Flux Health Forum

Have a suggestion for a category not featured here?

I think it is OK as long as the coil tester shows that the coils are working. Even if the wires break it should not be dangerous, just might break and stop working and need new coils.

…and a topic on tension headaches as well. Imagine having a chronic tension headache for 7 years, generally with minimal pain, but feeling as if your head is being squeezed and rubber bands tightening all the way around. I would love to use my M1 to alleviate this issue

I bet more people experience this issue than they realize. Luckily, though, I’m sure many (if they can) relieve it by dissipating their stress. But for me, it’s more like the following (caution, the first one is a very long thread):


Feel free to move this post to a new thread as it will probably get buried where it is

@Eric, @Bob A category on Dental Health comes to mind… Also a category on Micro Pulse Techniques for users of varying degrees to describe effective/ineffective ways to place the coils that doesn’t focus so much on what they used it for as opposed to how they actually used it.


OK, good to know. Thank you. Btw, you look very healthy in your photo. I’m guessing you’re doing something right :slight_smile: Good for you

Yes, I would appreciate that. Never really sure about coil placement, i.e., where, do they need to be directly attached to the skin or if on a curve, is it ineffective if coil don’t have complete contact with skin?

Mainly what I do now is Intermittent Fasting (IF) and daily High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). I believe I can only do HIIT because my pain is under control with PEMF.

Forgot to add: yes, I try the coils in a few places: under pillows or just directly under my neck. Depending on how I feel, I think I respond better to one or the other. I do think changing it around a bit is actually more helpful for me than finding one precise spot.

I agree with a category on dental health
I am cautious about a prescriptive list such as:" this works, that does not" or “do it this way”

Maybe that is not exactly what Aaron is suggesting, but it does bring to mind my observation that people naturally want clear, prescriptive advice.

So let me address that larger issue. Mainstream medicine has adopted a one-size-fits-all approach. Sure, dosage may be calculated on weight, but often it is not, and the nuance of individual differences is typically swept away. After all, that is how mainstream medicine is administered. But PEMF does not seem to work quite that way in my opinion.

Here are my concerns with a table of correct uses:
First, we do not want to give the appearance of giving authoritative medical advice.
Second, people respond differently; what works for some does not work for others.
Third, Even on an individual basis, I find that one strategy of coil placement seems to work well for a while, then I may need to change to something new to maintain or improve the effects.
Finally, taken out of context for the reason of use, what people did that “works” would be much less helpful. I think in this forum, the information about why people did certain things is just as essential as how they did it and what they saw.

So, my opinion is that there are situations where the physics of coil placements suggests that it may or may not be effective, but it is probably not as clear when coil placement would or would not be biologically effective. So, I think biological context is important.

I think it will be difficult to separate the biological details from the details of use and effects, and the effectiveness of any one strategy is likely to change over time with prolonged use.

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Great idea @cupofcoffey. I’ve added a new channel for Dental Health and one for PEMF Basics so users can discuss differences between usage, brands, models, coil placement, etc.

I am a 64 (March 2018) year old female. I retired in March 2015 and on April 1st had an aneurysm in my large intestine. Three years later, April 2018 my body attacked me. It stopped working from my shoulder down to my calf, accompanied by severe stomach and groin (left side) pain. I was suddenly bed-ridden. For the next ten (10) months, I visited what seemed like an endless number of doctors and had a litany of tests. Turns out I’m as basically “fit-as-a-fiddle” and no definitive, I say, “true diagnosis,” has been made. My condition, I believe, was due to 25 years of extreme emotional and physical stress accompanied by “horrific” eating and drinking habits; coffee and alcohol. To my credit, I (1) have been using approximately 95% “natural healing modalities,” (Dr. Dennis’ wonderful self is just another leg of a health journey I started when I was around 25 years old). I started colon cleansing at that time and from there Amway products and so on and so on and so on. Thirty five years later I have a Micro-Pulsar. Medical technology can be truly remarkable.

Initially, I discovered the Micro-Pulsar for my husband who had three (3) ‘failed’ ankle surgeries; beginning with an ankle replacement in February 2014 followed by March 2015 and February 2016. (I was his caregiver during these years and now know that my illness was festering, waiting, lurking around the corner for me to say, “Enough, I’m going to take care of me!” Then it attacked! Pretty much like when my ultra-stressful job finally ending in March 1, 2015 only to bring an April 1st aneurysm. Funny how the body will let us get away with as much as it has too sometimes. But then we all know: “Stress Kills!” But, we are wonderfully made and I was and still am convinced that I will overcome this plague.

I am a natural health fighter for MYSELF, whereas my spouse is NOT committed to a natural approach’s longer relief/healing/cure and would rather just take a pill. Natural healing takes time, a lot of research, and patience. There is no ‘quick-fix,’ and it doesn’t happen overnight if the causal factors were sustained and other important healthy changes are not implemented. Despite my sometimes excruciating pain; i.e. left shoulder, elbow, hip, groin and knee and all over body pain, I’ve refused to commit to any long-term allopathic drug addiction.

In November 2017, I was blessed to find medical cannibas which very quickly ended my depression and which I’ve through “much research and personal body knowledge” not to mention “wasted money,” and products/services advertised without scruples. I learned to titrate dosages to greatly alleviate my pain and suffering; allowing me to sleep and renew. Anyhow, I digress and now must tell say that I am doing “MANY, MANY” wholesome and healthy alternatives at present - most specifically efficacious my “DIET,” (or die); basically a 180* and I am thrilled to have been contacted by Dr. Dennis with this forum and have direct contact with him through it.

I am very grateful for Dr. Bob Dennis, with whom I’ve spoken and his wonderful wife for her kind assistance with my Micro-Pulse; Moreover I so appreciate their ethical honesty in product and pricing and willingness to truly help people who are suffering.

In summation, I’ve tried to elucidate, albeit not completely, my condition; A condition which is impossible to “label.” I now, and finally after almost a year of feeling I was not going to come out of this downward spiral, (I went from 135 to 105 lbs) feel a great hope for a full recovery as I add yet another, I am convinced, viable healing modality with my Micro-Pulsar to my healing toolbox.

Lastly, I’d like to say that I am invigorated and have a renewed outlook because of this forum and, importantly, am happy to be at a place wherein I will be able to utilize my pulsar(s) more effectively with help from any of the “**EXPERTS” here available to guide me along. (Hey, can you use two at once? Just wondering because years ago I purchased two: mine, because I have osteoporosis and can have severe neck/back pain.) After joining this group (never did this before) I have a renewed hope that maybe, just maybe within the next let’s say, six (6) months or so I can reach a full and lasting recovery. And, I have once again started using my pulsar now in earnest. Thank you all. Happy healing, people!

I suffer from the same issue, i.e., numbness in the 5th and 4th fingers following cubicle surgery. It had not occurred to me to try PEMF as a corrective strategy.
I also suffer from non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy, for which I have used several modalities, particularly to try to increase blood flow to the damaged nerves. These have included weekly hyperbaric oxygen sessions, which I recently replaced with one hour day treatment with an Avacen unit.

For the past 3 years I have also used A9 units on my feet at night, but recently switched to a B5 on my calves while sitting at my desk or at night. It is hard to offer an objective measure of improvement, but I have less need for a cane and balance has improved to the point that I can stand in one place for 30 seconds now, versus less than 5 seconds before. The fix does not seem to be permanent, however, and a few days without treatment leads to regression.

I would like to hear from others struggling with neuropathy and what strategies seem to work for you.

I would like to see a panel on kidney disease. In November I was diagnosed with mild kidney disease, with a creatinine level of 1.59 versus a normal range of 0.76 to 1.24. In December I began sleeping on double stacked quad coils with the B5 set on Omni 1 (as I read it). I haven’t been totally consistent, probably using it 75% of the time. By 3/26 creatinine reading had improved to 1.47.

The latest reading may be an anomaly, but is encouraging none the less. At Dr. Dennis’ suggestion, I am switching to 24/7 use of two A9’s.

test test 123…see if this works…Yes, It would be interesting to know if people have had success with nerve issues. Ive used the PULSE PEMF system in Dr offices before, held the paddle on my elbow and afterwards felt shocks in the 4th and 5th fingers after a sessions at seemingly random times afterwards. Primarily using a9 for another orthopedic issue rite now.

My technical opinion: you can use two or more Micro-Pulse units at the same time. The pulse width is very narrow, so they do not interfere. Several people have done this, with no apparent problems.

I would like to present two suggestions for your consideration:

Sugestion 1:

A category on Do It Yourself PEMF

I would love a category on DIY PEMF. I believe this is an overlooked niche within PEMF that isn’t being served well.

I’ve seen this subject being discussed in the youtube comments and Dr. Dennis has given helpful tips on the technical specifications, such as 50% duty cycle to compensate for the lower reliability of the pulses generated by home made devices, etc.

A full category where people could post their own experiments and have the input from Dr. Dennis and other PEMF experts would be invaluable.

At this moment in time, DIY Pemf searches on google return meager results.

For example, there’s a single youtube video detailing how to build a PEMF prototype using coils scavenged from transformers, a laptop and a amplifier but little information on the best settings to use on the wave form generator.

Also, there’s a blog that hasn’t been updated since 2015, with ideas on how to hook up the micro-pulse coils to an mp3 player but no testimonials on if it works or not.

I believe this kind of information would be specially valuable to (1) people in countries where even low-cost PEMF device prices are extremely prohibitive, or where shipping such devices would be a problem (2) to help people who woul like to try stronger PEMF pulses but can’t afford the very expensive high-power machines.

Based on what I’ve read, I see no reason why a well built, home-made, coil connected to a heavy-duty amplifier, wouldn’t be able to rival the extremely expensive multi-level-marketing units for a fraction of the price – as long as we were using waveforms within the known biological active window.

Sugestion 2:

A category where relevant published studies on PEMF could be discussed. Like, one study per topic. Where the first post would contain, for example, a link to the study and a quote from the abstract.

It would be interesting to discuss what protocols, intensities, coil placements, and treatment duration, could be used with the ICES to try and test the study results.

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Tiago, these are good suggestions. I have been working on them quietly but diligently for quite some time.

1- DIY PEMF. I have engaged with the DIY PEMF community many times, sometimes anonymously, to try to help them along. I even give direct and indirect technical assistance to my competitors in the PEMF market, because I want to raise the bar of effectiveness, knowledge, and integrity in the entire field of PEMF.

DIY PEMF in its simplest sense is pretty easy, and I think the DIY community has pretty much figured it out. DIY of highly efficient PEMF, such as what I make and sell, is a different matter. Even with detailed designs and instructions, it is very difficult to make ICES-PEMF correctly. Even electronics factories that I work with directly and closely need daily guidance or they will get it wrong and the resulting device will not work quite correctly.

The other problem is that you need the pulse shape to be correctly tuned. This is a lot like tuning a piano. It is not really a trivial matter. The electronic instruments necessary to do this do not exist commercially, so you need to build those too. And some of the materials are quire difficult to work with.

Finally, I order the components in large quantities and have very strict quality/calibration controls. Whenever someone tries to duplicate one of my ICES-PEMF devices, their cost generally runs $2,000.00 to $9,000.00, with all the rest of the equipment they need to buy and build. And it would take them about a year, so time has value too.

The fact is that I sell them for a small fraction of what they would cost a DIY person to build one, and we guarantee they function properly from an electro-magnetic standpoint. So, overall, I would say making efficient, portable PEMF is not really a good DIY project. It would be far too expensive, difficult, and have too much risk of failure. It would be like trying to DIY a large screen TV. You could do it for $10k - $20k, or you could just buy an excellent one for $1k.

2- Published studies on PEMF. Our plan is to have that resource, and many more resources, on the new Flux Health web page, which we plan to launch by the end of April 2019. It will start out modest, but the resources will grow steadily over time.


What about using it as an exercise / strength training aid? I know this is not it’s intention. But it would be interesting. Let’s say you sleep with the a1 or c5 on a muscle group after it’s been exercised to failure (I.e it’s sore) would pemf assist with developing that muscle group.

Some people have told me they have tried this and the results are varied. Mostly they use PEMF for post-exercise recovery. I don’t think PEMF has been reliably reported as a way to directly build muscle unless the pulses are so strong that they induce muscle contractions, otherwise people in the exercise world would have been all over PEMF decades ago.

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I would suggest scanning PubMed and look up subjects like TMS, LLLT, infrared, acupuncture, tDCS and pair each in the search engine with autism.

Here are some to start you off:

I saw this PubMed article on how PEMF was successfully used to improve fine motor skills in Parkinson’s patients.

Here are ones on Autism

I do believe that ICES would help because inflammation is one of the factors in Autism.

The immune system is another thing they are looking at as causal and PEMF does affect immune responses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5879099/

I am not a science person. I can only give you the links.

Broccoli would be an adjunct. Dr. Greger has a video on those two topics.

The broccoli blocks something called TOR. All cruciferous would be included, and all vegetables and fruits and spices like turmeric and ginger and rosemary would be included under inflammation.

There was a dramatic change in what is called “Aberrant Behaviour Checklist,” eating about a cups worth of broccoli.

Buy it organic and chop it raw and rest it 45 minutes before you cook it to build up the enzyme and rice it if you have to hide it in something like sauce.

Broccoli sprouts has more of the enzyme than broccoli and it can be chopped to bits if you have to.

Here is one about which nerves are related to Autism.

Hey, if your child was a C-Section or has been on any antibiotics, gut microbiome is one which is an interesting topic for Autism. There have been small trials where kids got better taking antibiotics and it is suspected that antibiotics or not being in contact with the vaginal microbiome might have been part of the cause.

If so, there are people who do get fecal transplants for their kids. There might be less traumatic ways of improving gut microbiome, but fecal transplants or giving capsules filled with the bacteria are two ways of fixing the gut microbiome.

Having the children eat a wide enough variety of organic fruits and vegetables is one strategy for gut microbiome fixing.

People use probiotics, but be careful with that because I just saw a study where using probiotics actually slowed down the gut repopulation after antibiotics, rather than fixing it.

I am not an expert. I am someone who watches youtube videos on nutrition and science all night long when I can’t sleep. (My ICES is currently being used by my sweet carpenter who is one of the really good guys and who is out of commission on his job because of injury. I had been using it so successfully for sleep, but now I am up watching videos again.)