Flux Health Forum

iCES A9a Specs


I purchased this unit back in September 2016 and I am curious about the protocol it uses. Is it the original A9 or the Omni-8 one? I tried to find information about this in the webpage and the forum (It does not allow short queries like A9 for instance) without success.

And last but not least, is there any information about the power of each of the settings (L, M, H and X)?

Appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot.

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It should be the original A9 protocol, not the Omni-8.

Power settings:
Yes, this information is available with the technical documentation on our website (and on this forum at this link: Intensity levels M1 1-15 /A9 LMHX - how do they compare?).

Briefly, under standardized calibration conditions:

“L” = 800 kG/s
“M” = 1200 kG/s
“H” = 1600 kG/s
“X” = 2000 kG/s

Note the units: “kG/s” is not the same as “Gauss”, and you can not directly convert to “Gauss”, and you should probably not fixate on “Gauss” as this is the hook used by PEMF marketers to suck people into their pseudo-scientific fraud.

I describe the meaning of the units “kG/s” and “Gauss”, how they are related, their biophysical relevance, and simple ways to conceptualize their relationship at many points throughout this forum.

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