Flux Health Forum

Deep Field Coils and hip arthritis

good advice, thanks.

Hi Bob,

Have you seen improvements in hip cartilage on Xray or MRI? Building upon prior postings in this thread, have you noticed any changes in hip arthritis over the past six months.

My mild hip arthritis has calmed down but I can still feel things going on. Still using PEMF as consistently as possible. Picked up an ALMAG-01 recently and experimenting with that during the day, I work at a desk and it lays nicely across both hips, and the deep field coils on the C5 at night. I feel like progress is still being made but at a slower pace.

Just for feedback, I have noticed that the M1 device heats up when going on battery at a high level on the the GAMA setting. For me, it only does this on the GAMA setting…my solution was I just stoped doing that.


The feeling of progression of my severe left hip degeneration has slowed a lot, but it may be too far gone to actually improve. I do not have any new images due to COVID-19 isolation measures.

High setting on Gamma is using the maximum output capability of the device, so it will get warm and try to self-limit to prevent over-heating.

@Bob are you doing anything else or taking other supplements (ie, de, msm, chondroitin, glucosamine, biotin, d3, etc), infrared to assist? i know the scientist part of you might be interested in pemf results, but personal healing must be a bigger interest for your situation, right?

Bob, will stacking deep field coils generate a stronger deeper field? This might not be necessary, but experimenting.

Yes, the peak field intensity (and the critical parameter; dB/dt) will be increased by approximaetly 60% - 70% over a single pair of coils when you use the deep field coils, so the effective depth of penetration will be similarly increased.

I think it is worth experimenting with, along with other variations on regular coil placement, intensity, etc.

@Bob Besides the example of CRPS on your leg, what are other examples of other uses for the c5 Pad (4 2x2 arrays). I typically think I want the deep coils with the C5 versus thinking of needing a wider/near surface area. Just curious.

The 2 x 2 pads have several uses. They were originally designed for veterinary applications, but some people found them so useful, we offered them for general use.

Uses include:
-Placed under bedding for cats and dogs
-Placed on inflamed areas for horses
-Use on humans under pillows for low-intensity treatments
-Use on rib cage injuries or other superficial areas, or areas that are near the surface but difficult to localize
-Lesions of the skin

@Bob Thank you! Will you be offering the pad on fluxhealth.co shop? I can’t seem to find it. Seems like it costs only a little bit more and saves me the time from bandaging together 4 arrays.

I am definitely the wrong person to ask about customer service and sales issues. So I made a few calls/emails for you to FluxHealth Customer service. Their answer was:
" The regular 2x2 array is on the Flux Health store:


but the pad is not. The pads aren’t ordered very frequently, so at this point, it’s only listed as an item in the Micro-Pulse store."

I am not sure at this point whether you are asking about 2 x 2 arrays, or the pads we build-to-order from four of the 2 x 2 arrays.

But definitely, for any questions related to pricing, delivery, warranty, product availability, returns, anything like that, the best thing to do is to contact FluxHealth customer service directly:



you have to get them at the micro pulse website

Some of what we do at Micro-Pulse is the very small volume hand-building. My wife does a lot of that. There is no way to make money on it, but some people need these things, so we do as much of that as we can. But we do not re-design and hand build anything for anyone. It has to be things of broad general use, such as the pads made by four of the 2x2 arrays. Many people just use these for general health. They almost uniformly say that it is very helpful for them.

@Bob, I wonder if you have had anyone report of using a c5 pad on the head or other type of 8 coil helmet config with their c5?

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A few people have talked about doing this, but no one has told me any details of exactly how they did it, or of the results they saw. But it is certainly possible to do.

I have had only positive effect when putting the M1 coils on my temples, sinuses, or cerebellum. Do you see any cause for concern if one uses 8 coils at one time on the head?

I do not know of any reason why it might cause concern.

I am a 74 year old woman who has worked out a lot and is very fit. have always has low back problems and the last few years left hip problems. After X rays found that I have severe osteoarthritis in left hip with some bone on bone cartilage loss. I am on a lot of supplements, do the Egoscue Method for better alignment and am doing lumbar decompression for my back. Which machine would work best for my situation? Jean

All ICES-PEMF devices have very similar electro-magnetic waveform outputs. The main difference is in the package. There are no “secret frequencies” or protocols, this is all just PEMF marketing fraud with no scientific basis. So, the most suitable device for you depends mainly on two things:
1-How much mobility do you need (wearable?)
2-How many areas do you need to treat at one time?
Then model M1 treats only one area at a time, but it is ultra-portable, so you can wear it around all day. The C5 has four outputs, so it can treat up to 4 different areas at the same time, but it is larger and less portable, best to use while seated or lying down.
If you want to spend less and can be happy with a single pulse pattern, then the model A9 might be best for you.

Thank U . I purchased the A9 and have been using it on my hip as close to 24/7 as I can. Have a small improvement. Will keep you updated.


Hi Bob and others, Here is an update. I have been useing ICES for 2.5 years (31) months for right hip arthritis. It is mild-moderate. Had a follow up MRI a few months ago and the arthritus has progressed but very very minimally. I started using the deep field coils daily about a year ago. If I go a few hours with out using ICES, when I use the device I can feel the inflammation go down, I have also been experimenting with using near infrared light. I bought this near infrared light https://redlightman.com/product/infrared-830-device/ and, same thing, I can feel the effect it has on reducing inflammation within my hip. Doing these two things the degeneration has pretty much stopped. When I first started using ICES, I experienced frequent strong electrical like shocks in the groin area, with continued use the severity and frequency of those “shocks” have decreased. I can now go months without experiencing that feeling. I went to an auction yesterday where I stood for 5 hours….I felt some shocks yesterday but I can go weeks without feeling them. Has anyone else had success reversing hip arthritis with constant daily use. Interested in feedback from Bob and others.