This is a really late answer, just now seeing it. Al Franco-Obregon has a Singapore based company that is using PEMF to improve mitochondrial health and bolster longevity. They are really into healthy aging in Singapore.
would we really benefit much from a mat vs using 2 (3 at most) c5 devices with 2x2 coils? other than having the pulses synced, working with multiple devices and coils across the body should be sufficient for whole body benefit. i suppose we wouldn’t know unless we ran a few detailed trials.
at any rate, for lack of a whole body mat, I’ve been applying coils mostly to my organs for the past month I’ve been alternating between my liver/gallbladder and heart/lungs and regularly to my head since i have the cap. other than my Garmin used to measure my hrv to determine stress and sleep quality, i have been measuring my BP too… hard to really qualify health benefits, but then again, i haven’t been very strict about tracking all my numbers and when, where, frequency, etc of using coils and other therapeutic factors such as grounding, diet, pemf water etc.
one trend i have noticed from applying coils to alternating organs mentioned consistently has been my bp… it’s noticeably gone down from 140+/90+ to about 115-125/65-80
is it due to strategic placement and consistent use of ices pemf? i strongly suspect so…
i am finally getting my diet in order as well as getting the juicing and blending of produce going on a daily basis now.
I’ve been off grounding for a while bc I’m reconfiguring the whole approach (plus my mat needed some repair and adjustment too)… hope to get that going soon tho!
looking forward to a great new year!
I read just a day or so ago, that Singapore is now considered a “man-made” blue zone.