Flux Health Forum

Thoughts on Cancer

Any new info to share regarding how this treatment will work on breast cancer metastasized into bone and skeleton? If so, which device would be best?

I donā€™t have any experience with ICES PEMF and cancer, however, I shared a couple posts on Pectasol-C. Here is one as it relates to helping prevent metastasis of cancer (but I understand this is not the same as situation where metastasis has already occurred): Treating for Depression with Benefit on Arthritis

I have not heard anything more about that lately, sorry.

Bob, could you share some more details on the cancer cases these people shared with you? Just in the interest of documenting the anecdotal evidence here.

What devices were they using? How long were they using them each day, and over how long of a period? What types of cancer were they dealing with? What changes did they specifically attribute to their use of ICES-PEMF? etc.

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Well, thatā€™s kind of asking for something essentially impossible. It would be like someone asking you:

ā€œFor a topic where you are not an expert, and have virtually no personal or professional experience, could you please provide a structured comprehensive summary of every random conversation you have had that touches upon this topic over the past 12 or 14 years.ā€

Unfortunately, I am not an AI system like Chat GPT with infinite, persistent memory in a relational database.

But, I am a human with a small, wet, imperfect, slightly stroke-damaged brain with a generally good but not flawless memory. The information pool I draw from on this topic ranges from phone calls, emails, random comments in noisy rooms at scientific meetings, and occasional ZOOM discussions more recently. The nature of the discussions is rarely detailed and comprehensive with the information you have requested. More often it is a random comment, or just a question from which I can infer certain probable facts related to the circumstances in question. Often it is a series of very brief discussions, usually at highly irregular intervals, but just as often it is a random comment or observation from a person I have never met before and will never talk to again.

With all of that in mind, I will attempt to summarize what you have requested:

To begin with, at this point in time, the number of people that I know of who have tried using ICES-PEMF technology for cancer is approximately 10. This total includes both people who have used it themselves then communicated directly with me about it, as well as people who are caretakers for others, usually with whom I have not communicated. This has taken the form of many dozens of communications of various lengths over a period spanning about 14 years.

To answer each of your questions:

What devices were they using? - Essentially all of them, many older discontinued versions, and all current versions, often more than one device, sometimes only one, often not specified, but sometimes I can recall what they are using, or might be using, based on my recollection of when they were or on the basis of minute details of their observations. Often, if I ask them, they do not know and can not recall.

How long were they using them each day, and over how long of a period? - Any combination you can imagine. I try to parse this out as people talk to me and ask questions, or as we discuss it, but generally this question is unanswerable until I restructure the information in the context of a current discussion where I can make associations that enable me to recall details relevant to any particular set of circumstances in question.

What types of cancer were they dealing with? - Prostate (2 or 3), Breast (1 or 2), Lung (1 or 2), skin (1 or 2), brain (1 or 2), pancreatic (1 or 2), undisclosed or non-specific (3 or 4)
Some cases were well diagnosed, some were not, some were suspected. Some cases were highly aggressive, some were not. Some cases were very advanced and deemed terminal, some were not, some were unknown.

What changes did they specifically attribute to their use of ICES-PEMF? etc. - Some (with very advanced cases) died shortly after beginning PEMF, some died apparently before being able to try it, some decided not to try it, some reported ā€œspontaneousā€ remission, usually without further detail, some reported no discernible change, one reported significant worsening of symptoms and discontinued use immediately.

The most recent case of the use of ICES-PEMF related to cancer that I know of (end of 2022) is instructive because it illustrates the kind of information I get, and how that would be difficult or impossible to summarize out of context:

This latter case was the most recent and was a person with very advanced lung cancer where most of the actual tissue damage was the result of the very aggressive radiation treatment, not the cancer itself. They had subsequently been abandoned by the medical system and transferred to palliative care mainly because of their out-of-control pulmonary inflammation resulting from the radiation damage. The oncologists and pulmonologists could not get his lung swelling under control and could not clear his lungs and were afraid to render further treatment. At that point, with no other options aside from palliative care outside the hospital, the family asked me for help.

They already owned a model A9 and had decided to try it as an absolute last-ditch effort to combat the lung inflammation. That is when they contacted me to ask for the best way to set up the device. I did not suggest that they use ICES-PEMF for cancer or related issues since I simply do not have enough knowledge or experience to make such a suggestion. But since they had already decided to try ICES-PEMF and subsequently had reached out to me and asked for set-up instructions, I offered the personal opinion that ICES-PEMF would probably dramatically reduce the swelling and lead to better lung clearance. I strongly advised caution and low-and-slow dosing initially. Of course they cranked it up to full power and proceeded to apply it all night, resulting in a rapid reduction of lung inflammation and violent expulsion of the material they had been trying to clear from his lungs. Understandably the experience was too traumatic for this person, so they discontinued use of ICES-PEMF, even though it had resulted in a ā€œsurprisingā€ improvement in their pulse oxymetry from 72% to mid 80% oxygen saturation after the violent coughing was brought under control. Their lung inflammation returned over the next few days and they passed away shortly thereafter.

In summary I would say that there is a fair amount of information in my accessible memory banks, but it is generally only useful when I am asked questions in the context of a specific current case in question, at which time I do my best to recall and organize all relevant facts.


Apologies for sounding like I was demanding a rigorous distillation of years of random conversations. :sweat_smile: I just wanted to hear more about some of the accounts people had relayed to you about cancer and PEMF.

Thank you for sharing these additional details, especially the advice about needing to gently introduce ICES-PEMF in a delicate situation like that lung cancer case.

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next iteration of AI will be to chat botify bob so he can share his knowledge and free him up to do other tasks at the same time :sweat_smile:

I donā€™t want to appear like anyone is making unreasonable demands, because I do not feel that way. The way I feel is actually that many people put a lot of trust in my work and opinions, I feel a great responsibility to answer to the best of my ability, and I very often to I worry that my knowledge and skill do not measure up to the trust that people place in me.

Also, when trying to help people, I make a point to not press them for information. At most I gently suggest that more information would be generally helpful. So usually I get very incomplete sets of information.

But then I do my best, in each individual case, to recollect all related facts, statements, and observations and then arrange them into an account that I think will be most helpful in each specific case. This is fairly easy to do for orthopedic injury, for example, but nearly impossible to do for cancer. So, for the latter, I usually refrain from saying anything unless someone asks specifically, and then I do the best that I can.

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How do you know that I am not an AI bot? :wink:


I am thinking about having the M1 or C5 and other than everything I read, I would like some real example from someone who use it. So, could you tell me what king of thing you did heal, and an idea of how long you put it, how long it taked to heal. Thank you very much

Keep in mind: I am the person who invented and sells ICES-PEMF, so I have a strong bias and a financial interest.

My story (abbreviated): I designed this technology based on work I did at NASA in the late 1990ā€™s to help me heal a badly injured and inoperable lower back. Without this technology, I cannot walk or sit, need the maximum dose of oxy, and am fully disabled.

With this technology I do not need Rx pain meds, I can walk (but wobble a bit) and I am able to raise two children and hold down several professional consulting jobs, teach full-time at a university, build a house from the ground up, run this company (Micro-pulse) and remain active in scientific research.

It works well for me, so I make it available for other people.

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Funny, I was just reading this study (posted by @bettereveryday in post 7 of this thread) & was going to post it in this thread. Glad I reviewed the thread first.

Hi @Bob,

Thank you for sharing your time and expertise on this forum.

I would like to document my experience with PEMF so that it could be useful to someone else.

What information would you recommend tracking? Iā€™m thinking of a spreadsheet with columns - date, time, duration, etc.

Can you suggest other data that should be recorded to make it more useful to others?


Hi @Dayisnear, thanks for offering to do this. I suggest you try to record any important detail or observation you make. The basics are things like:

Device (A9, M1, C5, B5, or P9)
Pulse pattern
intensity setting
duration of use
frequency of use

Also, where did you place the coils, how did you hold them in place, how well did your setup stay in place.

How did it feel, when did you start to feel a change (better or worse?)

How much did your symptoms change, did you discontinue use for a while?

Any other details? Any other observations? Any advice?

Generally, the more you can record, the better.

thanks :slight_smile:


Hi bettereveryday. My dog has recently been diagnosed (June 21, 2024 and operated on (Aug 8, 2024) for an anal sac adenocarcinoma. She is almost 3 weeks out of her surgery and is still hypercalcemic (so undiscovered metastatisis are suspected). We will not be proceeding with chemotherapy as we have to travel almost 12 hours by car to the nearest vet referral hospital in Saskatoon, Canada.

Could you please explain how the water fasting works?

Can you share how the one who had brain cancer faired when using ICES PEMF? Just curious.

Hi @TajD, if this question is directed to me, can you please pull out and paste the specific snippet of text to which you are referring? Thanks.

@Bob, do you possibly recall the brain cancer patient and their outcome? I lost an uncle to glioblastoma and am curious to learn any anecdotes on this regard (with the full understanding every individualā€™s response and situation is unique and this is all self experimental).

The feedback I got from people who had cancer was extremely little. Most people seem to have a tendency to try to forget about the entire experience, which is certainly understandable. And I definitely refrain from pressing for information. I do not recall anyone giving me feedback related to brain or skin, sorry.

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