Flux Health Forum

Question on usage of 2x2 array

Hello. I have an A9 and M1, and am intersted in using (2) of the 2x2 arrays in a stacked configuration to get a larger area of concentration. Is this possible with either one of these, or both? If so, what additional equipment would I need (other than the (2) 2x2 arrays)?

Welcome to the forum. To run 2 2x2 arrays stacked, you need the C5 device (it has 4 jacks, not 1 like A9 or M1). The C5 essentially is like 4 M1s synchronized in an enclosure.

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Don’t know if you can Stack the 2*2. I did a Post on 4 stacked coil pairs here: 2x2 Deep-Field pad & 2x8 pad.

This is certainly working and you get the maximum penetration depth. And as @TajD wrote: You should better not mix 2 devices to do that.

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@TajD and @hcf are correct IMO.

Thank you! I was thinking it might be possible to add some sort of splitter on one device. I wasn’t thinking of stacking coils from each device; was trying to figure out if there was a way to do so on either the M1 or A9

No, you can’t do that. That changes the whole characteristics. A 2x2 coil is already a “stretch” as I understand it.,

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