From: Bob Dennis, owner of Micro-Pulse; I have a financial interest in the sale of PEMF devices, so please take that potential bias into account when considering my statements
Many people have asked me about using PEMF for certain applications where I have heard negative feedback from people who have tried it for themselves. Unlike a low-integrity marketer who will tell you anything you want to hear, I think it is important to point out known and suspected cases where PEMF is not likely to help.
First, I think it is good to retain some healthy skepticism when considering anything like PEMF. Claims are abundant and often beyond belief. On the other hand, resistance from some mainstream adherents remains strong. I think the best thing to do is consider the available information and judge for yourself whether the potential benefits outweigh the cost and risks.
My opinion: I continue to be surprised at the very small number of negative reports related to PEMF from individuals, clinicians, and in the published scientific literature. The corresponding benefits of PEMF seem to be very significant. But in at least a few areas, PEMF does not seem to confer much benefit. As far as I know, these are:
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears):
I get this question very frequently, and the best answer I can give is that during beta testing we experimented with tinnitus, and in all cases it seemed to get temporarily worse until PEMF use was discontinued. The negative effect does not seem to be permanent, but PEMF simply does not seem to help tinnitus. Several people have independently reported the same result to me when they have self-experimented with PEMF on their tinnitus. I generally advise against using PEMF with tinnitus.
Dizziness is caused by many things, so I do not know if general statements should be made. However, I do not know of any cases where dizziness has been improved by PEMF, but I have heard of several cases where PEMF has caused temporary dizziness, especially when used at high power near the vestibular system of the inner ears. I advise against this use, especially if it is known to cause you a problem.
Hair growth:
I get this question all the time. This is, in my opinion, a good example of the low-integrity abuse and mis-representation of PEMF that is common on the Internet. For example, I have been offered free trips to exotic off-shore resorts to convince me to transform my technology into the next miracle hair-growth solution. To date, I have turned down this offer 31 times from different people and investment groups. The people involved seem to me to be of very low quality, and on several occasions their intention to run a scam was abundantly clear. In one case, an investor told me: “It does not have to really work, it just has to look convincing enough for people to pay for it!” I now discourage any discussions of this kind. What I believe is this: I have not heard much positive feedback about hair growth and PEMF. What I have heard is that some people have tried it (against my advice) and they report very disappointing results. I do not think it is advisable or worthwhile to try PEMF for hair growth, and I would be highly suspicious if any PEMF marketer makes claims to the contrary.
I am sure there are other applications for which PEMF is ineffective or poorly suited. Please feel free to comment if your experience is different or if you know of other ineffective uses for PEMF.
What we are looking for is as much information as you can share about your condition, how you used PEMF, and the results you observed. You can upload photos and documents as well as your text. The more detail you include, the better. You can come back later, edit your text to add more details, upload images, documents and test results, add helpful links, etc. Also, don’t forget to ask questions, because this will help people to share their observations and experiences that they may have forgotten to mention.
Share what worked and how you did it, but negative results are just as important as positive results!!! If you tried something that did not work well, this experience would help other people too. People respond very differently and have different levels of sensitivity, so something may work well for others, but not for you. What we need is a lot of different observations from many different people so that we can begin to see larger patterns and formulate general guidelines about what is likely to be helpful, what is likely to be wrong, which options should be explored, and which options can be avoided.