Flux Health Forum

Deep Field Coils for Model B5

Hi Bob and forum members. I’ve been using PEMF, Brown’s Gas, Chinese herbs, Red Light and RIFE therapy for chronic lower back pain and peripheral neuropathy, primarily in the lower limbs following hardware removal from the right ankle. These have helped reduce inflammation and pain at the site of my surgery, but the nerve inflammation persists.

I consider myself pretty adept at exploiting these technologies, so my interest lies in purchasing the B5 as the device will allow me greater flexibility in exploring ways to help me overcome what ails me.

With this in mind, do the Deep Field Coils work with the B5 like they do with the C5?

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The devices are identical from the hardware. Only Software is different. The B5 is customizable, you can change the protocols within reason, but the usage is more “complex”. Get the C5 when you do not explicitly have in mind to change the protocols or if you want to setup a special fixed frequency between 1 and 200 Hz.



@Raimes, the C5 allows you to switch protocols but it doesn’t allow you to “change the protocol itself”. I bought a C5 and am very happy with it.


Cheers, Taj. :+1: I think I want to be able to do both, that is, take advantage of the existing, tried and tested protocols, as well as conduct experiments with any/all frequencies available. I hope that makes sense.

B5 is for you, then :wink: Looking forward to hearing about your experiments and how they work.

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I think so. It’s just the additional intricacies of running the device the way I want to, without spending too much time on each setting. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Anyhow, thank you to you and Hans for making me feel so at home and a huge thank you to Bob for doing what he does for us ‘bio hackers’! :wink:

Totally different idea, but I have found that bromelain helps resolve nerve pain flares associated with sciatica. It may be worth trying for your issue as well. Just a thought!


Interesting, thanks LWM! I’ll check the supplement out.

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really? interesting. will have to check that out. when i had shingles, msm (6g) really helped reduce the nerve pain from 8/10 to 2/10… enough to let me sleep thru the night! it was a welcomed break from pain

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You are the first person that I have heard of that uses all of the same alternative therapies as my husband and I, we also use a grounding mat. All of these alternate therapies have worked together to help us overcome many health issues, including the back issues. The AC50 Brown’s Gas machine worked wonders for my back issues. The occasional numbness that I used to have that was located in the lower part of my left leg and foot is also gone. My spouse and I inhale overnight and drink the H2 bubbled water throughout the day. It took about 2 months of using Brown’s Gas to take my constant back pain down to a 2. I get an occasional temporary increase in pain from bouncing around on an ATV or some other activity that a 70 year old does not normally do. My husband was in a near fatal car accident a few years ago and the AC50 healed him enough to be able to work again at a physically demanding job and he is now able to function as a normal person. He also uses our home mild Hyperbaric Chamber for accident recovery, but not as often as he would like to due to time constraints, It takes 1.5 to 2 hours for a treatment.

I already had a severely comprised back with arthritis, slip discs, etc. This was about 6 months before I acquired the AC50. I fell over backwards due to feeling faint from not eating when I had Covid in October of 2023. This fall caused me to be in constant pain which was made much worse just trying to do daily household chores. Any activity that caused me to lean slightly forward would shoot the pain level up to an 8 on the pain scale for hours. I do not take pain pills. Physical therapy made it worse, and NSAIDs did not help. PEMF helped me to function before we got the AC50. I used the C5 and ran it on an Anker power pack. I used the trickle charge setting so it does not shut off. I put the C5 with 4 of the 2X2 coil arrays that I tucked into a velcro back wrap so I was able to do my work nearly pain free.

I was still having the occasional milder back pain last fall when we got a Rife machine. A few weeks ago we started using the David Halliday Experimental Frequencies, AKA, DH Experimental Frequencies. My husband and I are experiencing phenomenol improvements both physical and mentally using the DH programs, far more than we ever expected. Many times recently my husband wakes up and says “I feel really good today and have no pain anywhere” and I tell him I feel the same way. I was very skeptical about using a Rife machine and it was my husband that was pushing to get one, usually it is me that wants to try the alternative therapies.

Most people that I know who are my age are on many prescription drugs, these drugs come at a cost, not only money, but horrible side effects. I don’t need or take any prescription drugs. I would rather spend my money on alternative healing therapies.


Which Rife machine do you use? Lucky you to have the secret recipe to decrease pain. So many people have pain.

We have Spooky2 equipment. I like all the help on their Facebook Group with nearly 87k members and their Forum. They have lots of great Admins that are quick to answer any question and they go above and beyond to help everyone. Their customer service is great too. I have never used anything other Rife machines.

This morning I woke up with a few sore spots and figured it was from eating lots of heavily processed food at a friend’s church we went to for a Valentine’s Day dinner.

I found out after the food was served that it had lots of msg, hydrogenated fats, sodium, velveeta cheese, etc. I rarely eat processed foods, especially that much. I started running a few of the DH programs and within a few hours I felt just like I had taken a pain pill. I had lots of energy and zero pain. I went outside and spent 30 minutes swinging a bat to break off all of the man (or cat) killer massive icicles that were frozen together into big clumps that were hanging off the fascia of our house and garage. Then I shoveled heavy, icicle laden snow for at least another 45 minutes. I was worried that I was going to make my back start hurting, which absolutely would have happened from past experiences, but it never did. I then went inside and worked another 1.5 hours before stopping for lunch. Still with zero pain. As an added precaution I put the PEMF C5 coils on and ran then while I took a 30 minute lunch break.

I actually had a bad fall a few days ago when did a 180 degree turn without looking behind me. I tripped over our big Main Coon cat, he was not hurt, but I landed hard just missing the kitchen island. After I took a minute, I pulled my self up and thought, here goes my back again, there was pain in my ankle, hand, arm, shoulder and back which twisted in the fall. Within 15 minutes I put the PEMF coils on my back, that is the first thing I have always do as fast as I can whenever I hurt myself. I was already running frequencies on Spooky2. I did have some minor soreness for few days.

I wish more people that are suffering with pain would be willing to try alternative therapies. Using them has changed our lives for sure!

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I would suggest a book called “The Emotion Code” I suggests that emotions not dealt with over the years cause many issues with the body. I have had lower back issues for many years and now it’s probably 80% better.

Thanks for your post, Linda! I had a 2024 version of Sp2, so I’m busy adding the latest updated software package as the extensive experimental frequencies David’s put together wasn’t in my old software. So, thank you for that!

I have an H2 life Brown’s Gas machine and both my wife and I use that first thing during the day, as well as PEMF devices strewn around. lol It’s helped her to shift an upper respiratory tract infection and I love it because it clears the lungs really well, and additionally providing other health benefits too numerous to mention.

We have a European-made PEMF ‘Pulser’ unit which uses honking great magnets which are placed under our pillows and can go for up to 12 hours and the intensity range can be changed to suit (10 - 100%). 50% is just about right for us. It has a variety of settings for better sleep and it’s worked extremely well for us. It can also be set manually with any PPS protocols we want.

Anyhow, we’re going to try David’s protocols once I’ve configured the software. I think incorporating all of these different health devices has a synergistic effect, probably more than we realise. Just keep at it is what I say!

Thanks again, Linda. :pray:

Emotions definitely play a role in healing and pain for me. When I feel good emotionally the pain level goes down. When I hurt my back in October 2023 I was dealing with turmoil in my life and also some of my worst pain at the same time. Dr Bruce Lipton has many good videos on Youtube that are well worth watching that go along these same lines of thought.

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The DH Frequencies need to be downloaded, they do not come with the Spooky2 software. They are located at Spooky2.com on the Downloads page. They will show up in the SP2 software in the Presets tab after downloaded. There are some important documents you will want to read. These are located in the “Files” area of the Spooky2 Rife for Life Facebook Group. Enter “dh” into the search bar within the “Files” list. I recommend reading the 2nd document posted there as it lists the programs you need to run before you start. The DH programs are run differently from the standard ones, they use subtle low energies. It is well worth, actually DH says “mandatory”, to follow the instructions so they work better. There is also a wealth of additional information at the Spooky2 Forum, searching the Experimental Frequencies>General section.

I recommend inhaling the Brown’s Gas overnight, especially for your wife’s lungs. Combine that along with drinking the H2 bubbled water upon awakening. This protocol is what helped my husband to be able to go back to work last April for the first time since his accident in December 2021. Our machines have adjustable frequencies that imprint the water, plus a Duty Cycle to lower the hydrogen percentage based on body weight. See if a splitter can be used so that both of you can inhale at the same time. We purchased 2 refurbished machines so my husband can inhale at his higher percentage. I think your wife would benefit from both longer sessions of inhaling, and also, if possible, shorter 30 minute sessions throughout the day. I have heard George Wiseman, the inventor of the AC50, say that shorter more frequent sessions are actually better than longer ones.

I have so much energy right now and have so much to do that I am having trouble staying asleep. I have started waking up between 2:00 and 3:00 am lately and cannot always go back to sleep, if I do it is only for a few 20 minutes sessions. I do not feel tired when this happens and this morning rather than stay in bed and waste time trying to fall back asleep I ended up getting up. I am going to start playing delta wave binaural beats and put my C5 coils under the pillow at night. The beats worked really well for me in the past, before I got my 3 PEMF devices from Bob. My husband would come home from work at 2:30 am, once I started using the delta beats I would hear him come in and immediately go back to a nice deep sleep.

A few months ago I learned about the amazing health benefits of making home made kefir. It tastes great, not at all like the slightly tart products that the stores sell. This kefir has about 60 beneficial probiotics and yeasts. I have quit buying expensive probiotics for good. For only about $20 on Amazon you can buy the starter grains and they will continue to grow, very similar to sourdough, and they will last you a lifetime. You can bake and make cheese with them. I do not have lactose intolerance, but have read that it should not be an issue. If you do a search for home made kefir you will be blown by the list of health benefits. Boosting the immune system, allergies, healing the gut, and healing faster are just a couple of them.

I 100% agree with what you said, lol, I say it all the time 'Synergy is the key to healing!

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Yeah, I realised belatedly that they’re separate but all’s good now, accept that I accidentally spilled water on the SP2 10-port USB hub and have spent the morning drying it out. The hub lights up as it should now but I noticed that the remotes aren’t lighting up fully. The GenX clearly shows the frequencies that DH’s first protocol utilizes are working as they should but I’m concerned that the LED’s on the two remotes are not as bright as they usually are, whether staying on or blinking. I think maybe I should get another USB hub. :roll_eyes:

Your USB is probably fine! The very dim lights are normal for the DH programs because they use subtle energies. I thought the same thing the first time, until I ran the Signal Test. You can find it in the Preset search box to make sure all is good. I did that and had a full strength signal during the test.

Another tip is to look behind the remote at the Boost where the remote connects, there will be corresponding dim lights there. Putting your hand over the remote to darken any light in the room works. Sometimes I do not see any lights but you can hear the click when you stop and start the program.

SP2 is definitely a learning curve and then you find out that the DH Presets are a brand new learning curve. It is good for the brain to keep learning new things! For me, the more I run the DH Presets the better my brain functions. It is hard not to run too many programs at one time. I used to do that with the standard SP2 programs, and would have 9 generators going at once, some of them (Detox and Healing & Regeneration) run 24/7. We do still run those 2 all the time.

The good thing about DH is you can get by with a lot fewer generators. It iis best not to overwhelm yourself in the beginning, as they say take it slow.

Dried it out with the wife’s hair dryer. :slight_smile: All’s good but I’m getting a spare as I’m a tad clumsy. lol

Noted regarding the dimmer lights which are a feature of DH’s subtle frequencies, that all makes perfect sense.

Meantime, by some coincidence the laptop I use to run the software is caput! I could ask the wife if I can plug in another USB and load the sofware on her laptop (she has Windows). I’m using Linux, so I can’t temporarily get us up and running. She already has lots of cables plugged into her laptop as we’re all hardwired here.

Anyhow, I should have a cheapish replacement with Windows by tomorrow so that we can beging to use DH’s experimental frequencies as we originally planned. We’ll be going through these, staring with the two ‘compulsory’ frequency protocols and then move onto the next important frequencies to immerse our bodies in and then, hopefully branch out into using frequencies we think we can benefit from given our individual health needs.

Thanks again for your help. :+1:

The hair dryer trick is what I do too. I ran the compulsory frequencies again yesterday, I plan to do that every few weeks. They can be run one after another during the first half of the day. I feel like they help this kind of frequencies work better. I also do what David said in the Forum: Run DH044 for healing and DH045 for pathogens along with your programs to make the work better and faster. He said some users run them all the time. I have been running 44 non-stop because I have so many generators. available.

There is a document I found a few days ago that I really like because it has all the frequencies organized by numbers, the run instructions, and all of the frequencies listed for the program. I downloaded it and changed the name so I do not know what the actual title is. I tried to find it just now with no luck. If you can’t find it let me know. Maybe I can attach it here. I am headed out of town for the day.