Flux Health Forum

Anxiety Reduction from ICES M1?

I was just joking of course. A compendium of my answers to questions on topics related to PEMF would probably not be such a good Idea since my opinions do change regularly tho.

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I think the only opinion I have seen you change on is working on a mat only to pivot after your findings. I think your P9 is going to be great. Wires and coils make M1 and A9 look geeky, where as the P9 will be like a “health puck” that takes a lot of user variables out of the equation (do I stack or not, do I have the coils in the right orientation, my coil cord is frayed, etc). I think the health puck will blow some of my non tech friends’ away as something so simple looking that “just works.”


I actually modify my opinion quite often. Usually it is not a total reversal, but more of a refinement that usually arises from better data, better understanding, or just meeting better people who are legitimate experts in the field where they are offering opinions.

A recent example:

On this Forum, I recently declined to work on “PEMF for hair growth” because I pointed out that:
1- I know nothing about it
2- Everyone involved in hair restoration using electro-magnetism that I have encountered in the last 20 years were the worst, lowest-integrity type of people. They were just brazen fraudster marketers, and even proud of that fact.

So, on this Forum I was very firm that I would not work in an area where I had zero chance of making any positive impact, while also immersing myself into another pit of snakes.

But then about 2 months ago I was contacted by a group of legitimate scientists, engineers, dermatologists, and regulatory specialists. They presented me with all of the available scientific data and good arguments, and they convinced me to work with them to develop an electro-magnetic device that might actually help regrow hair. Ultimately, I was happy to join their group to work on hair regrowth.

I changed my mind because I met the right people. That’s just one example, but that is a typical event that can completely change my opinion.


And this is why you are not only respected, but admired by so many of us - and I’m certain, others. :slight_smile:

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I’d be keen to try a P9 out too - currently have a c5 that the hubby and I share but would be fantastic for the hubby to try a more mobile pocket version (he suffers from anxiety and PTSD and we’ve noticed the c5 has definitely helped).

that’s awesome… what ways have you noticed it helping him?

When he uses it I notice he’s much calmer and not as quick to get agitated, and then days when he doesn’t use it, he’s much more quick to be upset and angered about things. He also has some bladder issues and when it flares up and he puts the c5 on the area for a few hours it helps to settle that area too.

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That’s great to hear, as I have bladder issues as well. I am really excited about trying the new portable device for my husband also, as he will rarely lie still long enough to use the mat we have.

yes my wife is awful using the wires in the bed. i really don’t understand how difficult is to just lie on them and let them tick away while she sleeps. she complains of the sound of just the trouble of setting up…i dunno. it works great for her for bumps bruises and joint issues… slow to come on gallbladder pain issues. diets important, but she’s terrible at making the changes we need to help ourselves. smh

Count me in to try the P9. Struggling with anxiety for a long time. Any help is more than welcome!

OK, I have built a few P9 units and doing final testing now. I’ll make an announcement here as soon as they pass testing.


Awesome! I am really excited to try these - and my husband, who won’t use the mat any more, is also ready to give these a go, so it’s a win-win. :slight_smile:

OK,but I hope you are not expecting something radically new: the P9 is just basically an M1 redesigned to run on a 9V battery and to have internal coils so that it can be worn in a pocket etc. to stimulate an area that has good enough circulation to distribute the effects around the body.

Got it! The portability factor is what we are really looking forward to. And the mat I have is a Bemer, which you have mentioned is a very different tech.

curious… will heating be an issue if these are running all day placed in our pockets? or i guess that will be part of the test?

I don’t think heating will be a problem, but we will test for that of course.

OK, we are ready to start selling the P9 for those of you who are interested.

KEEP IN MIND: I build these each by hand, so do not expect an immediate purchase-to-delivery time. It will probably take 3 or 4 days longer to get one than it would take to get a standard model such as A9 or M1.

I also need to hear feedback since this is an early release product.

If you are interested, contact our customer support for details:

support micro-pulse.com

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Cool! I am wondering if you have considered a 3d printed plastic case mechanism on the left and right edge of the p9 to allow one to connect an over the counter elastic cloth type band so that the P9 can be easily worn on a leg, arm, foot (when sleeping), etc.

In the past, that was the sort of thing where people who used them liked them, and people who did not use them asked me to cut them off and remove them from the design. There is no solution that makes everyone happy.

Also, the types of bands that are available are numerous, but seem to be ever-changing, so it is likely that if I perfect the design for one type of band, then they will stop selling that style and it won’t really fit with other bands well. This is the perpetual problem with almost all aspects of the design for the last decade. We would have to find an after-market band that had a very high probability of not changing or being discontinued for at least a decade, that fits every person in every anatomic location, and that also works well with our P9 system.

Keep in mind, I have spent most of the time and money on ICES-PEMF trying to find after-market solutions for batteries. clips, straps, etc. Taken together, I have easily blown $1M working on these requests, and I have almost zero to show for it.

This will turn out to be a shockingly expensive, time-consuming, and difficult task with an exceedingly low chance of success, for anyone who wants to venture into it. And its only a loop or fitting for a strap?!? How could that be a problem?!?! Seriously, you would be surprised,

All that makes sense. I am thinking of velcro’ing or stitching a holding envelope to hold the P9 on the ace wrap. Right now I am thinking this is the easiest path for my use cases.