Flux Health Forum

2x2 Deep-Field pad & 2x8 pad

If anyone is interested here is my 2*2 Deep-Field pad, that has the size of the regular 2x2 pad, but combines 4 regular coil-pairs in stacked configuration:

Together with B5:

I think it is more potent then the regular pad - at least for localized issues at my back.

And a 2*8 pad to wear as a belt under the provided strech-belt oder along the spine.


@hcf, thanks for posting these. What taping/coban material do you use?

Its called “BB-Kinesiology Tape” or “BB-Tape”. I buy it in Germany.

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@hcf, Thank you. I hadn’t thought about using a kinesiology product for this application. I’ve seen people using it occasionally in sport events.

@CajunBiohacker Got the tip from Chris @ FluxHealth :slight_smile:

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@Bob @hcf a bit deviating from the main topic but could you suggest the specifications of the C5 power 5v power adapter radial jack? I have been using my external battery so far to connect via the connector inherent to the C5. Here’s a one i am planning to purchase.

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The newer B5/C5 have a USB Connector on a flex cable installed. That I plug into the Powerbank. Take a look at the 2nd picture in this thread. For more details Bob has to answer.

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As @hcf points out, the newer C5 and B5 have a USB-A (male) tail wire, to be used only with a charging (non-data) USB-A port, and also retain the original power connector,

The original power jack, still on all C5 and B5 pulse generators, is:
3.5 mm x 1.35 mm barrel

Electrical Input: 5.0 VDC, operates best with 2.1 Amp or more capacity, will operate with capacity as low as 500 mA under many conditions.

Hi, @Bob,

regarding “or more” are there conditions in which the B5/C5 need more then 2,1 A?

If “yes”, then do you know what the PPS/Powerlevel Threshold for ~ 2A is?


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no need for more than 2.1 amps under any use conditions.

A bit more technical detail for those who are interested:
C5 and B5 have four identical internal channels. Each is regulated to a maximum limit of 500 mA independently. Allowing an additional maximum current draw of 100 mA for system overhead (microcontroller, display), the absolute maximum current draw under any normal operating conditions is 2.1 Amps. If the C5 or B5 draws more current than this, there is a malfunction, and it will probably auto-shutdown.


I did a similar thing to my coils. First I wrapped the coil in cellophane to keep it dry and oil free, then I put one of those spiral pig tails on the cord at the coil. Then wrapped the pig tail with electrical tape. Then wrapped it with the stretchable elastic material “kinesio tape”. some of these elastic tapes that are labeled “kinesio” can be expensive. I think any elastic tape of this type works well. great photos! thanks


Thank you for sharing these. I just ordered a C5 (I have the m1 and a few A9s) and plan to use it to power multiple coils at night for my husband and me. K tape is a great idea.

May I ask, when you use the coils on a bed, do you place them directly under the sheet, or do you put them under more padding?

I have a 3” talalay latex topper, and I’m not sure if I should put the coils on top of or underneath it. If it’s on top, I assume I get more energetic transmission, but the coils are less protected since it’s just a thin linen sheet over them. They will be well protected under 3” of latex, but not sure if such a thick layer will notably diminish performance.

Hi @Tangerine,

I use them directly above the bed cover sheet or under it. Minimal coverage to get maximum impact of the field. Since I got better a lot, I do not use it that regularly.

3" is definitely to much distance.

Otherwise ICES is our “insurance policy” with the thought in mind, that there is something that softens the travel on the path to the compost :sunglasses:



have you been using at night as well or just portable during the day?

how have the results been since using regularly this way?

Thank you very much. I enjoyed your blog series, by the way!

I also don’t have a specific health concern anymore, since my migraines have faded after I found ICES and NUCCA therapy almost 2 years ago. But I just feel better when I use “my magnets”, as I call these devices, everyday. When I miss too many days, I notice I don’t feel as good.

I purchased the C5 so I could maximize the time that I use it and incorporate it into my nightly routine. I also have the Vasindux pro, and I like it, but it auto shuts off after 30 minutes, which is not enough time for me, and it’s annoying / infeasible for me to turn it back on throughout the night.

Looking forward to experimenting with multiple coil configurations and settings on the C5. Thanks again for all your useful documentation!

When I had problems with a back I did wear / use all at night and day. I had the feeling that it was better with ICES, especially when I did not use ICES. I did use the B5 when possible, because of space and weight, otherwise my M1, now often also the P9.

It was a slow and gradual thing, because the underlying problem is a long-term one.

The body has to heal itself, ICES, as all interventions, can only smoothen the path for the body to heal itself.


Hello Bob, I have been using the C5 with the coils under a thin pillow since Sep 2024 after I got relief from an excruciating tooth pain relief from using an M1. It’s my experience that ICES ‘works miraculously’ . Also, want to know if anyone has reported on the results/effects of using the C5 8 coils bunched together under the head? With this configuration, I could feel more clarity in the mornings during the initial months while I can’t explain more. Curious to know experiences of any others here.


Hello Sriharsha, thanks for sharing! Could you tell us, which mode and intensity you have used for the 8 coils under the pillow and which settings (intensity, mode, single coil, stacked coils) you have used for the tooth pain?

Thanks. I also would be very interested to hear the experiences of other members of the forum for this type of usage.

Reg. the tooth pain - the M1 itself was good enough and I had used it stacking the 2 coils at intensity of 12-14 for around 20 mins, mode : either Alpha / A9. Reg. C5 usage with 8 coils : (no stacking) - I have been changing the mode very often but recall initially using Alpha/Gamma and the intensity - between 10 - 12 and have then reduced it to 8 after a month as i didn’t want to hear it’s music :).

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