Flux Health Forum

Menu Selection

I didn’t see a good area for my question so I put it here.

I’m a new M1 owner. It seems to me that the process of pushing a button 14 times to increase the power by one unit or 29 times to back up one protocol could be done more efficiently. For example, why couldn’t there be a third (menu?) button to select power or protocol? The two existing buttons could be up/down, forward/backward or some other appropriate nomenclature. Since I have no experience as to how to execute this design, I don’t know what degree of effort it takes. I see various types of cheap devices with this functionality, which leads me to think it could be included on a $600+ device for a modest cost. Just a thought.

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every design is a trade-off. Eventually, every design settles into a space where no one is perfectly happy, but most people are mostly happy.

In this case, the memory is maxxed-out, and power and size are absolutely minimized, so more buttons and more menus = fewer protocols to choose from, more expense, and larger size.

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