Flux Health Forum

Child with sudden brain inflammation

Hey everyone,

I have a friend whose child suddenly came down with some sort of brain inflammation. At first they thought it was a concussion, but testing ruled that out and he’s currently in ICU in critical condition on life support. I’m just wondering if this device has been used to treat anything proactively like this?

I have an M1 so that’s the limit of my experience. I’ve only used it to treat digestive issues with great success.

Thank you

I am very sorry to hear this. We have used it for brain inflammation in a child, both concussion and inflammation caused by autoimmunity. We only noticed results with the concussion but it was worth trying on the head (we did coils over temples and also forehead). Prayers and best wishes for this child.

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Sorry to hear such thing. Its hard to say anything without background. But one thing I’m pretty sure about it are infusions of magnesium (slow, very slow running!). Its a strong Calcium-channel blocker and is needed for anything. It counteracts activation of neurons, e.g. to EMFs.

There are other things but in an ICU setting, with all the unknowns, IV Magnesium may be a good thing that a) is practical b) is known to the doctors and c) has a superior safety profile. Vitamin C I would do, too. But I have heard of settings where doctors did not want to do this, because they never did it, its not in their protocols and they would be liable. So better a dead patient, then liability. You may have to check that aspect, too and free them of liability.

I would not holding back with Mg, but maybe also supply basic electrolytes like K and Na under monitoring if required.

It would be helpful to know of what has triggered the autoimmunity issue in a child.

Disclaimer: This is not advice, this is what I would like to happen to me in such a situation. I also got Mg and Vit C IVs may times - but they have to be slow running!

Here are some things to watch out for in case you want to do more then Mg

sorry to hear such terrible news. I’ve used ices pemf on my head with the hat as well as with coils overnight without any negative results. how it affects inflammation in the brain, i wouldn’t know. swelling of the brain can be very damaging… I’m sure there doing everything they can with what they have and know in mainstream… it’s just too bad mainstream has never bothered you fully explore alternative options beyond drugs.

from what i have come across in this forum reading about people’s experiences, you won’t find anything that will give you the certainly you may be looking for to affirm ices pemf will help this situation.

on the subject of inflammation, here’s a lil summary of alternative options that people might consider: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSf3x9qDobLmGYoffCfFKgFfvBeyZ_cFauQxInCOsho/edit?usp=drivesdk

not saying this is the answer, but it’s interesting what mainstream ignores when it comes to natural medicine that can help

FYI, here are some PEMF animal studies which to me, look like they “might” be related to the problems of brain edema, brain injury, etc. NOT being a doc myself, I don’t understand all of the terminology, but perhaps some others on this forum might. Moreover, I’m not sure what PEMF equipment and protocols were used, and how they would differ from the ICES/PEMF used by devices like the M1. Thoughts and prayers to the kid and his family.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Mitigates High Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Induced Microvascular Shunting (MVS) in Rats - PMC

Attenuation of interleukin-1beta by pulsed electromagnetic fields after traumatic brain injury - PubMed

Increases in microvascular perfusion and tissue oxygenation via pulsed electromagnetic fields in the healthy rat brain - PubMed

They will likely run a battery of autoimmune encephalopathy tests including NMDAR and dozens of others. Typically serum or cerebral spinal fluid. ICES PEMF doesn’t reverse autoimmunity in my experience (nor did I ever expect it to). I have come to conclude that autoimmunity is triggered by the immune system’s maladaptive response to specific pathogens for an individual and the key is to identify the pathogens/infections. Things like IVIG and/or plasmapheresis are often used by doctors when the encephalopathy is really bad. This still typically leaves the need to find the offending pathogen(s), such as a virus, amoeba, bacteria or fungus.