Flux Health Forum

XPulser Deep Sleep AME Tuner

Hi @Bob. Just wondering what the deal is with this new unit from Dr. Pawluck. Looks like the A9 with an M1 protocol???

I am curious if you are involved with this and what your thoughts are on it.

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That unit is specially modified by me for use by Dr. Pawluk, based on his clinical work with improving sleep. I modified our model A9 specifically for his clinical use.

I can’t do this “specially” for our Micro-Pulse customers, because this is something I did for Dr. Pawluk at his request, to his specifications, and at his expense.


Based on the feedback that you get from users, do you feel that the modification helps sleep better, than any of your other existing non-modified units?

Or did you just make the modifications, only because he requested it, but have no indication, yourself, that it’s any better for sleep, vs your non-modified units?

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That’s a very good question. What I hear from people is highly variable. People argue about this all the time. And I do not use PEMF for sleep, so I have no personal experience with it.

My impression, based on the input from others, is that PEMF can help some people sleep, the mechanisms are likely different from person-to-person: sometimes pain reduction, sometimes reduced swelling, maybe synergistic effects with red/IR light, maybe metabolic changes sometimes, maybe brainwave entrainment sometimes.

I don’t know, except that it seems to help some people, and exactly which protocol is best is definitely not one fixed pulse pattern or frequency; different people respond differently.

But Dr. Pawluk assured me that his clinical results were good, so I programmed the exact pulse protocol he wanted. But I have zero proof that it works, that it is best or optimized, that it needs to be precise, or anything else like that,

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Does he want to keep his chosen protocol secret?

Or does he not mind if you disclose his chosen protocol.

As I seem to recall in other situations when people pay you for a custom protocol, for their own use, you usually retain the right to use that protocol to be programmed in to your own product as well.

Perhaps it can be an added protocol option to the C5?

Perhaps any of the current C5 protocols is already close enough or similar?


it’s just 3 Hz continuous pulsing, same as on M1, and C5.

He may give additional specific advice for use, adjunctive/synergistic modalities or treatments, etc., but I know absolutely nothing about those.

So, if you want the full value add of all of Dr. Pawluk’s experience over the past 40 years using PEMF in his clinic, you probably need to buy his product because what he’s offering for sale is a lot of expertise and not just a PEMF system.