Flux Health Forum

Torn meniscus protocol on the M1 device

Hi all! I have had a recurring issue with my lateral meniscus for about 4 years now. I suffer from a bucket handle tear of the lateral meniscus, which causes it to ‘slip’ when I get into an awkward bent-knee position, like what happens to the guy on the video here:

I have tried a bunch of things for it, but have now discovered PEMF Therapy and in particular Dr Dennis’ work, so am in the process of acquiring the M1 device to see if it will help with the issue. My plan is to start with the Omni8 and do that every night during my sleep for a total of 8 hours per day. I shall be reporting my progress at various time intervals after doing this consistently (I’ll do so in this thread).

Do you people reckon this is a reasonable starting point? Is the number of hours per day enough or should I start off doing more?

Many thanks in advance!

Welcome to the community! You have a great plan. I have found that trying it out and working up the hours to as many per day will only accelerate my healing. 8 hours a day is just the baseline recommendation here on the forum to ensure you get enough time in a low inflammatory, non degenerative state to allow your body to try to heal to the extent that it can. I have found the more time the better if I can do it.

I had a similar tear with similar bent-knee slip pain, and was able to heal it with ozone injections so can’t speak to ICES PEMF for that particular injury, however, based on all the other injuries it has helped me fully recover from, I anticipate it would have worked on my torn meniscus as well.

Thank you for your reply!

Out of interest, with your meniscus injury, would your meniscus slip in the bent knee position and did you have to pop it back in by straightening your leg out? That’s the injury I have, hence why I’m asking. How many ozone injections did it take to heal it and do you know if the tear actually healed (i.e. you can see the cartilage reconnect on the MRI) or did you just stop having symptoms?

Apologies for so many questions, just trying to see if my injury is the same as yours, because if it is then hopefully I can try the same stuff as you and heal it. Thank you so much in advance!

Yes it would slip in the bent knee position, “catch” and I would be in excruciating pain and get stuck in that position and try to get it out by slowly straightening my leg out. IIRC, I did 3 rounds of the ozone injections. I didn’t pay the bucks for the post mortem MRI, I just know that I have never ever had it catch again and in general I feel much stronger with my knees. ICES PEMF though has been even more direct path to healing my injuries. I am speculating, but if ozone injections healed my meniscus tear, then ICES PEMF surely would. You can see many of my posts documenting my journey and results with ICES PEMF.

I think you have the same injury as me, so it’s encouraging that you think ICES PEMF will be helpful! Do you think it would be good to start off with a low intensity (like 5) and work up to a higher one? That’s the recommendation I seem to keep seeing on here.

Yes, I think that’s a good idea based on my experience. If you need to move up, you can go to intensity 9 which is the default for A9 Medium setting. Can you reliably make it slip (not that you’d want to, but curious if you have a way of easily making it catch so you can test after various intervals (2,4,6, weeks, etc))?

See, it usually happens when I’m not actively paying attention to my leg. Whenever it has happened, my knee was always bent and I would rotate the tibia without thinking about it. It always seemed to happen in awkward positions (think sitting on the ground cross-legged and then getting up). So I do not exactly have a reliable way of slipping it. Is this similar to what you had? I’m about 1 week out from the last time it happened, so at least I’ll be able to get data at known intervals from the injury, even though I didn’t start straight after it happened.

That is exactly the same. The last time it happened which is what drove me to getting an MRI and then doing ozone injections was when I was monkeying around in the attic looking for leaks and I had my feet on studs and I twisted and then bam - I could barely move, was in excruciating pain, and had to figure out how to not fall through the ceiling :).

Epic, I think we have the same injury :laughing:
I should have the device in about a week’s time, so will get started then and will update on here. Hopefully you’re right and it is more effective than other stuff (I’ve tried PRP and supplements like BPC before). I might combine it with red light as well since I have a high intensity infrared lamp.

I think combining it with the high intensity infrared lamp will only help. Interesting that PRP didn’t work. I think given where the meniscus is, maybe both PRP and BPC 157 injections didn’t get to where it was needed. ICES PEMF can definitely go deep into tissues. I have been amazed at how consistent ICES PEMF repairs/heals my injuries and those of my family.

I’m sure I had/have a meniscus tear. I used Omni 8, level 8 almost 24/7 for about a year. I don’t have a problem with it slipping anymore. I can do a complete squat without pain or compensation now and i can climb stairs without limping again. Occasionally (a few times a year)I’ll feel a bit of pain in the knee so I’ll put the M1 on for about 8 hours and it will take the pain away. I went through a lot of coils due to being active throughout the day which compromises the insertion of the wires to the coils. I used a slip on knee brace to hold the coils and M1 in place.


That is super encouraging to hear that you managed to heal your injury! In your opinion, would wearing it for about 8-12 hours a day give noticeable results or is the more the better? Asking this because it will be a little difficult to wear it all day, but I’, thinking of wearing it for 8 hours a night during sleep as well as for about 4 hours during the day when I’m not being active. Also, what was the rough timeframe for when you saw improvements in the knee? Apologies for the late reply

I started seeing some results in about 6 months but I reinjured it several times. I was concerned i wouldn’t be able to continue working if my knee did start to feel better so I wore the M1 as much as possible. I think your time frame would be a great start.

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Update 1:

Finally received my M1 device last night! Taped it to my knee before going to sleep, on opposite sides of the knee, as shown below:

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 16.33.52

Before putting the device on, there was slight swelling in the knee (I’m about 3 weeks post injury) and it hurt slightly to straighten the leg fully. I used the Omni 8 protocol at intensity 5 for the duration of the night (8 hours). Upon waking up, I found the swelling slightly reduced as well as being able to straighten the leg out with less pain. Not sure if this is placebo or not, but the result is definitely there and I will keep going with it.

One question I have is about the coil placement. When I put the coils in the position shown, they were not exactly parallel to one another and therefore not perfectly aligned (i.e. the circles were not ‘on top of each other’ in space). Is this an issue and will it affect how effective the treatment is?

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I had a similar post asking bob about perfect alignment when I was using it on my ankle. I can try to find the post, but I recall him saying the equivalent of make sure flat side is to the skin but don’t worry about perfect parallel coils sandwiched between your moving body - not possible anyway.

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Fair enough, this makes sense - thanks! Do you think if the injury is located more towards one side of the knee, it would make sense to place the coils adjacent to one another on that side of the knee? In my case, for instance, I know that my injury is on the outside of the knee, rather than the inside, hence why I’m wondering.

You know I really don’t know. I think experimenting for 2-3 days per coil config will help you see which one seems to have the most impact for your particular injury. Sometimes adjacent tissue can be inflamed b/c it is compensating for the injury for example.

Update 2:

So it has thus far been a week of me using the M1 device on my meniscus injury. I have now switched up the coil configuration and I now put the two coils adjacent to one another over the area of the injury, as shown below.

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 19.07.44

I use the device during sleep for approximately 7-8 hours a night on the Omni 8 setting at intensity 5. There has definitely been a reduction in swelling in the injured side of the knee. I have also seen range of motion improve, and I am more comfortable squatting to greater depth and loading the knee in the flexed position at the gym.

In addition to my nightly use, I will now start wearing it for 1 hour per day when I’m awake, but will use a different setting here (Omni 8 at intensity 10) since I want to play around with higher intensities. I will write the next update in about a week’s time.

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A little update after trying out intensity 10 for the first time:

So yesterday I tried out Omni 8, intensity 10 and I experienced something which I did not feel with intensity 5. When I applied the coils to the injury site, and for the duration of use of the device, I felt a pleasant tingling sensation in the knee. I’m guessing this might be indicative of a greater healing effect? Right now I’m strongly considering switching my nightly use of the device from intensity 5 to intensity 10 because it felt altogether better. Does anyone have insights wrt this? Is there merit to switching to a higher intensity?

Update 3:

Unfortunately I have forgotten to do weekly updates, but here we go for approximately a 4-week update on almost everyday use. I have now switched to intensity 10 Omni 8 and am using it for an average of 7 hours per night during sleep. My knee feels a whole lot better and I can say that it feels close to healthy. I am continuing my use of the device and will keep y’all posted.

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