Flux Health Forum

Mitochondria response to PEMF

Looking for additional information or studies about how mitochondria respond to PEMF? I’m curious about how it may possibly influence overall quality/longevity of mitochondria and ATP production.

I am not an expert in this area, and I am not on top of the scientific literature on it.

I think this is exactly the type of question where AI could be useful. I recommend Perplexity (not ChatGPT) because Perplexity seems to be optimized for technical and research-based knowledge.

I asked Perplexity AI the following question:

“Is PEMF known to have an effect on mitochondria?”

I used the Professional version of Perplexity AI, and (spoiler alert) I think the answer is pretty reasonable and the references (at the end) are where you should go if you want to check the reliability for yourself.

Answer from Perplexity AI >>>

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been shown to have a significant impact on mitochondrial function. Here’s how mitochondria respond to PEMF therapy:

Enhanced Mitochondrial Activity

  1. Increased ATP Production: PEMF therapy can enhance mitochondrial activity, leading to increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency of the cell. This boost in cellular energy can help repair tissues, reduce inflammation, and improve overall cellular health[4].

  2. Activation of Transcriptional Cascades: PEMF exposure has been shown to activate PGC-1α-dependent transcriptional cascades. This activation promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and enhances oxidative muscle expression, which is crucial for improved muscle metabolism and systemic metabolic status[1][5].

  3. Improved Mitochondrial Bioenergetics: Studies have demonstrated that brief, weekly exposure to low-energy PEMFs can improve muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics. This includes enhancing mitochondrial respiration and reducing systemic lipotoxicity, which is often associated with metabolic disorders[3].

Mechanisms of Action

  1. Modulation of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential: PEMF therapy influences the mitochondrial membrane potential, which is crucial for maintaining cellular energy balance and mitochondrial function[8].

  2. Induction of Mitohormetic Responses: PEMFs can induce mitohormetic responses, which involve the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at non-toxic levels. This response can activate antioxidant pathways and improve mitochondrial resilience and function[9].

  3. Calcium Signaling and TRPC1 Channel Activation: PEMF therapy can influence calcium signaling pathways, particularly through the activation of TRPC1 channels. This activation is linked to mitochondrial respiration and the promotion of oxidative muscle fibers, which are essential for endurance and metabolic flexibility[3][6].

Clinical Implications

PEMF therapy holds potential for clinical applications, particularly in enhancing muscle metabolism, improving healing processes, and managing conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. However, further research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and optimal parameters for PEMF therapy in different clinical settings[1][2][4].

Overall, PEMF therapy represents a promising non-invasive approach to support mitochondrial health and improve cellular energy metabolism.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9574347/
[2] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-98625-1
[3] https://www.aging-us.com/article/204597/text
[4] https://omnipemf.com/mitochondrial-health-and-pemf-therapy/
[5] https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.201903005RR
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6902701/
[7] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142961222002988
[8] https://typeset.io/questions/what-is-th-effect-of-pemf-pulsed-electromagnetic-therapy-om-1dj26g1ov6
[9] https://www.techscience.com/biocell/v47n2/50477/html


Wow, that was a helpfull and compact answer!

Unfortunately Link [4] is weak, but [8] hold lots of interesting references.

If ATP-production could be increased there will be less ROS automatically. May be this could be a core mechanism with inflammation or its cascade. Then 5 mg MBlue / day and… you have covered parts of of ATP production.

Add water with negative charge and you body must not pump electrons into the water to make it negative. Hint: RO makes water extremely positive (which is not good).


did you mean to say must “now” pump versus must “not” pump?

“not”, because electrons have a negative charge and when water has already (enough) negative charge, then you do not to spend additional electrons to make it more negative. “less” would may be more appropriate, nevertheless :wink:

This “charge” is in relation to the -50 mV cell voltage. For measuring “voltage” you need to define what is the “ground” or “reference” agains which you want to measure. In that regard I used “charge” of the water, because it is more general comparitive.

Hope my english make sense :upside_down_face:

Thanks! Yes it is great.

Did you just explain why RO with remineralization is critical if using a RO unit?

Not exactly. I think re-mineralization will not fix the “charge” problem. Also RO will have destroyed all coherent clusters of water, that have, as far as I know, the ability to accept or “store” electrons. Na, K, Mg and Ca ions may help to transport additional (negative) charge. I think it is a total misconception that a low TDS value is regarded as good. Does not happen with real artesian well water.

This does not even touch the concentrated toxin accumulation in the pre-filters all new water must pass. This may be additionally worse. Its speculative, but my feeling is bad.

What is the alternative? In the states, the city water supply is not good at all.

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I currently research that. There are different devices, approaches and claims. One I have works on a physical concept with permanent magnets and forced induces spin/claimed charge transfer, the other has not even contact with water and shall “inform” it - but with both the water is different… Both vendors are against any filtration, max. sediment filters. The “informer” manufacturer does not even know the charge concept, as most. And charge is not ORP!

One I have to re-apply after RO manually several times, because the water is as “bad”, the other, which I currently do not have, i also had to redo the application of the informer after RO. But he sees a additional problem with minimal minerals (i.e. low TDS-tester value).

Its like PEMF. In a market of big and lot of claims you have to find ICES which does not do advertisement and no basically one reports about it. Same with EMF “bad biological effect” neutralizing devices, since you can’t undo the EMF itself, only the negative effect regarding biological systems.

When I’m more clear/sure on the topic(s) I will write you a PM and have an article about it in my blog. But I think I have some good leads where I am in contact with the inventors, that seem quite like bob and even did some studies on the biological impact. But some are vague and claim spontaneous, un-explainable insights “given to them”. Latter is “hard stuff” for me.

I’m very open to everything, but I want to have some prove, at least a plausible thesis, before I spend my money :sunglasses:



This is really interesting, as I have been using a 7 stage RO filter, (w/ remineralization & UV disinfection) for a few years. It’s the first time I’ve heard about charge as is relates to water, or coherent clusters of water. I need to read more about this. Any suggested references Hans? Thanks.


I answer you via personal message, because I do not know if @bob endorses here links to other companies and deeply off-topic discussions. Most “understandable” research is done by the Australian that produces also the water devices.

He introduces the concept of “charge” (not ORP) to the whole water-discussion and in one Interview he even mentioned a discussion with Pollack at a water conference where Pollack said to him something like “you may have created structured water”. While this may open for speculation, because this is a sketchy word, often misused, I think there is something to it.

That’s fine with me so long as the information is meant to be helpful to people and not just marketing.

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Thanks Hans! I will check the DM.

Bob, thanks for this GPT summary. Extremely important information and the broad mitochondrial benefits are why we so badly need a PEMF full body mat. Any progress on that? I already prescribe the ICES devices to many patients but a mat would be incredible.

I don’t have any plans to develop a whole-body mat. There are many reasons that I discuss at various locations all across this forum, but briefly:

For me to build a whole body mat that actually works, the cost would be about the cost of any of the typical “whole body” PEMF mats that are currently for sale. I would only sell them if they work properly, but I would be competing with a world of low-integrity PEMF marketers who will say anything to make a sale. The technical reasons why an ICES-PEMF mat would actually work better will not matter to 99% of consumers, it is simply too technical.

So, as a business reality, I can not compete in a market that has been poisoned by decades of false marketing claims about their special “whole body” PEMF. I would have no price advantage, and the consumer is not well informed enough to know the difference.

Even if everyone on this forum bought a system from me, I would still lose a lot of money, and probably be forced out of business.

The only way there will ever be an ICES-PEMF whole body mat is if I can find a high-integrity partner who wants to start that business and understands what is required. I have been looking for about two decades, but every one (of more than 50 that I have talked to) is basically the same, they want me to carry all the cost and all of the risk and all of the work so they can run a turn-key business… oh, and yes, I would be barred from selling ICES-PEMF because that would cut into their potential market.


If you know anyone who is willing to pay for, carry the risk, and do the work to build a company that competes in the market and sells high-efficiency ICES-PEMF based whole body mats, please have them contact me.

If I should become a billionaire by selling a scam-company I will certainly come back to this offer :sunglasses:

Out of curiosity: Would a basic setup include for example 256 * 5 cm coils driven by the same circuits then the M1/C5 but where I can adjust intensity and pattern for segments of 4*4 coils? Or would it be an complete different approach with larger or different sized coils and a different electronics to get the same impulse-shape?

ICES-PEMF pulses are tuned. I use an L-C-R output circuit to generate output pulses with the correct waveform shape. This is a bit more nuanced than you would see in an introductory electronics course because I take into account the non-ideal properties of the components. And the L-C-R parameters are not isolated to discrete components: for example, the “R” value derives from the characteristics of the “C” (output capacitor non-linear ESR) and the “L” (coil). These are all tuned together to get the right pulse shape.

The devices I currently sell are tuned for focal application of PEMF with the correct waveform shape. It just does not scale up simply, because it is a tuned system. Just making it larger will not work for the same reason that if you make a harmonica really large, it does not become a pipe organ.

I am not saying it is impossible. I am saying that to do so is both difficult and expensive. But any PEMF marketing company would simply respond to customer demands, just make everything larger, then charge you as if it was designed and assembled properly, but it is not.

I will not do that. That market has been poisoned.

To do this successfully a person could license the technology from me and have me consult how to implement the technology on a larger scale. For many reasons (legal, regulatory, risk mitigation and fire-walling) this New Company would need to be completely separate from my current companies. And to develop their company that person would need to put their money and time and resources at risk. They would need the persistence to see the project through (serial entrepreneurs would fail miserably). I estimate the total cost to launch this venture would only be in the range of $10M to $20M (no need for a billion $$). Most of that would need to be expended on corrective marketing and re-education of customers, manufacturing, distribution, etc. Only a small portion of that would need to be allocated for the core technology (ICES-PEMF re-tuned for use at that size scale).


Hi, I did a piece on PEMF and the mitochondria a while back. The iron-sulfur centers in the mitochondria may be PEMF antenna. This piece cites a Japanese study stating as much.

It might be possible to replicate the conditions with other devices.

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Like that study or link, because the picture with the Fe-S subunit is a good one. Hg (Mercury) is forcing the Fe out of this units and deactivating them, making Fe a free radical in addition. Never had ist so transparent.

But I thing that the antenna structures in the VGCCs may be important, too: https://hcfricke.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/vgcc-membrane-topology.png

Schematic representation of the VGCC molecular structure and membrane topology. The VGCC pore is formed by the α1 subunit, which comprises four homologous domains (I-IV) consisting of six transmembrane segments (S1-6). The S4 segments contain positive charges and serve as voltage sensors. S5, S6 and the inlet loops form the walls of the pore. HVA VGCC also includes one of each α2-δ, γ and β subunit. (Adapted from King, 2007).

I wonder if CAP (Cold Atmospheric Plasma) might be an alternative that could be applied in some way to RO water… It’s used in a number of applications including medical, agricultural, etc.

