Flux Health Forum

Have you heard about internal tremors? I have it. Let's talk

Over a year ago, I started experience weird sensations at night that would keep me up. Here is a rundown:

  • tingling, quivering, vibrations, shakiness, jittery feeling

  • these sensation are felt on the back of the head, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, palm, belly/stomach area, legs, foot

  • at the worst, it felt like my bowels were grumbling or twitching on top of the other sensations

It was literally driving me mad. My mental health took a nose dive because it was so strange and only I can experience it. I thought it was something in or around my home so I moved away. It surprisingly disappeared and didn’t return for 6 months. I went back home and it started happening again. I moved again and noticed that I was experiencing it there as well. That’s when I concluded it was something happening internally. As I researched about this, I came across the term “internal tremors”. It’s having tremors without the visible shaking.

I’m currently at the point where I’ve slightly accepted it. It can still bother me if my brain turns into “crazy monkey mind” (-Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche). Now, it’s pretty much always there but it’s more present at night.

I have an appointment with my doctor so I get tested and possibly referred to a neurologist.

I’m went back to Roberts videos and rewatched the Parkinson’s testimony video. That’s where I’m at in experimenting with ICES PEMF.

Please share if you do know something about this.

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It could be many things… Adrenal Insufficiency, Dysautonomia, POTS, low blood sugar… I get a similar symptom almost every morning when my blood sugar is low.
Do you feel light-headed when the symptoms occur?

I would recommend looking at the you tube site of a nutritionist named Elliot Overton. He is doing a lot of work to educate people regarding B1 deficiency (Thiamine). My husband has some of the symptoms you describe–the worst being a pulsating that runs through his body at night as he is trying to fall asleep and as he is on the cusp of sleep causes him to snap fully awake feeling as if there has been a huge surge of adreneline. His symptoms come and go. After digging into Elliot Overton’s information on B1 I am going to try the protocol he suggests. It is certainly not the issue for everyone but some experience truly remarkable benefits for a wide variety of difficulties.

Hi Jill, no I don’t get light-headed when this happens. There is a person on Youtube who I’ve been watching lately because he was one of the few that has spoken about his experiences with internal tremors. According to him, it was adrenal related. I’m trying one supplement he mentioned but so far there hasn’t been any changes.

Dysautonomia I vaguely recall seeing it on Reddit but I haven’t look it up. This is a reminder for me to investigate into that. The same thing with POTS.

Hi Treyson, does your husband have it intermittently or constantly? Mine has changed from internmittent to constant.

I am trying the M1 at the back of the head right now. The tremors are still here but it’s not as strong or disturbing.

He has had these tremors and also periods of “vesticulations” all over his body, off and on, for about 25 years. He was checked for MS when it first began when he was in his mid 30’s. Stress, poor sleep, big spikes in his anxiety level can all bring a period of these symptoms on. A cycle of bad sleep can also kick it into gear. It is quite distressing for him esp. at night. I am very sorry to hear the tremors have become constant. That is good to hear the M1 seems to be taking the sensations down a notch! What program and setting are you using? Hoping for good things for you. Please keep us posted. My partner did find a Reddit thread about these sorts of symptoms, created by people who were really concerned they had Parkinson’s (something that has concerned him) and it seems this may be more common than one would think. Again I would recommend looking at some of the videos from Elliot Overton about Thiamine–very, very eye opening and can be relevant to all these symptoms.

I was pretty much sleepless for almost a month because I was so disturbed and weirded out by this. I thought my environment was shaking because when I touched my bed, wall or even my torso, it seemed that everything was vibrating.

For this specific ailment, I’ve been using stacked coils Delta@3pwr and sleeping on it. It’s been two nights now. Before that, I had tried coils side-by-side at the back and top of the head Omni@5pwr. This was based on Martin’s video with Bob. I tried that for 2 days. I’m currently using Gamma@4pwr as I’m typing.

I’m scheduled to meet my doctor and I will ask if I could be referred to a neurologist. I just want to know what’s going on. Is it long long COVID, vaccine injury (2x Pfizer), MS, or Parkinson’s.

Did you mean to say fasciculation. I do experience occasional twitches or hypnic jerks for arms and legs. I have attributed it to my inconsistent sleep. I’ve dealt with insomnia before all of this. Sometimes my elbow and my knees would kinda throb or twitch. I went off coffee for a whole week thinking it was too much caffeine but it didn’t really affect it much. I also thought it was stress so I started taking some magnesium and adaptogens like ashwhaganda, holy basil, rhodiola and l-theanine. I don’t think its the solution but it helps keep me from getting too stressed.

Yes I did mean fasticulation, my bad.

Thanks for letting me know what you are trying. I would love to hear how things go as you move along. For my partner keeping stress managed and avoiding insomnia cycles are both very important–obviously, easier said than done at times.

I just saw my doctor and blood work didn’t show anything unusual other than a high LDL coupled with a high HDL. The doctor doesn’t know what to do and I was told that there is no justification to refer me to a neurologist. I left disappointed but not defeated. The good thing is that my tremors/internal tremors are somewhat improving. The most notable thing and consistent thing that I’ve done is using the M1 device as often as I can. I use it during sleep under a couple of layers of towels on a stacked config at Delta on the back of the head… I alternate between 1-3 power. I don’t use it as much during the day when I started the nightly use but when I do I use it stacked@gamma (5-7 power) on the back of the head. Unfortunately, I broke another cable and I’m down to two cables (short and long).

Hi patient9. I wonder how you are now and if the ICES is still working on your internal tremors? I started suffering September this year and tried a few things like different B vitamin protocols, but they didn’t seem to work. What seems to work so far has been Magnesium Malate, but my recovery is painfully slow. I made an account specifically because I’m interested in purchasing an ICES M1 in hopes of helping accelerate my recovery

It’s still there but I don’t have this fear of the unknown. I’m living with it and the few times I notice it I don’t react to it most of the time and I just continue what I’ve been doing before noticing it. I did sleep with the coils on form sometime and I go on and off. I’ve been off of it for 2 weeks now.

ever since Bob mentioned taking methylene blue, I’ve been going down the rabbit hole listening to podcasts and reading up content on the web… very interesting… have you gone down this rabbit hole yet?

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Thanks for the link. I’ll listen to it. I’ve heard of methylene blue from Ted Achacoso before (like 3 yrs ago). My tremors come and go these days but I’m not even disturbed by it most of the time. I’d have to make an effort and focus on it to give it a thought.