Flux Health Forum

Prostate Cancer

I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer yesterday and was curious to know if anyone has had experience with PEMF treating this condition. TIA

Pulling in @Bob for this one.

Unrelated to your request, but fyi: for non cancerous very enlarged prostate, two family members have used M1 Omni 8 Power 9 to lower inflammation of prostate and have been thrilled with it.

Answering both @TajD and @Kylet,

Enlarged Prostate (BHP, non-cancerous): about 8 or 9 people over the years have told me that they planned to try ICES-PEMF for BHP. One insisted on a very specific pulse pattern (4 Hz), the rest just used Omni-8. I got direct feedback only from about half of them after they used the device. All of the ones who gave me feedback (including the person using 4 Hz) claimed to have excellent results. Unfortunately, without feedback from the other half, we can’t say whether they had good outcomes, bad outcomes, or no effect.

NOTE: it is very typical for people to not report back their results about half of the time. This seems to be true for most health/medical related things. This makes the use of anecdotal data such as this much less compelling and useful. But this is just typical human behavior. I have noted that once people get beyond a serious condition, they often just do not want to think about it or talk about it anymore.

Prostate Cancer: I have had about 7 people tell me that they planned to use ICES-PEMF, usually as a last resort, when everything else had failed to help. I do not know of anyone who has tried ICES-PEMF for early-stage prostate cancer.

One of the people with advanced prostate cancer was a close friend of mine who was told by his oncologist to convey his final words to friends and family, which then prompted him to try ICES-PEMF as a last-ditch effort. Once again, only about half of these people have reported back to me, including my close friend, but in all cases the results were astoundingly good. Unfortunately, once again, the people who did not report back to me would make any reasonable person to question: why?

I also have one very close friend with prostrate cancer who has chosen not to use ICES-PEMF because, quite reasonably, he is concerned that it “might make things worse”. I offer to help, but never pressure anyone. His decision is quite reasonable IMO.

So, this is where we stand so far as I know with these prostate-related issues.


I wonder where people with advanced cancer place the coils? I assume by the time they reach this stage, they have multiple secondaries in the bones, lungs etc

Me too. People do not seem to want to talk about it in detail, so they don’t say much, and I try not to pry. About all they say is that they used it the same way other people had done (coils stacked on perineum). This suggests to me that in their case there had been minimal spread. On the other hand (wishful thinking here), wouldn’t it be interesting if the effect of PEMF on the original source had systemic effects, maybe by extinguishing a signal from the original source that renders more recent metastases less viable. It would be a pretty subtle effect, otherwise metastases would be easily dealt with by simply removing the original cancer, which certainly is not the case. I know absolutely zero about oncology, but while trying to reconcile the reports that I hear from time-to-time, to make some sense of them, the concept of a system-level interaction like that has been lurking around the back of my mind for a while. It would be astonishing if there were any truth to it.


I recently found I have an enlarged prostate with the usual urinary issues. However, no sign of cancer. They gave me meds but I do not want to take them due to the side effects. There is also the Rezum water vapor therapy but even in Thailand it is over 6 Grand.
So, I thought of using my A9 stacked on the perineum. I just started so I have no results yet.
Now to my question, can coils be made in a tubular shape that could be inserted into the obvious location? Also, how about coils shaped as a catheter to also be inserted into the obvious location?

What I have is the M1 rather than the A9. I plan to purchase the C5.

How many hours for how many days have you had the A9 stacked coils on the perineum?

Hi, turns out I have the M1. This is the 2nd day. 1st day about 6 hours. Today I am over 6 hours. Not sure how long the battery will last.
Haven’t noticed any improvement yet and expect I won’t for probably weeks of continuous uses.

Coils shaped into a tubular shape will result in what is known as a solenoid coil. The magnetic field is concentrated inside the tube, but is very sparse outside of the tube. So, a tubular configuration as you describe is probably not going to have the desired magnetic field distribution in the space outside of the tube.

Roger that. Seems through the colon would be the channel that could put coils closest to the prostate. Perhaps coils would have to be too large to be practical.
Thanks for the reply

placement externally, on the perineum, seems to work for a lot of people.

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My father and father-in-law use ICES PEMF (sitting on top of it with it place directly under the perineum) for benign hyperplasia and it has greatly helped them sleep through the night without waking so many times.

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Thanks @TajD, this is very representative of what most people who have tried this report to me.

Old post here I know but still relevant. Sounds a bit like quantum entanglement. I know, you don’t like the “quantum” term regarding PEMF because of the marketing hype. But it seems intuitive to me that various quantum effects are at play in the method of action of PEMF and it’s impact on cell and molecular signaling. Then again so much in the quantum realm is counterintuitive.

everything at base is “nano” and “quantum”. There is real science here.** That does not mean that anyone has mastered a new technology with terms like this. These terms are used by marketers to take your money.

** historical note: take a look at products from the 1950’s. Plenty of stuff like “atomic” toothpaste and toilet paper. Pseudo-science sells.

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Bob, I’ll talk about my PEMF application for BPH in detail. Other’ posts have been helpful and maybe this will help others. After finding a post relating to prostate enlargement, I used doubled (knob to knob) coils on my M1 for a month initially twice using A9 @ 12 and then 5 times at Omni 8 @ 11 for a total of about 28 hours. I did nothing for about 10 weeks and then over a month 8 times for a total of 22 hours on Omni 8 @ 11 except once on A9 @ 9. My symptoms were not severe but my urination was much easier and flowing. I did not have as many nigh time trips. I taped the coils together, placed them on the peritoneum and held them place using a soft nerf type ball about the size of a lemon and wore snug brief type underwear I could function fairly unaffected around the house. Now about two months later, I beginning to need a “touch up”.

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Wow, thanks @Pif601, that is very helpful. This may be another condition where people in general would benefit from occasional regular use. That reminds me of the results we saw on the cat with kidney disease. Use twice a week for abut 20 minutes each would reverse the progression in a month or two, discontinued use and the progression would start to get worse again, resumed use for a few months made it better again, etc. for a total of three ON-OFF cycles like this kept the kidney disease at bay for the last few years of the elderly cat’s life.

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Which device would be best??

Simplest and least expensive, probably A9
More flexible, able to experiment with different pulse patterns, M1

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