Flux Health Forum

Is Miramate MiniMagic a Chinese Knock-off?

MiniMagic is composed of 2 - 8 coils wit a portable power uit which runs on a battery or AC-DC converter. See
I found this unit before I read about ICES Micro-pulse.
The history of this device is murky. I thought that the story behind the “Spooky 2” machine was the story of Miramate, because I didn’t know the difference between a Rife machine (Spooky2) and a PEMF unit, which MiniMagic claims to be . See https://www.spooky2videos.com/video/sama-episode-69-the-story-behind-spooky2/

I ended up buying a MiraMate MiniMagic and a Magic Mat, because the advertising sounded reasonable and the price was so much more affordable than the other PEMF devices.
My interest in PEMF was first aroused by our son who recommended the technology after his dad broke his hip. Our son has one of the original Rhumart units made in Quebec, as well as a Bemer mat. He recommended something like the Rhumart because it was effective for him and his goats - and the goats know nothing about the placebo effect. :laughing:
<Whew!! Am I glad this forum saves drafts, or I would have lost this post by a mistaken key stroke!>

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As you have already seen, but for the benefit of others, I have written on his extensively elsewhere:


Miramate mini is a knockoff @@ I am currently looking for a portable one and see that device as well.
One thing I am curious. Dr, since you mention any “similar” model is a low-powered PEMF device. But for Miramate, their site claims that the mini has a peak of 200 gauss. Which should not be at the low power range. Isn’t it? Or 20 gauss is considered as low powered? Or they are lying about the power?
But considering this device is sold in the states, I will be shocked if they lied about the spec in their site.

They lie about anything to make a sale. They can lie about Gauss because how can an average customer measure a “Gauss”. If a grocer rips you off by selling you 9 apples but claiming it is a dozen, you can just open the bag and count them yourself. But you can’t do this with a “Gauss”, so how could you know? And PEMF is largely an unregulated market, so you can lie about it anywhere in the world with little chance of being caught.

For those of you who have not seen it, you should look at one of my responses specific to this company:

As well as a post by one of their own employees who describes their internal practices:

Yeah, I read that post yesterday.
you are so right about the Gauss measurement. I personally just too naive to believe that everything sold in the States should not lie about what they “print” on the manual.
Also, I read another post in this forum talking about “choosing between A9 and M1”. You mentioned both have a peak intensity of 200 Gauss if you stack the coils. So I think maybe they have the same power since its copying from A9.
Anyhow, back to my question, (since now i am not considering Miramate anymore), so if I wanna get either A9 or M1 for treating my eyes (usually tired from looking into my laptop). Are these 2 considered as “low-power PEMF” since I believer A9/M1 both have the peak of 200GS? Can I use it as long as i want? since this is the eye area, so I am wondeirng, also in my case, which one is better? A9 or M1?

well, first you could consider any of our ICES-PEMF to be best described as: ultra-high efficiency, ultra-low power… but don’t get confused that “ultra-low power” is the same thing as “crappy ineffective low power junk”. The explanation is deep in the math, but a simple ratio might suffice:

Our devices are about 500 times more efficient than typical PEMF systems, meaning that they get the same biological effect with only 1/500th of the electromagnetic power.

But our devices typically use something like 1/100th of the power of a typical PEMF system.

So, if you work the math, calculate the ratios, what you end up discovering is that our ICES-PEMF systems consume and emit only about 1% of the power, but are about 5 times more powerful when you consider their actual biological effects. Don’t worry if you do not understand this if you do not have a degree in physics or engineering. The bottom line is that comparing power for PEMF systems tells you basically ZERO about how well they actually work unless you factor in a lot of other calculations. So, my advice to you is to stop thinking about comparing power, because it will never ever** tell you anything real or useful. I can prove this to you, but only if you have the technical background to understand the math and engineering and biology facts. Otherwise, please just take my word for it.

** there is one valuable exception: PEMF generally works less well if you apply to much power. Very few people believe me until they prove it to themselves, but about 90% of the time when ICES-PEMF does not work well for someone, it turns out that they are using too much power, and if they will just dial it down a few notches, it will be much more effective for them. Many people seem to have a huge psychological blockage to this truth, so they continue to suffer needlessly, sometimes for many months, until finally they are willing to try less intensity. Then, surprisingly, about 9 times out of 10, ICES-PEMF actually starts working better for them.

Now, to answer your very reasonable question about which of our systems to use for applications related to the eye:

I suggest the M1 rather than the A9. This is because for many people eye tissue is very sensitive to PEMF intensity, and the M1 allows you to adjust the intensity to a very low level. You will need to experiment to see what works for you as an individual, so I suggest you start with very low intensity (try starting at level 3 or 4) to see if you respond well. If not, then try increasing intensity in small increments.

You can probably use it as long as you want, but I suggest you start with short sessions, maybe 5 to 10 minutes, at low intensity as described above, and work up from there as you become more familiar with your individual response to ICES-PEMF.

thanks for the suggestion. let me do more research on M1 since this is a little more expensive than my budget.
I think I might be confused wiht the term “low power”, cause comparing to most PEMF devices in the market (mostly are around 1 gs or 3 gs tops), so i assume 200gs is consirdered “super high”. that’s why I am confused when you said “low-power” and concern about over-dosing the “super high powered” device.
Yeah, I take your words for that power doesnt not mean anything. Let me dig into M1 more to see what other benefits I can get out of it comparing to A9 and see if those are what i need

The confusion is that Gauss does not really equal power, and it is completely unrelated to biological effectiveness. This is a detailed but critically important physics concept. But fraudster PEMF marketers want you to believe you can easily understand the “sciency” words such as “Gauss” so that they can stroke your ego to talk you into writing a check.

Let me ask you this: did you try to compare the radio emission power of smart phones before buying one? I will bet that you didn’t. I’ll bet it didn’t even occur to you, because Samsung and Apple products are not advertised as “working better because they are more powerful”.

My opinion, when a PEMF marketer tries to sell you “power”, they are actually selling you B.S.

What you want for any PEMF device (or any car, cell phone, washing machine, toaster, or pretty much anything else) is high efficiency, not high power,