Flux Health Forum

PEMF/ICES and Parkinson's Disease

Has anyone used PEMF with Parkinson’s disease or any other related diseases? I am interested in your results and where is optimal placement of the coils?

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I bought the M1 for a close friend of mine who has PD. Used the coils on the back of his head, side by side, intensity 4 and within a few days of use, his tremors stopped as long as he uses it once to twice a day. After another few days, the stiffness in his neck disappeared and he no longer experienced insomnia which was due to his insufficient dopamine.

He’s not consistent with following directions and I’ve asked him to track his progress in a journal, but writing is not his forte and so I think he doesn’t make optimal progress as I would think he should. But if you stay on course, you should see results within a few days. There’s also a video interview that Bob did with someone who used PEMF to treat his mother’s PD. That’s what inspired me to buy the M1 for my friend.


any update on how your friend is doing? also what protocol did you use?? B5? A9??

As I said before, my friend is not the most enthusiastic person in following up with the treatment. He started off with a lot of zeal but lost steam quickly. Not that he’s given up, but he just does the bare minimal to “maintain it.” He combines a keto diet with intermittent fasting, exercise and PEMF using the M1. I have to admit, he appears much healthier than before. Before, he was somewhat overweight and out of shape, had the genes and predisposition for heart disease and diabetes, tending towards high cholesterol and high blood sugar. That’s all gone now, and he looks much younger and slimmer! But he hasn’t reported any new progress with PD improvement, saying that he still shows symptoms of tremors if he doesn’t use it every day. I’ve suggested that he sleep with the M1 every night.

Protocol is the one suggested by Martin: https://forum.fluxhealth.co/t/parkinsons-tremors-stopped-on-their-tracks-using-an-m1-clone/393/21. He was the one who did an interview with Bob about treating his mom who was in late stage PD. Mind you, everyone reacts differently, and how long it takes with each person can be different. But it certainly gives hope.

My dad passed away with late stage PD. His jaw locked so that we saw him literally starve to death because he couldn’t open his mouth to eat. And when my grieving mother pleaded with the attending doctor at the palliative care to let her know if there was any more to be done, he shouted at her right in front of his students, “Get it through your head, he’s dying and there’s nothing to be done for him any more!” I never forgot the callous way he shouted at her in front of the medical staff and other patients.

These doctors are supposed to have sworn the hippocratic oath, “first do no harm.” I don’t think the oath meant anything to this man. God have mercy on those poor patients under his “care” and the interns training under him. What kind of role model can he be with his heart of stone to these interns?

No matter what, the M1 has done more for my friend than doctors have done for my dad, and I’m forever grateful for that.


thank you for sharing. i’m so sorry you had to go thru that. i so very much appreciate it as i am going thru something similar with my own father. every bit of hope helps.

Sorry to hear about your dad. But there’s hope for him. Use the M1 and make sure he uses it often. Martin suggested half hour per sitting twice a day. I would suggest building up to more than twice a day with rest periods between. Diet and exercise, too. My prayers and best wishes to your dad, and to you too, Rod. I know how hard that can be on the family.