Flux Health Forum

Parkinson's tremors stopped on their tracks using an M1 clone

I found this video:

What do you think?

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Parkinsons tremors seem to be helped a lot by PEMF in general, based on what people report to me. It also helps with other PD issues, such as spontaneous initiation of movement. Overall, though I had been initially skeptical, I think PEMF has great promise for PD.

The device used in this video was definitely a clone, but not of the M1. It was a direct clone of the older technology. One of the company founders, now disgruntled with their business behavior, explains this:

They got a few things wrong when they copied my older design, but it is close enough to work for some applications.

There have been 6 clones of my technology in the past 7 years. 5 of those companies have gone out of business (fly-by-night) after they ripped a lot of people off with their products that didn’t work.

The clones that sort of work are better than the clones that do not, because I would rather they not take advantage of suffering people with useless garbage. It’s better if it works, even partially.


6 clones in the past 7 years and 5 of the companies have gone out of business.

That would almost be entertaining if it weren’t real people buying the products.

I know a doc in Texas who had had PD for 20 years who thinks the earth pulse pemf device is helping to regenerate parts of his brain not supposed to be able to regenerate. That unit is one you put under your pillow and sleep with it.

I have one, used it for a while and liked it but then staryed to not enjoy sleeping with it. I do like the idea of getting PEMF passively as i sleep.

I saw this and am thinking that Vagal Nerve Stimulation might be something to try if someone is early in the condition.

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Hi John,
Curious what you meant when you said you started to not enjoy sleeping with it?


Rather than being rested I started being agitated by it. I spoke to the developer (not specifically about that) and he was saying later models were back to being as effective as his original analog device , and he had also reduced negative EMF out put.

i might try it again actually, see how it feels. I know when i had it under my mattress for my lower back i would always wake up with stonking morning wood. It defiantly gets the blood going and the device has lots of good feedback.

There is a UK based company selling another device but there was a weird situation were i met the owner, or who i was told was the owner, we discussed me retailing his devices. Then one day he said there had been a hostile take over of the company. When i spoke to the new person in charge they would not discuss anything. Very weird.

It is a shame that this technology is potentially cost saving, life saving and has huge potential… and there are SO many bad companies.

Interesting! Might look into that one, I like the idea of something I could use while sleeping. Probably pushing my price comfort range though.

Actually they aren’t that bad price wise. I was imagining a mat, it looks like they are actually a fairly thick disc shaped device. I can’t imagine sleeping with that under my back. I could keep it by my side I suppose although I do move around alot. With a 90 day trial I might give it a shot. Is there an audible clicking with the unit? Thanks for the info!

yes they are heavy disks but they are strong enough to go under the mattress rather than under you directly. Originally you got just one disk and it was meant for enhancing sleep. There are various modes on my device and boy do they work. If you have difficulty sleeping there is a mode that will pull you into sleep, a mode to gently help etc and they run through the various brain frequencies to get you into various cycles of sleep throughout the night, Alpha, beta, delta etc and as you set how many hours you want, it will start coming up in frequency and wake you up in the morning.

I started to wake up before my alarm. The magic is supposed to happen in the mode called Recovery (i forget the frequency) but this is the mode you would use if you put the disk over an injured or painful area etc. Not everyone could sleep in this mode but if you could build to it, this is said to be idea and great for enhancing repair and recovery.

I started to dislike the idea of having my brain waves dictated by a machine made but a guy who knew a bit but was basically experimenting. I don’t mean that to have a go, I spoke to Paul (the owner) quite a lot and i know he got to speak with Dr Robert O Becker of Body Electric fame a few times before he passed and he studied Bob Becks work too. BUT, as i mentioned, over time i stopped sleeping so well with it and thought the best thing to do was to be able to sleep fantastically on my own and not reliant on a device.

But, good company, good device, and he has been around a long time and have continued to improve it, so give it a go for 90 days

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I just posted a video on YouTube with a detailed discussion of the use of an ICES model M1 for Parkinson’s Disease:


Bob, thank you for speaking with me yesterday. If anyone has any questions about using the M1 with Parkinson’s, feel free to ask. I will visit the forum regularly to answer any questions.


Hi Bob,
I know this is an older post. I’m familiar with Spooky2 and don’t quite understand all the animosity between David Bourke and all the other players. Regardless, are you saying they copied your technology? I see the coils are similar to your products. Is the current Spooky technology a clone of your product? I’m curious. I’ve read so many shady comments about Spooky2 and I’m always confused who’s legitimate and who’s a scammer in that group.
Edited: I’m not family :flushed:, I’m familiar

All available evidence, including a detailed analysis of the design of their product, indicates that it is an exact clone (but using lower-quality electronic components) of our generation 4.0 ICES circuit architecture; one generation older than the model A9, and two generations older than the M1/B5/C5. Our older ICES technology was still pretty effective, even in that 10-year-old version, so if they use adequate electronic components and reasonably good manufacturing, it should still be biologically active.

The way I see it, if their bad corporate behavior is raising awareness of the potential effectiveness of PEMF, and if the pirated copy is good enough to be helping some people then that is also a good outcome I think.


Its the M-Mate that is the clone of our older ICES tech. Sp2 clones a lot of other technologies from other companies too, mostly old stuff, and also some stuff that it is old enough to have just fallen into the public domain. The main thing they do beside cloning stuff is:

  • Make it using the lowest-price components: questionable quality

  • They spend ZERO dollars on scientific research or development, so they can cut that cost right out of their products (that’s how pirates work)

  • They abuse real scientific words to bolster non-scientific claims, such as quantum coupling (thus: spooky action at a distance), “scanning your genetic code” from your fingernails or at a distance, scalar waves, and a lot of similar totally unfounded pseudo-scientific claims. These words all refer to real scientific research, but absolutely are not something they can build and sell commercially. This stuff is like warp drive or star trek transporters: theoretically possible, maybe, but definitely not a product for sale yet.

  • they hire a lot of people from China to talk up their products by sock-puppeting in blogs and forums.

  • They hide their business off-shore so they can make any medical claim they want to on the Internet without risking regulatory constraints in the USA.

I am not saying that their stuff does not work. I am saying that if you buy it, you are supporting a lot of really low-integrity people making fraudulent claims selling property that is not theirs. I’m not sure that is the kind of people you want to deal with just to save a few bucks.

Rife is an entirely different technology from PEMF, and I don’t think you can easily compare them. I have a lot of scientific questions about the claims of Rife, and some of the things they claim about how their technology works are just plain false. Other things can be demonstrated to not be possible. For example, if you tried every combination of every frequency they claim to use for every disease state (they cycle through 10 different frequencies for each of several hundred different diseases as I understand it), based on direct physical observation of living cells/viruses when exposed to their precise frequencies. Well, you can calculate this. Basically, if you took every possible combination of possible frequencies for each disease they claim, and observed its effect on samples of each kind of cell/virus they claim to have observed, and you could tell the results of each test within one minute… then the total time you would actually need to develop their catalog of treatment frequencies would be longer than the age of the known universe.

Go ahead, you can multiply and add this up for yourself. What they claim to have done is simply not possible within the known age of the universe. That is simply a fact.

But for some people, facts do not seem to account for much, so people can go ahead and believe whatever they want to believe. My focus is to help people who are intelligent enough to check basic facts and do some basic obvious math before they make an informed decision.


Sorry, I just saw this so I will respond now. Somehow I missed it.
Their "Miracle’ product was a direct copy of the A9. In the link one of them describes how the other copied every component and every trace from a model A9 by studying it through a microscope. They did this because they both felt that the results they had seen from using the A9 for themselves before pirating it were astonishingly good. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, evidently.

But then he goes on to say that he “optimised” the design by changing some of the components. This is kind of amusing and sad, because I had done a comprehensive design optimization for each component before I started selling the Model A9. He chose different components than I had because they were cheaper and he thought they were the same, but they are not. I had tested those inferior components (and many others), and I had decided to go with the premium components because the actual electrical performance was much better, though they were more expensive.

The funny thing is that they even knew they were doing the wrong thing legally, so they started a new company and web site to sell their pirated stuff just in case I decided to sue them - I still may :slight_smile: -

I got one of their systems and to be honest it works, sort of, but way better than most of the junk out there. The other funny thing is that our sales went up sharply soon after they started pirating our A9: they have inadvertently done pretty good advertising for us, and we get their smartest and best customers as soon as they realize what has been happening, while they get to keep the other customers who just want the cheapest stuff out there.

That’s OK, I hope they just keep helping people somewhat, there is plenty of suffering that needs to be alleviated.

They should have just asked me for a legit license, and I could have helped them make a much better product. But bad people do what bad people do, even when it is not in their best interests.

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@Martin Are you still seeing the gains for your Mom or did the gains slow down / decrease?

She gets almost daily sessions with the M1, and she’s been doing so well that last month she left the care facility she was living at, and is now back home! I have been thinking about doing another call with Dr. Dennis, as I have been doing a lot more “experimenting” and it’s truly mind blowing what the M1 can do. Based on what I have experienced with my mom, I very strongly believe that the M1 should be used on anyone with any kind of serious brain related illness. My mom was at the point where she had developed Parkinsons Dementia, which happens in late stage Parkinsons. Essentially, the brain is officially fried and beyond repair. I have witnessed, first hand, my mom coming from a very dark place, being more or less “gone” cognitively, living in her own crazy town world with very strong hallucinations … to being her old self, like nothing had happened. The experts say that once Parkinsons Dementia kicks in, the patient has 12-18 months left, because the brain is in total disarray, which shows. She started deteriorating about 18 months ago, so technically, according to the experts, she should be dead, or very close to it by now. Instead, she is back to her old self, cognitively unaffected by Parkinsons, all thanks to the amazing work of Dr. Dennis, making this incredible technology available. I am forever grateful to him.

She still needs her dopamine medication, though less of it, and she has a lot less “off” time than before. Overall she functions a lot better. I am extremely curious to see, over the coming months/years if the M1 can restore her brain’s dopamine production.


Wow! That is so incredibly awesome, it warms my heart. I am very happy for you and your Mom. I am relaying this to multiple friends. Did you use the coils in a different or additional location/config than the video? How long are the sessions? I too, have incredible gratitude for Dr. Bob Dennis, as the ICES PEMF has helped us so incredibly much already with so many different items.

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The ultimate configuration I have found so far is:

  • Stacked coils
  • Back of head
  • Level 5 power
  • 30 min. sessions per day
  • Alternating between 2 weeks of A9, then 2 weeks of B5.

If laying down, simply place the stacked coils at the top of the back of the head.

When starting out, it’s very important to remember that the biggest effects come 1-2 days after a session.

The effect lasts a coupe of days, which is why I recommend daily, or close to daily sessions. If you cannot do daily, simply do a double session (2 x 30 min) every other day. When doing longer sessions (> 30 min), it’s important to take a 5 min. break between each 30 min. treatment. I have seen much better results this way.

Don’t worry about skipping a session here and there. That happens, and does not affect the treatment. Just stay consistent with fairly regular sessions.

I would LOVE to see someone try this exact treatment on anyone with parkinsons/dementia/alzheimers/etc. or really any kind of neurological issue.