Flux Health Forum

Rehab for Stroke

On October 30 of last month, as we habitually do twice a year, my mother and I had our covid vaccine. Typical pain and aches, but nothing out of the ordinary. A week later we had our flu shot, and a few days after that, my mother complained that she felt her arms and legs were very weak and there was an overwhelming sense of fatigue. She needed to lean on the handrails just to get down the stairs.

We had an appointment with the family doctor the following day and just before leaving, I noticed her mouth was drooping to one side.

The doctor confirmed my mother was having a stroke and she was rushed to emergency where an MRI revealed damage to the pons area impacting her right arm and leg. Fortunately, damage was not too severe, cognitive function and vision unaffected. Doctors who examined her said most likely the covid vaccine triggered the stroke since up until the stroke, my 83-year-old mother had very low blood pressure and cholesterol, was very spry and energetic with no health issues.

@Bob, having read about your stroke and initiating exercises of the weak limbs, I suggested the same thing to my mother. Even though she was bed-bound, she started to working on pushing herself up with both arms and limbs on the bed several times before lying down again. She did this throughout her stay at the emergency until the next day when she got a bed in the stroke ward.

Physio and OT worked with her for half an hour of rehab every day for a week before she made sufficient progress to be transferred to a rehab centre near our home where she does rehab several hours a day every day except weekends. Even after workout (workout ends 4 pm), my mother continues on her own with a walker to do the workouts OT and physio taught her, she is that motivated.

Three weeks after her stroke, physio and OT now want to have the doctor re-assess her condition to see if she can come home.

@Bob, my mother has made a lot of progress thanks to the exercises you advised to initiate, but I’d like to know can the M1 do anything to optimize her recovery even more? She is able to walk and climb the stairs but still relies on handrails on the stairs or the walker to make her way around. Doctors are hopeful she could recover up to 95% of her original mobility.

I told her to place the stacked coils behind her left ear – stacked because she has a very small head and that’s the only way to fit the coils behind her left ear where the stroke affected her. Also because the MRI revealed the damage was to the pons, brainstem connecting brain to the spinal cord, so it’s quite deep into the head.

Question: would intensity of 12 be appropriate for this? I have set the M1 to Alpha Wave setting.
Second question: how many hours should she use the M1?
Third question: Would frequent application as well as quantity be better? Ie would it be better to do three times a day of say, 3 hours each sitting or one 9-hour use be better? or to wear this 24/7?

I know each individual may be different, and I will still have her experiment what works best for her, but just to get some framework would also be helpful.

Fourth question: my mother has always had low blood pressure averaging 100/60. Even after her stroke, at emergency, her highest was 140/65. Doctors said at her age, ideally, it would be better if her blood pressure was higher, around 130/80. Don’t know if this has ever been done before but can the M1 be applied to raise her bp a little more?

Thank you, @Bob for the exercises you advised. I also looked at your video about nitrous oxide release exercises, these are excellent, and I do agree with you, sedentary life is negatively impacting more and more people’s health!

@Serenity, I think overall what you are doing with your mother makes a lot of sense. The main thing is to stick with it every day. Remember, you only have a 4- to 6-month time window to get the maximum benefit of neuroadaptation after stroke. So make the most of it if you can.

PEMF: I think you will get better results with lower intensity and longer time exposure daily. I would actually use the M1 more at a setting of about 9 or 10, or maybe even less. You should also consider alternating days with coils side-by-side (not stacked). By my observations, sometimes a larger surface area on the head has more effect on the brain than an attempt at maximum focus for maximum depth of penetration. I think this may have to do with vascular perfusion of the scalp and cortex. The volume of blood flow in that region is very large compared to the rest of the body, and it seems to me that superficial large area PEMF exposes a lot of blood which then flows much more deeply, through the brain, and has downstream effects/benefits way beyond the simple concept of “depth of penetration”.

My opinion: I would use a lower intensity setting for longer time periods every day. You might even consider 24/7, but probably only half of that would be about as effective.

Use PEMF to raise BP? I don’t know. I have no data or information or observations or any theoretical framework to suggest that might work, sorry.

an additional suggestion: For general stroke recovery, clearance of blood vessels, and (hopefully) prevention of future stroke, my main tool is the use of nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes every morning on an empty stomach. I discuss this at length elsewhere on this forum (just search the enzyme names).

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Thanks, that’s what I was thinking when I got her doing the exercises even before the hospital assigned her to rehab. I figure, like you said, it can only be beneficial to start on those exercises right away. Years ago, they said there was no going back with any brain damage suffered from strokes and head traumas, and I thought to myself if other parts of the body has a natural ability to heal, why not the brain? And now they’re talking about brain plasticity… it makes a lot more sense.

Okay, so if I got you right, @Bob, stacked coils alternating with side-by-side? But if larger surface has a better effect on the brain, perhaps forget the stacked coils and do just side-by-side then?

My mother tried to sandwich the coils between her head and the winter hat I had her wear while she does all-day rehab exercises, but her head is so small that the coils keep slipping out, so I think she can only do these lying in bed which means fewer hours. I will see about getting her a tighter hat — maybe then the coils won’t slip out…

And yes, I will have her try working the intensity 7-9 and see what number works best for her.

I did look up your discussion about nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes. You mentioned elsewhere in the forum, that some people can’t tolerate certain foods as they age. FYI, I used to have a lot of food allergies and intolerances and they got progressively worse over the years, doctor also confirmed that age will make it more difficult to digest certain foods — until I experimented with the M1: one hour a day with the coils placed anywhere on the abdomen has really helped with constipation, and food allergies/intolerances. Whereas before, I would react with gas pain, cramping, diarrhea, hives, inflammation and heart burn to MSG, miso, spicy foods, tomato, whole wheat, raw shrimp, ginger, alcohol, rice… and now I can have anything! I would even venture to say the effect is cumulative over time as I can even skip a day or two of the M1 and still digest these foods without a problem! You can’t imagine how liberating that is! My mother had constipation when she was bed-bound with the stroke and I brought her the M1 to use, though now she has rehab for several hours a day, and constipation is no longer a problem. So amazing what this little gadget can do!

Thank you so so much, @Bob.

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Coils stacked vs. side-by-side, better for brain - we do not know that for sure. Even less so for all individuals, of all ages, in all locations on the head, for all patterns of use, and for all types of injuries. All I am saying is: in the few cases that I know of personally, stacked is not necessarily best. I also see good (sometimes better) results with coils side-by-side. So if it were me, I would hedge my bets and alternate between the two. Not super strict, not precise, just switch up every day or two.

Tighter cap: try skull caps, thin stretchable nylon caps. You can get these in child sizes, girls/boys, etc. An example (there are many others):

Digestion: Thanks for mentioning this topic. My sister had similar benefits for her severe gastro-intestinal issues. It also helps me, but I started from a much better place, so my improvement was not so dramatic, but it was noticeably good, especially with bloating and ease of digestion and food tolerance. It is great to hear that you and your mother had such excellent benefits and improvements in quality of life!

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Great suggestion @Bob, I do have a swim cap, used many years ago that’s very stretchy and might do the trick!

Okay, alternating between stacked coils and side-by-side. Thank you for the explanation.

Follow-up with the PEMF on my mother’s head as per @Bob’s suggestion, behind the left ear, alternating between stacked and side-by-side: On the second day of use, my mother was complaining of a pulsing pain on the right side of the head directly opposite of where the coils were placed. The intensity had been set at 8, so I reduced it to 7 and the pain disappeared.

Swim cap worked extremely well. It’s very elastic so I could even insert the entire M1 in there with the coils so they wouldn’t fall out.

Into the second week of rehab and the OT said my mother had made so much rapid progress they wanted to give her an extra week and a half before releasing her to go home. She can now walk without support and write her name, though both right arm and leg are still a little weak. In addition to her moulding with plastercine to strengthen her fingers they are getting her to work with weights to strengthen arm and leg.

Then yesterday I got word there’s been a covid outbreak on the stroke ward that’s rapidly spreading where my mother is residing, (several more patients tested positive just as I was writing this). Since covid can trigger another stroke in stroke patients, everyone is wearing N95 masks and they’re either quarantining patients or sending them home early. They are considering the latter option for my mother.

The building is old so I’m concerned about poor ventilation that might increase risk of transmission. On the other hand, I’m also wanting my mother to get as much rehab as possible, so I asked them if she could continue the rehab as an outpatient. The OT said there’s usually a 9-month waiting time to get in as an outpatient because there’s such a huge demand, but they may put her to the front due to my mother’s rapid progress. Both doctor, OTs and physios will meet to discuss this before letting me know.

I should also mention, in addition to the PEMF-ICES, my mother has been getting homeopathic remedies and Chinese herbs to boost her energy, YSD alternative modality treatment which works on specific pain points to address disease and increase circulation and healing, and a type of energy healing meditation to tap into healing energy/prana. The healthcare workers are aware of her use of these modalities and in fact encourage us to adopt whatever we find beneficial. I believe all of these contribute to her rapid improvement. For an 83yo she’s not doing bad at all!

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That’s really great, thanks!

@Bob , I was shopping for nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes that you suggested — do you have a brand you find effective? We have Natto sold at our local Asian supermarkets, but not the nattokinase and serrapeptase you mentioned, so we would have to order online. Just don’t know if there is a range of quality.

Here is what I use, 2 capsules of each every morning on an empty stomach:

I have no financial connection to these products, I just like them for my personal use.

I have used Doctor’s Best for other supplements and I found my mother and I responded well to it. I will consult with our family doctor on how to take these as my mother has low bp and nattokinase has a risk of lowering her bp even more. Thanks again!