Flux Health Forum

Cortical rhythms Alzheimers /Autism/Dementia

How many hours a day did you use it on head? Did you use it at night?

I’ve been reluctant to place it on my head, but thinking it might be worth a try. I’ve got symptoms of brain fog (a recent change, sometimes clearly related to foods I’ve eaten) as well as more longstanding confusion, which I would love to address if I can do so safely. I know this is all experimental.

I’ve used it during the day with no problems, and at night with mixed results. (some sleep disturbance, strange dreams, but also a few nights where I just slept very well).
I’ve been using it on lower back, but also on my shoulder, and it’s possible that when I sleep some effect has reached the brain due to my posture of having my head near my scrunched shoulder.

Hours per day varies as well as nighttime use based simply on what my system tells me is working so I experiment and adjust. The main thing I keep in mind is overcharging or oversaturation which makes me feel jittery or unstable. So then I back off completely until recovering homeostasis, and then hook up again… IT’s really just common sense. We are inducing biologically effective current into tissues, which I would call healing power, and naturally only so much can be assimilated at a time and excess becomes counterproductive. I can assimilate more now then when started, so it’s a growth process. I’m not afraid to use on my head anymore so that is also a learning process. The TBI study which can be searched on this site gives me peace of mind.
One other thing I would say is that so called negative reactions, other than oversaturation, are not necessarily negative as I wrote in a topic on this site. Inflammation is totally natural and necessary phenomena in healing as the body is marshalling its resources at the site of injury. I have had many such disturbing symptoms over the past couple weeks as you relate. I labeled that as trauma discharge in my post. It could also be called healing crisis as the body works its magic. A fever for example is a perfect example of the body working it’s magic to heal itself. With conservative use of duration and intensity plus low frequency like theta, we can easily modulate the healing at a tolerable rate.
We are so fortunate to have such a device that gives us the opportunity to take responsibility for our own health and become independent of the medical mafia.


I am very glad to hear you are getting good results by using it so intelligently and thoughtfully. I find, especially on my head, it can be very helpful, but it is a powerful tool, so caution is well advised. But I have similar experiences and our clinical study also reported the same: some initial negative reactions to the use on the head, but with careful application, these seem to give way after some time (a few days or a week or so) to more beneficial reactions.

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hey @bettereveryday
how’s your brain been doing lately?

My brain is improving greatly. There are things which amaze me. I still don’t have much social anxiety, which I had all my life. I also still like fruits and vegetables and spices, which I never really liked, so the food preference changes stuck. I am not sure how much is the ICES and how much is that I have been working on brain plasticity. For my understanding of brain plasticity, I think it is both. I know that I have watched TEDTalks where they used TMS to help stroke patients recover and they showed the new neuronal pathways growing.

It has been exciting. I am learning science and nutrition and I find that I am starting to have concepts connect. I have been learning from the Whole Food Plant-Based and Keto and Paleo directions already, but I added in science teachings and it has transformed my mind. I did not have a science background. I was telling someone that with my brain problems, I can’t even remember having ever taken biology. I don’t have any recollection of a teacher or a classroom, but as I keep learning the topics, I now have a sense of de ja vu and I think I will eventually remember taking it. I can’t even explain it. I ended up learning all kinds of ways to avoid glutamate storms, for instance and it is as if it is all starting to click.

I will confess that I haven’t tested it out with the Brain Gage again yet. I took time away from that because I had a performance anxiety and I didn’t want to get discouraged. I had expected some of the scores to pop up like they did in the study, but it didn’t happen that way. But my brain is so much stronger and I am understanding things, which I never understood in my whole life. Again, that could be the brain plasticity or the ICES or both working together or that I am actively pursuing hard topics, like science, nutrition and cooking, so I am working my brain out more.

No matter what, it is all getting better, not worse.

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I have taken some time also away from the ICES. I ended up going back to it the other day when I tweaked my knee and was afraid I might have trouble walking, but the pain didn’t last at all.

I also ended up at the Corticalmetrics blog through Lysine. I was watching an Amoeba Sisters animated video on Protein Folding and I wanted to know if Homocysteine was involved in the denaturing of proteins (Yes, I am almost reaching the point that I can use words like denaturing and prions, etc.) I went to a PubMed article and there was one sentence about Homocysteine and Lysine and I Googled it and got to a blog entry talking about Lysine and Arginine and how HSV-1 needs an Arginine-rich environment and it was about the theory that HSV-1 might be involved in Alzheimer’s because so many of the elderly people have HSV-1. It was interesting to read about it. I know that a lot of you science people may know all of it, but I am a non-science person who has started knowing so much more of the language. I can type all of this without re-looking it up after only reading it once and I do know that the more I learn, the easier it is to learn. It is easier for me to remember things like that Homocysteine increases Glutamate, for instance, even though I was reading about that months ago.

I may not pass the Brain Gauge tests but my brain is getting so much stronger and I am happy with that.

Does your Red + IR Light Helmet have PEMF?? Or vice versa

@bettereveryday, interesting you mention this. I just had three weeks ago a HSV-1 resurgence the morning after eating a half pound of pecans. I could barely swallow, it was hard to talk, and my gum was extremely swollen. I spoke with the nurse of my naturopathic doctor and she knew immediately it was HSV-1 after eating the nuts causing large increase of l-argnine. She recommended I take l-lysine as well as a couple other items. HSV-1 symptoms went away quickly. BTW, I have been tracking your posts since around the start of the forum and have felt like I can see your brain getting sharper in your posts. Thanks for sharing your journey. It is inspiring.

@DrJoe @Bob

I am curious… if Dr. Michael Hamblin and many other scientists/researchers have studied the biomolecular mechanism of action for photobiomodulation, wouldn’t those labs also have the know how to study the mechanism of action for ICES? Why isn’t this being studied already in many labs? Is there much more grant money for photobiomodulation reserach but not for PEMF? There are thousands of photobiomodulation studies on pubmed, but not for PEMF/ICES. Curious to get your take since you know the research system and I don’t.

Thank you @TajD Hamblin is a co author of mine. " know how to study the mechanism of action for ICES? " I don’t know what ICES is without googling it… PEMF may be older than PBMT [photobiomodulation therapy] but they are both young sciences. There is no money for any kind of study as we see it. Very good research questions are out there. 1. there is no money. 2, there are very few people that can answer the questions. 3. the people that CAN accomplish 1 + 2 need to have a strong desire to complete the study process. I am always seeking the DIVINE RELATIONS that will put these 3 factors in alignment. I think @Bob and Co are exceeding the norm with their ability to get this far. SALUTE to them. I am building my lab with the help of BRAIN GAUGE etc. You should check out my Instagram @my_brain_matters or FACEBOOK to see what I am up to. I am off to Denver for a WAVIMEDICAL conference. They are a new product also… P300 ERPs

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@TajD, @DrJOE, this is an excellent question and it points to the heart of the crisis we are currently having right now in medical/health research. This question could generally be asked about almost any reasonable topic: If so many people think [something] helps, why don’t we have several (or at least one) good, comprehensive studies of it?

Well, I will not sugar coat this. It is part of a massive system failure that we have in the sciences. In addition to our realization that most medical research is not repeatable or reliable, even under the best possible circumstances, the second major part of the problem is that many areas of research are taboo. The systemic problem is much bigger than this, but let’s just focus on these two catastrophic problems for the moment:

To understand this, first I think everyone should read and understand the excellent book Rigor Mortis, by Richard Harris:

The bottom line: cancer research, done by the best researchers in the best laboratories at the best universities with the best funding and published in the best scientific journals is only 11% to 25% reliable. That means that 75% to 89% of the very best cancer research is rubbish, unrepeatable, non-science. That appears to be the reality we face. The more this assertion is scrutinized, the more real it appears to be. Look it up for yourself and internalize that very ugly fact. This horrible truth is almost certainly generalizable to the other areas of medical research. Keep in mind, I am a scientist, my entire life is built upon the belief that the arc of science tends toward truth, and recently I find myself facing the fact that most of modern medical science is highly questionable at best, and absolute rubbish at worst. I feel like the Death Star just vaporized my home planet as I watched helplessly from a distance.

Second, we need to consider the effect of the Flexner report of 1910:

As a result of the Flexner Report, many areas of research have become taboo, and researchers face a very real and career-ending stigma, strongly discouraging any serious consideration of electro-medicine. This means that in general, getting funding for this type of research, getting the necessary resources, getting approvals, and getting a fair review of the results and finally getting it published is nearly impossible. At each step, there are countless barriers.

Nonetheless, there are about 1000-2000 scientific papers that deal directly or indirectly with PEMF. Nearly all of them show a benefit of PEMF, and none of them report negative side effects so far as I can tell. Most of my mainstream colleagues simply discount these out-of-hand, which is remarkably unscientific of them. But they would rather ignore the massive amount of evidence than risk the professional consequences of having anything at all to do with this area o research.

Finally, to answer your question more directly: why not study ICES/PEMF? Well, it turns out that there is no cash incentive for people to study ICES directly, I make sure of that, so as to remove the monetary bias. ICES-PEMF is a specific form of PEMF that I have patented and trademarked specifically to protect it from alteration or abuse in the Dark Underworld of PEMF. This way, I can be very careful about how the science is done, and exactly how “PEMF” is defined, so that the scientific results are clear and unambiguous. But the counter-side of this is that, since I have tight control and ownership over the specific form of PEMF designated “ICES”, no one has the incentive to abuse it for profit, and anyone studying it cannot simply patent it as is often done with academic findings in the last few decades.


One more thing I would like to add: modern science is dominated by a few opinions that can only be displaced with the funeral of their academic champions:

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

Max Planck

When leading people in a scientific discipline are biased against something, a rational scrutiny of their biases is usually delayed by about a lifetime.


Thanks, TajD!

That is amazing timing about the Lysine!

It is something to keep track of.

Thanks for the encouragement about my brain!

It is 10 steps forward, 5 steps in place, but the overall direction is forward.


Thanks for all of the links.

Those truths about research and science are obvious, even to the uninitiated, and yet, if no science or research was done, I suspect things would get much worse.

I have been looking at competing research every day for the past few years and what I will say is that the “bad news” studies do tend to be helpful.

A lot of the “good news” is often too good to be true, but the “danger, danger” studies are ones which already give some order to the universe.

You mention the PEMF studies and I think the fact that there haven’t been “negative effects” makes it that I just read all of the studies and just try them. I don’t do that with every supplement or other things. Infrared and PEMF are the 2 main things I just try it. Healthy food studies would be the other thing I just do the study myself and see what happens.

You mentioned once the use of the ICES for Cancer having good results and that would be one thing I would be seriously interested in hearing what the people did.

I would be seriously interested to know what people did as well, but there have only been a few who have told me they had tried it, they generally tell me it was very helpful for them, then they more or less drop off the radar without giving any details. I wish I knew more, but it is not my style to press people for information: if they want to share it they will do so without me pressuring them (I hope).

P300 testing… Evoked Response Related Potentials

Wavimedical conference

this is the AI program they are using to let the computer pick the disease… more or less

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This is the AI program… it appears… and this is just a cursory knowledge… that HISTORY tabs are clicked… and this gives the AI a chance to SORT SCANS by history. They were able to pick out a group of people who suffered a Motor Vehicle Accident based on the P300 results. And while I am just starting with BRAIN GAUGE… There does not appear to be any way of sorting the results. They are building a database that will assist in recognizing WHAT IS WRONG with the BRAIN using AI. www,wavimed.com

I’ve been using M1 on head daily for few months now, as in tbi study. I have been able to increase intensity to 10 without side effects. However it’s difficult to ascertain specific benefit for ptsd or stiffness issue at this point although there may very well be subtle improvements.

Bob, Are you still experimenting with pemf and/or infrared lights on your head? Would you care to update ?

Sure. This might be a bit premature, but…

I had rarely used ICES-PEMF on my head because until recently there was no need to do so. Also, after my stroke I was sensitive to it (made me dizzy, even on low settings).

But recently I have been trying occasional ICES, and I easily built up to using it on an intensity of 11, trans-temporally, alpha-wave, for an hour or two at night.

I have had no negative side effects whatsoever, and there seem to be many benefits:

-My dizziness/BPPV has been significantly reduced. That had not happened before.

-My overall feeling of well-being is greater than it has been in several years.

-My left hip pain and the chronic regional pain associated with it has improved dramatically

-My gait and balance are definitely better.

-My overall attitude, alertness, and quality of sleep have all improved quite a lot.

These all are very big improvements for me, and I hope they are not just temporary, but I intend to continue using ICES on my head as described above, every night.

This does not prove anything, and it may just be part of my normal recovery, and the ICES may have had nothing to do with it. But I am definitely headed in the right direction, so I plan to keep with it.

Of course, read this with healthy skepticism since I am subject to strong biases in favor of my own technology.