Flux Health Forum

Pemf for TBIs...please raise awareness

I have a 47 year old tbi from a motorcycle accident. I got zero help with it at the time of the accident. I have been using the C5 with the pad for 5 months. This has helped more than anything else i have tried, but unfortunately it i think is too late for me. My opinion…this needs to be gotten into the hands of ALL of the fresh new TBIs. Ive been spreading the word in a few facebook groups. I use the pad in my pillow all night long, and bring it into my home hyperbaric chamber with a battery pack. I use the pad on top of my head while in the chamber, with a few lasers on my neck. It s really stimulating healing.


@KarenG, that’s good to hear (that it is helping you), but sad to hear that you think it is too late for you personally***. Mark Tommerdahl and I have been working on the crusade to improve brain health, and I can tell you there are a lot of forces marshaled against us. The main one is the massive wall of marketing for brain health/mTBI products that simply do not work**. I think it will require a grass-roots effort to bring effective technologies forward, so I admire and fully agree with your approach to get the word out to the people who need to hear it. It would be good for everyone to consider getting the word out this way if they have had similar experiences to base their efforts on.

** this has been demonstrated, and people on the inside know that all of the mTBI/concussion detection schemes really do not work well at all when given a trial-by-fire in a very strict competition between mTBI diagnostic technologies. mTBI treatments are just about as bad as the legions of inaccurate diagnostic technologies.

*** I am hopeful that it is not too late for you, and I hope you continue to make improvements, however large or small they may be.


I had horrible suffering with my injury. It is a DAI…diffuse axonal injury. The C5 has stimulated enough healing in my brain that the suffering quit. Everything is calming down and trying to heal. I can see that this tool would be very helpful for Alzheimer’s.

Could you please elaborate on the “pad” poster is referring to?

If the coils that are wrapped together for C5 as shown on purchase page, utilized w M1, is there still an advantage to get deeper penetration or is there not enough intensity from the M1.


I think the reference is to the 2x2 coil array “pad”:

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Thank you
Will these be effective with the M1?

no (conditionally)

The limitation is the internal series impedance of the power source for any given ICES-PEMF Pulse generator. What that means is that small batteries such as the camcorder battery used for the M1 is not sufficient to drive the 2x2 coil array.

You can use the 2x2 array with the following combinations of Pulse Generator and Power source:

A9 with a 9V battery (any chemistry)

M1 but only if powered by a 5.0V USB-mini cable charging port (not a laptop or computer)

C5 (or B5) if powered by a 5.0V USB-mini cable charging port (not a laptop or computer) or a battery power bank of at least 3000 mAh or larger


No, i have the pad for model c5. It is four 2x2 arrays taped together, for $280.

@KarenG, the fact that your suffering ended is just spectacular. Thanks for telling us that. I am 100% all about eliminating suffering, so that is very good for me at a deep personal level to hear that.

I keep improving. We will see where the C5 in combination with my home hyperbaric chamber takes me. I also eat salmon eggs, take methylene blue, use some lasers, try to swim a bit. I am REALLY trying to get well. I started Mind Eye glasses a few weeks ago and my brain does seem to be responding to them. I have fought for a long time, but i consider the C5 as the foundational tool for healing a tbi. I just could not get anywhere without it. I started using it April 2023. Wish i had it a long time ago. I tell lots of people about it.


Bob, if you need a tester for the neuroplasticity tool that you are developing, please let me test it. Karen, Indiana

We might. I will test it first, and if it seems to work for me without risk of harm, then we would open up the beta testing (fingers crossed).


FWIW, in the meantime, I have had success with the Neurovizr in priming my brain for change. It has been very helpful.


What is the cost? Do you have a tbi? Tell me more.

I did not have a TBI, but it has helped me grow significantly included helping me “release” two trauma events that I didn’t know were “trapped” in my brain. I didn’t realize replaying events over and over in my head was a sign that I need to get unstuck - now I do and this tool helped me realize that and do it. I have found now it primes my brain for change and helps me more easily adapt new habits, behaviors, and ways of thinking. I think they are experimenting with pricing. I spent 1K on it with all the programs, but now they are offering lower prices with a monthly app fee I believe. https://neurovizr.com/. There is a link to download the guide which goes into detail on the compositions of light and sound and the probability states they can on average set the brain up for.

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I keep improving thanks to your C5…it is a wonder tool. Think i found some more answers here. Great info regarding the brain. https://www.natniddam.com/podcast/episode-128-could-plasmalogens-be-the-next-big-discovery-for-antiaging-amp-recovery?fbclid=IwAR0g4V4kD2W6OCbUSZKF_XgJ87IXzLhHzoUOuxkdhJoUZFuW6yS3XJJpjvE

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Curious if you actually tried anything related to the link which you provided?

Please let us all know, if you try it and experience any results.

I ordered his 2 fatty products. They are pretty expensive. I used the NAT25 discount code. He has a network of doctors that he has trained and meets with monthly through internet. One is 1.5 hours from me. Im going to look into seeing her. I am interested in the blood panel that he sells…

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I tried a large amount of the prodrome glia last night to start out…2.5 bottles! It changed my brain overnight…calmed it down. Now i will back down on my dose. It also caused a detox reaction. I was very tired the next day, and had low back pain (not my normal). I was peeing a lot. I realized it was a detox reaction and took dmsa as a heavy metal binder, and the back pain calmed down. I slept on the c5 pad last night (as i do every night, in my pillow). Our brains are 30% DHA ethanolamine plasmalogens. These fats are made endogenously, but our production slows down as we age.

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