My most remarkable experience to date using your device, is when I put it on a stroke patient. We strapped the M-1 on her temporal lobe, (sandwiched) and within a very short amount of time, she was able to flex the ankle, on her affected side, on command! Normally, she cannot move the ankle at all. As soon as we took the M-1 off, she could not budge her ankle at all. This happened every single time we put the M-1 on her temporal lobe. She borrowed the machine for about 4 weeks, but could never move the ankle without the help of the M-1. Even so, for all the weeks that she borrowed the machine, she would continue to flex the ankle when she had it on, in attempts to build muscle and muscle connection.
I’m wondering if you have any explanation for what might have happened in the brain to allow this to occur? I’d love to be able to explain it to my client if it’s possible.