horrible reputation for horrible customer service…
The PEMF 120 devices are basically a smaller version of the Papimi device that was created in Greece I believe.
I watched your interview today on the PEMF podcast and I was very impressed by what you shared. And of course it takes a great person to admit that they are wrong… As you did when it came to the NASA research Exploratory.
Recently, my family and I have been in Argentina… and Mexico and I came across a different type of electrical healing device called scalar wave healing devices… (devised by Tesla, Paul Marie Oudin, George Lakhovsky, D’Arsonval)
They seem to incorporate a Tesla tower with what they call a pancake with copper coils in it and other attachments and coils and beds. I do not know how different or similar they are to PEMF.
The people that make the machines and run their clinics claim to have a lot of people that have been healed of serious elements with these devices. Personally, I found they feel really amazing. I’ve been trying it for the last year and it just feels quite blissful when you get on it or into the device.
They actually feel totally different than high-powered PEMF like the PEMF 120. The PEMF 120 Really has a profound hit to it. Whereas the scalar wave devices I almost feel blissful and spiritual in nature.
And as you were all talking about frequencies and electricity and emotion earlier in this thread, I thought to mention that, of course the body and the mind and emotions are all connected, and if one thing is healing and affected, naturally the energy body will also be affected and the emotional body.
For me a lot of this is all about preventative medicine. Doing things now that keep our bodies and our emotions in a healthy way than maintain health span, as well as lifespan.
I just see it as regular maintenance. If you own a car and do a regular oil change, it’s guaranteed to last double the time than a car that does not receive such good treatment. The body needs our loving attention, whether it is through massage, therapy or yoga or meditation or PEMF therapy or other sophisticated modalities… or simply by spending time with loved ones or in nature.
PEMF therapy has the added benefit of tuning our physical bodies back into the magnetic frequencies of nature.
Unfortunately, most of us spend far too much time disconnected from the Earth and from nature itself. And at the end of the day, we are all just animals that are on this huge planet… And are absolutely products of our natural environment.
And of course, naturally connecting us back to that source is going to have a profoundly healing effect, whether we can explain that scientifically or not.
Bob, I think what you are sharing and doing is absolutely wonderful. And I find your products, really beautiful. And of course, they are very well priced. Maybe that’s one thing you could work on.
Sometimes charging a little bit more earns you more money for research and upgrades, and also allows others to value the product even more.
Although quite honestly, I would ask Dr. P to mention your credentials on the page of his site that is dedicated to your products. Because quite honestly, it’s quite impressive that you worked with NASA on their studies and research into PEMF therapy and have such a familiarity and confidence around such regulatory bodies as you mentioned in your video that I saw today. Very impressive work and history that you have. Your voice is important because of your experience and your knowledge and your expertise and your honesty.
One of my questions is… Do you see exceptional value in using PEMF during sleep or for brain entrainment?
I think PEMF combined with exercise, stretching, good supplementation, proper hydration and balanced nutrition, as perhaps key to a healthy long life.
Although I have found other modalities To also have profound benefits… Such as red light therapy, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Scalar wave devices, And all sorts of other alternative modalities of healing…