Flux Health Forum

Using whole mat regularly for general health?

Inga, there is a mat that does cycle thru the night at least the one I have does. You might want to consider the Healthy Line unit which does cycle on for 20 minutes then off for 1 hour and back on for 20 minutes on the PEMF option. They have a variety of units but only the “Advanced PEMF” units have a variety of programs and strengths. It can be put on the bed without issues but since it has crushed stones such as Amethyst as part of it’s ather therapies it can be hard to sleep on and it is relatively heavy for the same reason… You could check out Platinum Mat™

Full Pro PLUS 7428 Firm - Photon Advanced PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Hope this is helpful

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Thanks, Rick. I was looking at that option, and then I ran into an exchange on this forum that seemed to indicate that the PEMF function on the Healthyline mats is in all likelihood ineffective.

I have tried to hire assistants, which leads to more work for me correcting many errors and then eventually doing things right myself. I know how to manage people, but that only works at scale, and for much simpler products. For ICES-PEMF products it has the effect of essentially doubling the cost of ICES-PEMF to the consumer and increases my workload while reducing product quality. But then, crucially, this also puts me one step farther away from the technology, which actually slows development.

After more than a decade of trying this, it’s just best for me to do the work myself.


I hear you. We have similar experience with my husband’s business.

I imagine you have tried informal research liaisons … something that would not cost money.

I do think you might benefit from assistance in marketing. It would get your products before more eyes, thus benefiting many more people. However, you would have to be prepared for shipping a lot more devices.

I know you hate marketing hype, but surely an honest product should be marketed to benefit the greatest number of people. A university student studying marketing might be interested in the project, perhaps even as a project for credit?? That wouldn’t be the same as hiring a professional marketing firm to design a marketing campaign for which a product is subsequently created - which happens much of the time.

Just a thought …

I now can’t remember how I found your devices - after a couple months of researching the subject and deciding on MiraMate as the most promising approach. But I can tell you this: My searches generally included “PEMF,” and the more often the term appears in relevant context on a page, the more likely people like me will find it. .

From having worked to increase ranking on several of my own sites in previous years, I know that fresh content really helps ranking. I imagine you saw an uptick in sales following every improvement in your websites.
Your blog lends itself to that, but it’s not being used that way. The blog looks like your main interest and main product is the “brain gauge.” That interests me too because of several members of my family, but it’s too bad the blog isn’t being used more.

Unfortunately, your blog content is “stale” - no current dates. That your blog is in WordPress format is good because the Google bot seems to like it. The blog can be set up to automatically notify Google of fresh content to be indexed. That resulted in the bot crawling my site several times a day and in the first ranking on Google for relevant key words. (No longer true, but it’s still high in search results.)

Many things you post in the forum could be easily adapted to become blog posts, thus not taking much more of your valuable time. Just relax and realize that not everything you write in public has to be a peer-reviewed research paper. :wink: Your contributions on this forum build trust, and trust is of high value in this confused world. This building of trust could spill over to the blog with little extra efforrt and thus raise the profile of your products.

And a hint from MiraMate: There are a couple of Facebook groups devoted to MiraMate. One of those groups helped convince me to buy the product. The Facebook groups are 100% run by volunteers aka MiraMate enthusiasts. Perhaps someone on this forum or in your circle of acquaintances would be interested in doing something similar. This would involve posting relevant research from others as well as short posts pointing to content on this site.

I’m not fond of Facebook (detest their policies), but it’s just a fact that FB is powerful. Might as well use it for good. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for making yourself available on this forum!

I agree marketing would result in more people knowing about the product.

Facebook is an easier way for people to interact. Not one more place they have to keep up with. A friend runs a support group for a product. Although the company are in the group, he mostly posts himself and communicates with them for the group.

The blog is the old way to do marketing. These days influencers are what’s used mostly. There’s a guy I follow on Youtube that just injured himself again. I think he should get an M1, because he’s so accident prone. And MAYBE he’d talk about it. But his audience is not the perfect demographic, it’s just that I would want him to heal faster, and there would be some that would buy one as well. But he doesn’t do endorsements much, so he might buy it himself.

The health field influencers are fickle, as Bob figured out from his and dr Pawluk’s experience. So maybe it’s better to go outside of those and just reach out to accident prone people.

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OK, answering @inga and @Cat,

If the world were fair and reasonable and filled with intelligent people, then the correct approach would be a fair-and-square marketing campaign…

But the reality is very different, and PEMF is a very different product, where typical marketing strategies do not apply the same way that they do for unregulated technologies.

I could write a very long and tiresome book about this, but I’ll just hit the very high spots, with the understanding that I do not want to write thousands of words about marketing on this forum which is intended for other purposes.

Bottom line: Marketing in PEMF is extremely bad, fraudulent, cutthroat in every way. I will not engage in that milieu. For most PEMF companies, the ONLY thing they do is marketing. I have no background, skill, or interest in that area, and they out-gun me 1,000,000 times. Why, seriously, using some common sense, why, would I engage in a fight where I am crushed and utterly defeated before I even begin? This makes absolutely no sense.

Nonetheless, many friends and colleagues have prevailed upon me over the last decade to give it a try anyway. So, with my full support I encourage them to “go for it”. My only restrictions: they must tell the provable truth, and stay within the limits of US law.

The disastrous results are always the same, even though several of them are marketing specialists and put a lot of their time and resources into this effort, and they repeatedly assured me that they could make it work. But they can’t, and they didn’t succeed, for many different reasons.

The key thing is one of philosophy and intentions. My intent is NOT to maximize profit. Therefore you can toss out the window essentially everything you might know about business and marketing strategy.

My intention is to bring truth and real science to the field of PEMF. Neither plays well in the realm of marketing. With both arms and one leg tied behind my back because I refuse to lie or misrepresent the technology, I would be forced to compete against legions of people willing to say or do anything to make a sale. That will never “put the technology in front of a larger audience”. PROOF: We’ve already tried it, many times, doing it that way… and you never saw it because the soft-spoken truth never rose above the deafening roar of marketing hype and fraud.

If I keep this in the arena of science and truth, then I easily beat the competing noise and misrepresentations. That is what I have decided to do, and it is slowly forcing the entire field of PEMF globally to self-correct. I have been able to have an impact on PEMF globally, and I know this because several competitors have complained about it. I have been able to drive global pricing of PEMF systems down by proving that effective PEMF does not need to cost $50,000.00, as it did when I started many years ago. Most PEMF manufacturers now use technology directly copied or derived from my early work. My scientific findings can be applied to other PEMF products and technologies. This has improved PEMF technology overall. And I have also been stating and repeating the scientific truth, over and over, and it is slowly getting baked-in to a lot of the public discourse about PEMF (including some competing marketing material!).

As a result, many of the worst, most dangerous, and least effective PEMF products have been driven from the market because the consumer is getting better educated about PEMF, and there are more affordable and effective options.

And a facebook campaign, to be effective, is basically a full-time job. The FB Monster needs constant feeding, every day, and I have seen a few good people get sucked into that vortex. Plus, anyone who is easily swayed by FB, well, honestly, they are probably not the type of person who would I can help.

It would be very easy for me to just make this another PEMF product, cheapen it, withdraw from research, go off-shore to avoid regulation, etc, to maximize profits. But that is not my objective.

So, my strategy is to put my energy, resources, and effort into the key aspect of PEMF where I can dominate the conversation (science and truth). People can easily find me if they do a little digging in. That is the kind of person I want to deal with, and that is the type of person I can help by telling them the truth. And this is a lot of people, even if it is only a small percentage of the total population.

I am playing the long-game, to make sure that PEMF technology is safe and effective enough that it is permanently embedded in our future. I am making sure that the basic knowledge is public and widely available. But most people are simply not ready for PEMF technology yet. When they are, in the future, then a better technology that can be mass-marketed will become a viable option.


regarding informal research liaisons, yes, a lot of what I have done would fall under that category. Those have been remarkably productive compared to the more formal scientific research collaborations I have been involved with. I think the most useful information on PEMF will come out of clinical observations combined with crowd-sourced science.


I told the guy I talked about. But it might not rise above the noise. He probably has his assistant monitor PMs, and might not even read it. If he does, he’s exactly the kind of guy who would do a ton of research and very possibly buy one of yours. And then he may or may not talk about it publicly.

People who research a ton and try your stuff can influence others. The ones who want to be paid for endorsements aren’t a good fit for you, Bob.

Basically, you appeal to geeks. Science geeks, computer geeks, research geeks. We understand and appreciate your vibe. That means your customers are probably either resourceful, or was recommended the products by someone resourceful.

And the red light crowd believe more easily. Red light could be a «gateway drug», in that if you know that works, you’re more likely to be open to PEMF working too.

One guy on Facebook recently changed his group’s name to include PEMF. He has several different PEMF products. Deep into a thread he had a very powerful endorsement of the A9, saying he got a systemic effect after a few weeks use.

Paid endorsements: I just feel a lot better about never going down that slope.

geeks: I’m OK with that.

red light: I believe it could/should work for some people, but I have never gotten any lasting benefit myself, and believe me I tried.

Facebook guy: I am genuinely glad it worked for him.

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I’m not suggesting you do paid endorsements. I believe suggesting the products to influencers who are likely to need them and are the right temperament (ie geeks by heart) MIGHT end in an unpaid endorsement.

Also, re red light, your issues are so deep, I don’t think red light would be enough. Possibly help a tiny bit, but not enough. Muscle pain, especially tired muscles, the closer to the skin they are, red light will help.

sure, I think I took that the right way: there was no suggestion that I use paid endorsements (I do not of course). I was simply agreeing. I also think my messaging is getting through to the right people, as you say.

Red light: that might explain why it has net been helping me, thanks.

Hi Rick, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the different PEMF devices. Based on your feedback I am thinking of getting a Vasindux PEMF mat … do you think it works well for general boosting of health and balancing mood? Ideally I would like to feel “TUNED UP” after using the mat …

I don’t have any specific condition I am treating, only destressing after work, balancing mood, and really tuning up/charging my energy in the morning and winding down at night. Wondering if the Vasindex Pro would be useful?


I like the new Vasindux pro+ since r it is a little stronger the the older pro version and allows for two devices to be used at same time. It also has a larger variety of options compared to most other Matt’s. If u are interested in it ask the distributor to send you the pdf of the instruction manual. It might help with understanding what it addresses before purchase. Hope this feedback helps

Hi Rick, thanks for your thoughts on it. I looked up the manual online and saw it had 12 really interesting programs, even ones for bio resonance and chakras. Also really find the possibility to set my own frequency very powerful.
Did you find that using the Vasindux gave an overall tune up and sense of well being using it?
I’ve tried to find reviews from people using it and there are very few.

I have it on a massage table and use it when I am feeling a little under the weather. I have also used it on by nephew who is a firefighter and girlfriend when they had Covid It was interesting since I put them on a variety of Matt’s that I have but that one using a setting for the lungs had them both reporting some relief. I also used it on a friend who is into chakras and asked me to set it to help his “base” chakra which had higher frequency range than standard PEMF machines and he reported relief. I like it for some of its unique capabilities. I do wish however that it would allow me to run it for longer time frames since it does have specific time limits for each treatment.

Rick, thanks for your sharing. It sounds to me like you are really getting a whole body “energy tonic” from the Vasindix?

Hey there! It’s great you’re exploring PEMF for your well-being. Like you mentioned, while targeted devices like the M1 are handy, full-body mats are gaining traction for their potential to support overall health. (I wanted to jump in even though this thread has been a while! )

While research is still catching up, there are promising studies suggesting benefits like pain relief, better sleep, and reduced inflammation. However, it’s important to remember that individual experiences vary and choosing the right approach matters.

If you’re considering a full-body mat, take your time and research! Compare features like field strength, frequency, and treatment protocols. It’s also key to talk to your doctor to see if PEMF therapy fits your health goals and discuss any potential risks.

For deeper dives into PEMF accessories and their options, you can check out resources like www.pulsepemf.com/. Remember, this isn’t an endorsement, just some extra info to explore.

Ultimately, the decision is yours! Just approach it with informed research, personal needs in mind, and a chat with your healthcare professional. Take care!

@Bob: I know I reply here to a first-time poster which does product-placement. But it is to tempting to not answer :joy:

Yeah, for sure people here like PEMF-machines that cost between 10000-30000$ and weight up to 24 Kg. These machines must be highly efficient based on ancient standards.

The machines look really cool, like stationary battery-chargers with in-build accumulator, which is also represented by thumb-thick cables and the following quote at the website:

“provides dynamic portable energy with our legacy spark gap technology

“Legacy”, yes that may nail it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And “portable”, yes - if you have wheelbarrow. Looks for me a little bit like wireless roasting and/or frying equipment :cut_of_meat: to me. :crazy_face:



A century-old technology that predates the vacuum tube…

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_gap

Beware if you are sensitive to EMI. And you should get a nice whiff of ozone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@KellyPete you seem to have written ChatGPT style garbage with a link back. Why don’t you build credibility with this community first before seeking to compromise its quality with a link to a commercial site in your first post?

Flagging as inappropriate and seeking to have your post removed.

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