Flux Health Forum

Pemf and eye stye or chalazion

Hi! I recently realized I had a stye or chalazion and was curious if pemf could help clear it up. I searched in the forum and on Reddit and didn’t see anything so I wanted to share in case anyone else is looking for info.

As a background, I’ve never had a stye or a clarion before. I have good vision and don’t need/wear glasses or contacts. I do have some floaters, but beyond that no eye problems.

Over the weekend I kept thinking I had an eyelash or a hair stuck in my eye. Felt like there was something in it and irritated. Also a little itchy and felt dry. When I went to try and get whatever was out of my eye I realized I had a little bump on my lower eyelid/line your lashes come out of (idk eye terminology). I assumed it was a stye and then as I looked stuff up thought maybe a chalazion instead.

I ordered eye drops and wipes on Amazon, but they couldn’t be delivered for a few days. From what I read you should try immediately to get rid of it. I made a virtual appointment with my doctor and they didn’t want to prescribe anything until it was infected (swollen, red, puffy, puss, increase in size). Said to just use a hot compress and over the counter stuff and it’ll go away in a few weeks.

I decided to try pemf. I slept with it over my eye and taped over while watching tv for the last few days. It’s almost completely gone.


That’s great to hear. For eye styes or chalazions I have used extremely hot water (but not burn causing) on a wash cloth pushed on the stye or chalazion and hold for 10 seconds, then repeat hat process for about 10 minutes. That gets rid of them for me.

excellent, that is really good to know. I find that ICES-PEMF reduces the puffiness around my eyes too. I proved it to myself by using it only on one side. Next day the bagginess below my eye was visually reduced compared to the other eye. So, it seemed to work for me. But I did not try it multiple times, so I don’t know how repeatable it is.


@Bob did you just find a way to look younger (by reducing bags)? Seems like a great angle to sell more ICES PEMF… Haha.


My wife seems to think so.


I see a ICES PEMF face mask for sleeping in the future. But I don’t think it should look “thriller movie creepy” like the red light/blue light masks. This is also the first time I have seen a post using ICES PEMF for affecting skin appearance on the face, so that is quite interesting.

Yeah, my wife has been interested in this for a while. But I’m more of a typical guy from Detroit: cuts or blast marks on my face, meh, OK, I’m cool with that so long as my eyes still work. I don’t generally notice wrinkles or anything like that. But my wife talked me into trying it once, and I did notice a difference as described above.

My wife just had a minor surgery on her face and she recovered very quickly using an A9 daily (single coil, set to “M” intensity), no swelling, no visible scar, looks to me like it never happened.

So, my thinking on this is that it is easy for people to place coils however they want, using any face mask they want to use. This is a very easy DIY with A9, M1, C5.

I agree. I do think the human mindset is “more coverage is better” so my thought is if one day when you have cloned yourself you can find a way to produce the hat style coils at scale where it has more coverage area and less field depth, that could be an additional product that people could put on the majority of the surface area of the face.

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As long as we’re on the subject of PEMF and eye issues, my wife had eye shingles 9 months ago and still has vision impairment (light sensitivity, severe eye strain, etc.) Ironically she was 1 week away from getting the Shingrix shot. Arrrgh!
Question: anyone have experience using ICES (I have several A9s) for eye/retina/cornea, etc. issues? How would you recommend using it and could it be harmful? Thanks!

I don’t have any experience with this, but for a long time I have been really interested to know if ICES-PEMF has any positive effect on shingles or post-shingles recovery. Has anyone tried it?

This should be interesting. Since it involves the retina and optic nerve, any ideas if it would be harmful?

I doubt it would be harmful, but do not know for sure, and it is very important to be extremely careful doing anything around the eyes

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Have you had the chance to search the threads with “eyes”? There are multiple people who have placed the coils on their eyes and shared feedback - but not necessarily for post shingles recovery. May be good to familiarize yourself with their anecdotes.

Very interesting, thanks. Seems some people get headaches. I need to be very careful because on top of the eye shingles damage, my wife has RSD, a neurological illness that can be easily triggered.

definitely helps with eye puffiness, but personally i have been using it regularly for fatigued vision after being at the computer for a few hours. once upon a time I’d be able to do 8h straight without impact… now after 3h, my eyes are shot…i can do 8 now with pemf vision but only go 5h as I’ve found other things i need to do haha.

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I am researching to see if PEMF can help the regrowth of endometrial cells in the eye. I have diagnosed as having Fuchs disease where cells in the cornea have died off due to lack of proper fluid circulation. Wondering if Bob has any thoughts or suggestions. I am starting with coils in an eye mask to sleep running omni8 at half power Does that seem appropriate.

Thank you

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Hi @Rick, I don’t have any information on that specific condition, but I do generally think you should try lower intensities around the eyes because it just seems to be more effective. I would start with Omni-8 on 6 or 7, for example. Coils in an eye mask sounds like a good Idea. I would be very interested to hear what you try and what you observe.


Thank you. Will keep you abreast of any progress

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Hey @Rick have you had any luck with this? I am considering getting one of these devices for tx of my chronic corneal ulcer and dry eye syndrome. Would love to hear about your progress and which machine/protocol you use. I am very tired of this eye issue.

My floaters seem to have gone away in my right eye where I was having the issue. I can’t tell that much about the dry eye issue till I get to see the eye doctor to have him examine it as I don’t notice it till he brought it up on the exam and told me I had Fuchs disease tied to dry eye. I am probably going to see him again in October and will be able to report back