thank you for sharing your thoughts and strategy… i got serrapeptase, but not nattokinase since i read that nattokinase works in similar fashion as lumbrokinase attacking fibrin… just a lot stronger.
on day 3 towards end of day, i noticed phlegm in my chest and throat… the next day i had a low grade headache with more phlegm… fortunately, pemf to my head for 10 mins made it fade away and magically go away after 20 mins. today I focused on cold press juice and hydrated with ices water with… by evening the congestion wasn’t as noticeable… this congestion feels more like after i hit that peak of misery of flu symptoms etc, and I’m on the mend. these detox symptoms without the full hit of malaise i can deal with.
today is day 5, i was gonna do 2 days of lumbrokinase again, but I’m gonna follow your approach bc it makes sense to me and i think will be more effective for cleaning out my body of excess proteins and biofilms gunking up my system. I’ll continue my magnet supplemented cold press juice to help with my immune system.
side note: i never gave cold press juice much credit or consideration until after my wife started trying it out when she’d feel she was coming down with something. unlike her go to supplements of zicam and 1000mg of pill form vitamin c, she noticed a faster recovery… even after taking it past onset of first sign of symptoms.
like lumbrokinase, I’ll go high dose (120k) serrapeptase for 2 days then rest 2 days and see how things go.
i like this Omni protocol for supplements. stimulation and variety seems to be the key to optimizing supplements as well
glad to find something new to try from this forum!