I’ve had my C5 system about two months, just received a Brain Gauge to work with Dr.J. I have major muscle atrophy in my left shoulder, left biceps and left thumb, some nerve pain in my left thumb, numbness and tingling in left hand, possibly caused by disc impingement on radiating nerves at C3-C6 as shown in an MRI, but as I have learned, cause and effect can be hard to determine.
I’ve been using the basic B5-C5 protocol daily at about level 10; the problem is that unlike pain, repair of disc/nerve damage which has caused muscle atrophy may not be observable for weeks or months, and even if the numbness, tingling and thumb pain are relieved, the long-atrophied (3-year) musculature may or may not regenerate, with or without stem cell therapy.
I plan to utilize the Brain Gauge with DrJ to analyze possible brain disfunction, but as i am literally losing left arm function on a daily basis which makes earning a living as a carpenter increasingly difficult and dangerous, any guidance on use of C5 protocols to treat disc impingement on spinal nerves will be greatly appreciated.
I’m currently using a 2x2 array centered on my cervical spine; hope to find some type of elastic garments similar to knee and elbow compression sleeves to put a coil on each side of each shoulder, minimizing the need for elastic bandages.
I’m also exercising using Miranda Esmonde-White’s Essentrics exercise program to rebalance and restore 70-year-old whole-body musculature, fascia and connective tissue which may be contributing to my problem.
The multicolored chart in the MicroPulse videos showing the available protocols for M1, B5 and C5 includes a category with rest periods, but apparently they are not included in the C5. Can my C5 be reprogrammed to include protocols with rest periods?
Dr. Dennis has indicated that he was able to address his lower back pain successfully with a pair of coils placed transversely on his lumbar spine. I understand that medical advice cannot be given, but if there is any documentation of his experience, or of anyone else treating damaged spinal nerves, I would greatly appreciate it.
Finally, any advice on positioning of coils, info on new accessories such as the deep pad/deep coil, and whether stacking arrays or coils has been helpful for disc and nerve damage will be appreciated.