Flux Health Forum

Advice appreciated

I have read books and blogs and watched every video I can find for a few weeks. I was about to pull the trigger on a Par Meds Premium Flash, then I heard about Dr Bob Dennis. It seems some of what he says is in contrast to Dr Pawluk, whose book I am also reading. It makes me more confused than ever. I’ve heard Dr Dennis say many of these expensive units use “old technology” and depend on higher gauss for marketing, which isn’t necessarily effective. Dr Pawluk says high gauss is necessary to treat deeper and chronic issues. Which is it? Also, Dr Dennis’ units don’t have a mat available, which is appealing to me in addition to having a coil for spot treatments. I’d love to spend less money than the Premium Flash costs and get the same or better results, and I don’t want my personal bias to affect my decision. Any advice?

Welcome to this community! I recommend you search on this forum for phrases like gauss and read Dr. Bob Dennis’ many posts on this forum. Based on everything I know after years of using ICES PEMF, I would buy the A9, use it on medium for minimum 8 hours a day wherever I have pain and benefit from reduce inflammation and repair to the extent the body can.

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Thank you for your reply. Have you tried any other unit? Do you have anything to compare the A9 with?

Its all confusing at the start but the issue is NOT “Gauss”. Its the rate of change of the magnetic field. It is “Gauss per second” and NOT Gauss as a static number.

Full body reads nice. I have a full body mat (IMRS) and I think it is legitimate. But ICES is so far better it is unbelievable. Forget full body. Get an M1 for local or C5 for advanced areas treatment and apply it there where the problem seems to be. You can also use the pre-made 4*4 pad that Flux offers.

Here is what I have written about my research on the ICES technology: https://hcfricke-com.translate.goog/2024/02/06/pemf-teil-3-ices-digiceutical-m1-das-fuer-mich-wissenschaftlich-fundierteste-ultra-portable-pemf-geraet/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de



I own 2 M1s, 1 P9 (prototype test unit) and 1 C5. I have seen my friends’ A9 and like it very much as well. The Omni-8 protocol is reported as the most efficacious and is what is in the A9 and it is the default protocol on the M1/P9. So my advice is to save money, get started with A9 and then add the C5 to your portfolio.

I have had a headache for 2.5 years. Drs unsure what’s causing it. I originally purchased an m1 and it was the first thing that worked. It lowered the pain by 50-75%. So not totally pain free but i was still amazed that it did anything because I’ve tried tons of stuff and nothing worked. Given that the tiny m1 worked so well I hypothesized that if this tiny thing worked that well a bigger unit would eliminate my pain 100 percent. I found a place that does sessions on the bigger units with a pad and the big circle pads. I did prob 5 sessions. I never noticed one bit of difference using the weekly one hour sessions on the bigger 10thousand guass machine

What intensity level are you using your M1 and which protocol to lower your pain 50-75%? I agree with your findings: Dr. Bob Dennis invention (ICES PEMF devices) actually work :).

Omni 8 is what I usually leave it in all the way up at 15

Have you ever tried taking glutathione or NAC or glyteine and does that help with your headaches?

After reading the post by Hans, I did decide to order the C5. Due to the issues I’m trying to help (scheduled for hip surgery in June due to a severe labral tear) I wanted to get something that could perhaps help sooner than later. I just received it today and used it on the basic setting of Omni 8. I’m seeing results already. I went from limping before using it to being able to walk without a limp, but still some pain. This is definitely not a placebo effect. I’ve had cortisone injections that didn’t help at all, which is why we finally planned a surgery. I’m so thankful for all the advice here from you and others!


That is wonderful. I am very happy to hear you are getting relief.

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Yes I’ve tried nac glycine glutathione. Injectible hgh nad+ bpc157 tb500 selank Semax just the tip of the iceberg of the hundreds of things I have tried. Have a hyperbaric chamber in my spare room collecting dust now. I’ve tried just about everything

Only as a note: Be VERY careful with Glutathione (Oral, IV) and Alpha-Lipoic Acid (all forms) if you have any kind of Amalgam (Mercury) or liver issue. That stuff can, If you do not now the specific dose and timinig schemes, mobilize and re-distribute Mercury into your body / brain.

Hi Hans–Because I have such limited free time caring for my wife and because you seem to be an expert, have you come across any testimonials/info/whatever on using the ICES for post-eye shingles nerve pain/light sensitivity? Thank you!

Re: Pawluk vs ICES…here’s an excerpt of a letter I got from Pawluk’s web support on using the A9 vs. their Flexpulse for the eyes:

*"You can use the ICES A9, but it wouldn’t be our first recommendation. The reason being is the unit only runs one program which oscillates between 10 Hz for a time period of about 10 minutes and then switches to 100 Hz for about 20 minutes before switching again and repeating this same pattern. The program never ends as there is no timer for the unit. So, it will follow this pattern for as long as you run the unit. *

The 10 Hz frequency of the program is ideal and what we would recommend using, but the 100 Hz frequency is a bit higher of a frequency than we would recommend for treating the eyes. We would also not recommend using this unit to the face or head in the evening or bedtime hours as the higher 100 Hz frequency can be too stimulating to the brain waves and impede or affect sleep. Morning and Mid to late afternoon is ideal with this higher frequency. We would recommend treatment of 30-45 minutes daily. With the treatment coil rings placed directly over and resting on the eye socket."

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No, such a thing sounds very special and I even hat to ask ChatGPT what that means/is. But if Inflammation is involved - why not try ICES? But I would at least get an M1, so that one can try different programs when it comes to the head.

I actually have three A9s I’ve been using for years on multiple issues. Cured my plantar fasciitis when nothing else would, helps my shoulders; little help tho with tendinosis in the feet. Afraid to use on eyes…

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My beloved uses ICES at 15 with Alpha on her temples to stop migraines. Soon she will start to try to treat her eyes, too. I don’t know the name, but there are fuzzy partiles swimming around in the vision. I would myself start with intensity 4-5 and increase if it feels that way.

Just fyi, Infarared/Red light got rid of my floater.

'cause you can’t afford to make mistakes with your eyes the way you can with your feet or shoulders

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