Flux Health Forum

Methylene blue and ICES and tbi

5 pass is not recommended in Europe. We either use a low dose of ozone (1-2 passes), which stimulates the immune system and activate the natural anti-oxidant system or go for the whole high dose 10 pass, which has different benefit to the low dose (kills viruses/ bacteria and increases the ATP production in mitochondria). When you have 5 passes, you cause a lot of oxidative stress to the body, but the dose is not high enough to achieve the benefits of the 10 pass. This is a recommendation from the German Herrmann Medozon manufacture


I have been doing home ozone treatments for several years. Vaginal insufflation is supposed to be the equivalent to 10-pass when administered regularly. I also have been taking a drop or 2 of MB in water for a year or more. Haven’t noticed any brain changes from the original aggressive treatments I did with PEMF(Pulse Centers,) SIlver and later, laser. I also have a moderate head injury. I originally worked a lot on my brain with PEMF, but did not notice any results. I tried laser on the brain as well, but not very long since becoming discouraged.
Please keep us informed of your “headway” (Pun) :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing this. That is definitely new data that I am glad to have.

For more context, in the case of autoimmune encephalitis, supplements or medication that upregulate dopamine are contraindicated. Methylene Blue, even in low doses, will raise dopamine which is the opposite of what we want to do which is why we aren’t using it.

I’ve read mb raises serotonin levels and should be careful under certain conditions depending on dose… but regardless of what is mentioned here, i think anything new should be diligently researched and even after that, start low and slow.

on the note of ozone… fortunately the body does not adapt to dosage… only to load you are detoxing… give that fact, why not be progressive starting low with ozone as you kill off… “things” to help clean up and let your liver and rest of your body clear out and catch up… no rush right?

on the note of increasing oxygen in body a nice natural way is daily and even multiple times a day wim hof breathing method… controlled hyperventilation… studies have shown helps increase oxygen levels in body if you Google for more details… excessive co2 helps the body release more o2 in the body. IMHO that is encouraging in that that is something we can do for ourselves immediately with lasting results…

What is the source for this conclusion on Dopamine being deleterious for Encephalitis, please? Are you confusing the data with Serotonin?

I now put the methylene blue in empty capsules and swallow it.

That’s exactly what I do: three drops in a size OOO capsule.

What else do you do for your brain, Bob? Always looking for answers. One thing i do is to eat frozen salmon eggs almost daily. I cut off a piece, add a lemon ice cube, let it thaw a bit and eat it. I also just got Mind-Eye glasses from the chicago clinic. Dont know yet if they will help. Really trying hard with this old tbi. Im getting stronger physically as my brain trys to heal and it is because of the C5, which is making a huge difference.

exercise: walk, carry, move, HIIT. This is probably the most important thing for the brain. People do not realize how much of the brain is dedicated to movement control.

I summarize the rest of my strategy in my stroke-recovery book on Amazon:

I summarize the key points in the material that you can see for free on Amazon by using “Look Inside this Book” or “Read Sample”. I condensed everything there so people can access the most important information fast and for free.

I could try to summarize it more, but this summary book is already a summary of the larger, full length book.

And I am actively trying to develop a new technology to kick-start neuroplasticity. Nothing to say about this yet though.


Does anyone of you know where you can get MB in Canada

I buy a liquid 1% from amazon.

MB is definitely one of the greatest wonder drugs. I have tried it myself and recommended it to others, and it’s results are beyond amazing.

It’s extremely safe in small dosages for most people except anyone taking any medications which raises their Serotonin Level.

I did try it (very low dosage is all that is needed) with someone with TBI and it had a clearly visible beneficial effect.

Lots of good studies showing positive results using medicinal Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

I ordered a bottle of methylene blue today and would like some input on the dosage for a TBI?

I limit to 4 drops at a time, to limit potential toxicity. I get noticeable benefit from this for my post-stroke cognitive functional recovery.


Thank you for your advice. We put it in an empty capsule, that seems like the easiest way to take it.

I put MB powder (USP quality from bulk source) together with ascorbic acid (AA) as reducing agent (electron donor) together in a capsule. AA is also the filler. Dose up to 0,5 mg/kg/bodyweight (30-40 mg), which is in the low-dose zone. Heard often, that even 5 mg already had a huge impact, may be more than 30-40 mg.

Hey Bob, are you able to disclose where you source your MB?
