Flux Health Forum

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Hello… looking if someone know aboutthis condition and if the ices could help in any way and if so what would be the best setting?

Thank you

Husband and I get and they exercises on line if only thing in my mind that can help as you are moving crystals in inner ear by doing head maneuvers. No need to pay a Dr to do when you can do on your own bed with a pillow. Helper is bed to tell you the steps to turn etc till you know how.

PEMF did not seem to help for my husband. He has a lot of experience with both dizziness and severe vertigo due to issues from a serious car accident. He had a concussion and lots of trauma with 10 days in the hospital. He also has had 3 cochlear implant surgeries in just one ear.

He wasted more than a year going to see a vestibular specialist doctor multiple times. This doctor worked at a very prestigious training and research hospital. After 2 visits the doctor did nothing to help and told him the only option for for treatment was to refer him to physical therapy. PT helped some with the dizziness by resetting the crystals. But the vertigo was so bad he looked drunk when he walked and could not work, he suffered with nasea all the time and was losing weight. He was researching online for other options and learned that vertigo can be caused because the upper vertebrae has been moved out of place. There are chiropractors with special equipment and training for this treatment. He read about The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association or ‘NUCCA’. He went to the nearest chiropractor that was a member for a free consult. This decision was life changing, the X-rays revealed he was out of alignment and he began treatment. The vertigo was nearly gone within a few visits and after a few more visits it was totally gone. If the x-rays show you are in alignment then at least it can be ruled out as the cause.

Vertigo is not the only issue that can be helped by this treatment, chronic headaches and other chronic pain can also be caused by a misalignment.

Because my husband works in construction and tends to over do heavy lifting and physical exertion he does go back in every 3 to 6 months for a tune up. The chiropractor told us a lot of his patients were told they have BPP vertigo when it is really an alignment issue of the Atlas (the top vertebrae). If only the specialist had told us about the possibility that his Atlas was out of place due to the accident it would have saved my husband a lot of suffering and a lot of time. This specialist was a 6 hour drive from our home.

He still suffers some minor dizziness, it is made worse when he is driving and pulling a trailer on curvy rough roads. The bouncing and side to side motion makes it worse for at least a day he gets home.

A different doctor diagnosed his dizziness as Hyssops, which is similar to Meneires. This he believes was caused by ear damage from the wreck and 3 cochlear surgeries which caused damage and scar tissue. He was told Hyssops is caused by fluid build up and pressure in the ear The doctor wrote a prescription for Betahistine, a drug that is not covered by insurance and is expensive. The drug did not help. My husband recently started using Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinas supplements that contain enzymes and are know to help get rid of scar tissue. I have head of some success with acupuncture too. What works for one person may not work for another.

Thank you for your insight.

It as only been 3 week since my girlfriend started experiencing this situation and it started after a weekend of snowmobiling.

She as frequent severe headaches so what you said would make sense for her situation.

The is a chiropractor from that association 10h from were we live. She is not a severe as your husband but might get worse…will be a good idea to get x ray to prepare for a visite.

Once again thank you this gives option since all they suggested was physiotherapy.

You are vey welcome! I hope this helps your girlfriend. It is too bad this issue and the treatment that is available for it is not common knowledge. One would think at least supposedly highly trained doctors would be aware. We went back to my husbands PT after the treatment worked and they were unaware that Atlas alignment could cause this. They saw my husband walk normal, instead of like he was drunk and were very impressed. To their credit they learned from my husband’s experience and actually referred a patient to our chiropractor for treatment.

It certainly sounds like a good idea to get her checked. These specially trained NUCCA chiropractors have special x-ray equipment that is very precise, so you do not want to get an x-ray in advance. The way the appointment starts is with a couple of physical checks and measurement that will tell them if you need to proceed with the X-rays. This first part is the free consultation, if she needs the x-rays they will proceed. Our chiropractor said he has only been wrong about needing the x-rays a few times. It is unfortunate that you live 10 hours away. We were only 2.5 hours away. They usually have you come back the next day for a 2nd treatment. But because we were coming from so far away he did the the first adjustment, then did the second set of x-rays that would normally be done the next day before we left. He had us come back a week later and for a while every week or 2. This is because the vertebrae wants to keep moving back out of place. This might have been because my husbands was out of alignment for about 2 years. Since your girlfriend’s issue started just a few weeks ago she may not require as many visits. Every visit is to make sure the patient is holding the adjustment.

My husband is very physically active so every visit for several months required some adjustment. Assuming you have a PEMF device you should put it on her neck as soon as the visit is over. Another member of this Forum that suffered with headaches for years got rid of them by having her Atlas put back in place. She had read an earlier post I had written about NUCCA helping for headaches. She did go in and get a NUCCA adjustment, she told me that putting the PEMF coils on the side of the neck that was adjusted, instead of the chiropractors recommendation of ice, helped her to maintain the adjustment. It will also help prevent or minimize and soreness that might occur. She will need to take it easy and not overdue it with physical exertion for a day or two after adjustments.

I did try to find a local chiropractor who said he knew how to put the Atlas vertebrae back, but his adjustments did not work. The typical chiropractor is trained to do very different adjustments that can actually undo the progress. I also had alignment issues and was adjusted by the NUCCA Chiropractor. Several months after my treatment was done I went to a local chiropractor for back treatments after a bad fall. I quickly discovered the difference between the adjustment styles. The local chiropractor was causing me a lot of pain with very strong, cracking treatments that made me really sore afterwards. I have arthritis in my back and neck. The local chiropractor used lots of pressure applied, not the gentle pushing and no pain techniques of a NUCCA trained one.

I’ve had terrible vertigo as well, and I agree it can be due to misalignment in the vertebrae. One thing that helped me (resolved it) was laying on the bed crossways, so my head is slightly hanging off the edge. Then I slowly, very slowly lest I puke from the vertigo, turn my head from left to right. The weight of the head works as a sort of traction and opens up the vertebrae. If I ever sense the vertigo coming back, I do this and it resolves it. The trying to reset the crystals in my ear never worked and I’d just get so sick I’d vomit. This exercise worked. I hope it helps because vertigo is miserable.

That is a very good suggestion! it is similar to what the chiropractor does for my husband when he comes in for an alignment. He works several of the top most vertebrae with his fingers, opening up the gaps between them, freeing them up and making his neck feel better. He sometimes can push the top vertebrae back in place while in the shower.

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