Flux Health Forum

Improve vision with ICES

I saw this comment on one of Dr. Dennis’ interview on Youtube about five months ago.
" WOW Good Video! - Just to inform some of you interested in ICES, this device has helped me w my eyes w better vision. "
I bought the M1 and started to experiment with it. It’s really improving my vision, so I want to share this with others.
I took a pair of old reading glasses. Remove the lenses and tied a pair of long coils to the frame. I made myself a special ICES glasses. I wear it for 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins at night before I go to bed. I just use the default setting on the M1 (Omni 8, setting 9).
Before my eyes are blurry at night. Now I can see much better.
Thank you so much, Dr. Dennis, for improving people’s lives!

My ICES glasses


Hi Leo_Yang, that’s an awesome concept you have there.

A month ago my father was blind due to (at least)* glaucoma, but, after sleeping with the coils stacked on top of each other on his left temple, he’s recovering (very slowly) vision from his left eye.

Every day he reports improvement.

So maybe you could try using the glasses for a greater amount of time.

Currently, my father is using the coils for close to 12 hours every night. No side effects after 30 days.

And the only reason he’s not using the ICES 24/7 is because my wife uses it during the day.

*Note: The reason I say “at least glaucoma” is because that, as he slowly regains vision he’s describing vision problems that resemble macular degeneration and/or cataracts. It seems that, as the ICES regenerated his optic nerve, this allowed us to see the problems in his macula and lens. However, since he keeps reporting improvement, my only guess is that he’s recovering from those problems as well.

He lost his vision several years ago, I believe 4 or 5. However, for a long time prior to that, he endured a slowly but steadily process of vision loss.

When his ophthalmologist wrote the papers to declare his legally blind status, he wrote that my father’s eyes were irreversible damaged. His optic nerve was almost non existent.

On a good day, he had a faint perception of light/darkness. On bad days he couldn’t even tell you if the lights on the room were on or off.

However, as he continues using the ICES, he’s recovering his eyesight.

At this moment in time, he can, for example, distinguish between a van and a regular car when these are parked in his right side. He can also perceive white, black and the colors red and blue. Interestingly enough, he has no perception of green whatsoever. It’s as if green was invisible to him.

He can tell you if the car is one of those 4 colors.

Note that he’s not functional yet. He has no central vision. The world around him is just a blurred mess of shapes along with a limited amount of colors – all being picked up by his peripheral vision.

However, if my father was 99% blind and had been 99% blind for years and is recovering his vision every single day, it stands to reason that if he had used these devices before going blind, he would have never had gone blind. (Sorry for the awful grammar on this last sentence!)

I mean, if you can reverse a disease at such later stage you could certainly stop it at a earlier stage.

What more can I say?

Everyone with eye issues should have and regularly use one of these devices.

Seeing my father struggles reminds me every day of how precious our vision is.

Even if the M1 was priced at $10000 it would still be a bargain.

However, at its price point, the M1 costs basically the same as a good pair of glasses.

I mean, probably for the first time in human history there’s a scientifically validated therapy that can actually reverse eye problems.

There should be a team of people going door-to-door, telling everyone about this.

Such a therapy could be life-changing for millions.


What settings were used?

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The default settings: Omni8, strength 9.


Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

The Food Revolution Summit is coming soon and last year, they shared a testimonial of a woman who reversed her blindness and her need for organ transplants with Whole Food Plant Based. Gerson also has a lot of blindness reversals.

In case you are looking for adjunct things.

My great-grandmother went blind from glaucoma. She was one of my favorite people in the whole world. She would make everybody laugh until they cried and would end up wiping the tears of laughter out of her eyes and would fling her glass eyes across the room and I would sit at her feet and retrieve it.

I watched a vision restoring with brain stimulation video a few years ago. It might help you to see exactly how the professional researchers are using brain stimulation.



That is fabulous! I am going to be trying that soon!

There are studies with glaucoma with computer vision training.

You have to have some vision for that type of thing to work, though if you have no vision, there are brain plasticity gadgets, which already do work and ICES would be an adjunct to any of it through plasticity. You can see it in The Brain That Changes Itself documentary.

Brainport would be if you can’t get the sight back.

YouTube has eye and vision training videos.

They have ones for things like Amblyopia, too.

Also, things like that seem to be related to neurotransmitters. That fascinated me. When I started getting abused, I started developing amblyopia and I felt that the two were related and now I am beginning to understand that it might have really been related to that with neurotransmitters as the physical mechanism. Abuse changes the development of the brain and the neurotransmitters and those are involved.

Also, if people have amblyopia, there are online video games to try and there is a basis for its use even for adults.

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Very interesting and wonderful story.

  1. Would it work for a coned shape Cornea (keratoconus) ?

  2. Why did he put it over his left temple, instead of over both eyes?

I didn’t find a link, except that PEMF can increase collagen, and Dr. Pawluk referenced using PEMF for corneal issues.

https://www.drpawluk.com/blog/glaucoma/ (cornea is pretty far down)


Have you tried the crosslinking? That is supposed to stop the progression.

Are you eating enough foods with antioxidants and are you getting your Omega 3’s Magnesium, foods with Lutein, and Riboflavin, avoiding dry eye, avoiding rubbing your eyes, etc.

Are you eating an anti-inflammatory diet?

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I know that I put the skin collagen Myofibroblast one, but I did it because there is also a corneal myofibroblast.

Not sure if PEMF helps the corneal collagen myofibroblast and I am not a science person at all. I am just a person who hunts for clues.

One of the things, which is involved in the Collagen breakdown was called, “zinc-dependent” and I tried to follow that as a lead, but it failed.

Anyway, I try to help and sometimes I do and sometimes I really, really don’t.

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Thank-you so much for your thoughtful and intelligent reply.

The answer to all your questions, I believe is yes.

While I do follow what I believe to be an anti-inflammatory diet, I humbly admit, that as a student of diet, trying to learn knew information daily, I might be messing up.

I also admit complete ignorance to how collagen makes up the cornea.

Perhaps my best path forward would be to try an Omni protocol on intensity 5, around and over my left eye.

Maybe I am holding tension in that area.

Thank-you so much for your wonderful research and ideas.

You are a good, passionate, rational, logical and methodical biohacker.
Something which I am trying hard to become.

When doing something new and novel success is a bonus and courage and perseverance is essential.

I am lucky that I do not need a corneal transplant in my left eye and even luckier that my right eye does not have a coned cornea.

How advanced is the condition?

They are successfully using the crosslinking process where they paint riboflavin on the cornea. It doesn’t reverse the damage, but it does seem to stop the progression.

Have you looked into crosslinking?

And if you get that, see if you can get this

I will try to keep looking at things for you.

But eat a diet rich in antioxidant vegetables - broccoli, kale and blueberries and things like tea. Free radical damage from not having enough antioxidants can be part of the disease. Plus, things like asthma is often correlated to it and asthma is also correlated to not eating enough vegetables. They can cause asthma in people by having them not eat enough vegetables.

It has to be fruits and vegetables, not pills.

Also, deal with sleep apnea. When they looked at risk factors, sleep apnea and asthma and allergies were things which were correlated.

There were other risk factors, which you can’t do anything about, but you can do something about getting enough magnesium and not allowing yourself to have dry eyes (Make sure you drink enough water and use drops if necessary because dry eyes are correlated and so is having low magnesium levels.)

Acetylcholine might be something you consider taking.

Scroll down to the bottom of that page and there are links which explain the advances being made in corneal transplants. The future of medicine is going to be much more fascinating.

I will keep looking. Sometimes the real information is harder to Google.

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If you have been a smoker or live in a place with air pollution, develop a love for broccoli sprouts or fresh broccoli.

Oh, here is an interesting one.

A patent application for use of PEMF for healing cornea.

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Very interesting! Thank-you so much.

I have had it for over 20 years and somehow, seemingly seem to have managed to slow down the corneal degradation.

I need to check the keratometries to tell you how many diopters, if you wish.

Your knowledge is very impressive and more up to date then mine.

How do you know so much about this seemingly very rare condition?

THe last 7 years I have not done any further research on the topic.

If you want to know what I have done that might have slowed down its growth, I will happily share it.

AS you know better than I do, what works for one might not work for another.

Thank-you again so much for your useful information and care.

I scan PubMed articles as a hobby.

I have done it for a few years.

Mostly, I was too easy to scam by all of the internet snake oil salesmen because I never really had learned anything at all about health or science and because the snake oil salesmen and “industry studies” are particularly good at what they do.

Having a brain problem in a culture where every single topic is handled like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Dumber at the crossroad to every road less traveled.

It is soy is good for you. Soy will kill you. Soy is so good for you that it might be the biggest factor for saving your life. Soy is so bad for you that it might be what kills you.

Topic after topic after topic is like that. It isn’t just medicine. Politics is like that, too. Religion is like that. Culture in general is like that. Plus, people polarize topic by topic.

You can be the same race, religion, country, socioeconomic class, and gender and you can find another topic to argue passionately about.

Those of us with brain problems genuinely appreciate how much opportunity for brain plasticity all of the con artists and deeply opinionated people on the internet have provided.

Yes, I would genuinely like to hear what you have done to halt the progression.

Recently, I received a “wrong number” phone call from a nearly blind from cataracts Jewish woman and her friend had corneal problems.

The woman had been crying and asked me about 50 questions. It might have been more. I think we were on the phone for 2 hours with me sharing all of the things I have learned from her list of topics. (For instance, my brother and my sister-in-law’s mother both were diagnosed with kidney cancer this year and that woman had just been diagnosed with it, too.)

I kept thinking about how horrifying it had to be to have all of those things wrong in her life and she couldn’t see to do the searches to research things herself and her doctors had not told her even one of the new things being used for anything.

For instance, she rejected kidney surgery and decided not to do it, but she never heard about cryo or immunotherapy or anything else and when I said the things, she immediately was open to those. Not sure if it will save her life, but it gave her options.


I don’t want you to think that I “know” things.

I look up everything.

That is different than knowing things.

Mostly, I had a broken brain and found out that I also couldn’t trust almost any doctors, and I couldn’t trust the alternative medicine people either.

A whole lot of plate spinners.

The thing is, the more I learn, the more I understand that the issues are so complicated that even the “good guys” don’t know the answers, but there are “good guys” doing sincere enough processes.

Not perfect.

But perfect enough for me.


how is his vision today? did he continue through to today the therapy?


Unfortunately his vision end up deteriorating. Now he is completely blind. He kept (and still continues) using the M1 every night. I don’t know why,