Flux Health Forum

PEMF on Autism?

A woman I know has a son with autism; I first got to know the boy when he was 16yo but now he would be in his mid-twenties. Though he understands when we talk to him, he never talks back. Wondering would the ICES PEMF work for him? If so, what kind of settings and where?

I know autism has been linked to gut health, and like many autistic children, this boy was especially picky with his foods. His mother explained that he had digestive problems when he was very young, about five or so. Kept getting stomach cramping and diarrhea, but then it would clear up a few days later.

I mention this, because I’m wondering if placing the coils on his abdomen would help or should we focus on the head? Or both? Anyone with any suggestions? I didn’t think of trying the M1 on autism until another friend of mine asked me about it, because she knows of another friend with an autistic child who asked about the M1. From what I gather, there’s no consensus of how effective PEMF can be on autism.

Based on my many posts on this topic, if this was my child I would try 1 minute over the naval and see how the child responds the next day. Then I would increase slowly from there. In my opinion, autism is a very broad umbrella category for brain inflammation. A lot of brain inflammation can be caused by issues in gut. I have seen very good results in our family’s experience by slowly increasing the number of minutes of using the M1 on the gut. Do check out my posts as I first applied the M1 to the gut for too long causing lots of die-off which was not good.

Hmm… I know about the die-off, I experience that after breaking a 2-day fast and then applying the M1. Now, for all my friends that use the M1 on my recommendation, I tell them to apply to the gut as well as other localities. After all, I always keep in mind that the gut is the second brain and more and more, I see that evident in the brain-gut connection.

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