Flux Health Forum

Workout shoulder injury - M1 to the rescue

Was doing X3 tricep press and chest press and overhead presses for many months. Not sure why, likely due to losing form when tired a couple days, this past weekend began to feel lots of inflammation in my left shoulder. Skin taped my M1 to the shoulder for 24x7 use on Alpha power 9. It is remarkable to feel the inflammation go down and function restore in just a short 5 days. Likely need to wear it for another 5 days but sure glad I have ICES PEMF to arrest inflammation and restore full functionality after a workout injury.


I’ll pass that on to a friend who occasionally has a workout injury. It’s really good to read these application details re: time and power levels. Thanks

Hope it helps them, too. I think using the M1 has taught me to be much more aware of the progression of inflammation and what that feels like for different joints as well as the reverse of that - the stages of decreasing of inflammation and what that feels like. I have a genetic collagen deficiency syndrome so the ligaments and tendons around joints get injured relatively easily. For me, the M1 is a critical part of my life otherwise I think I would feel pretty miserable with plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain, knee pain, elbow pain, etc.


That sounds like a difficult condition to deal with. I feel like finding Bob’s videos and technology is a bit of a miracle. And then to read the Nose Breathing book. I’m only on page 64 and started practicing it 24-7 just after I got a few pages in the other day. It’s making so much sense. I’m grateful for you passing that along. I found a free pdf just to get started learning about it but I’ll be buying a stack of his books to pass around. The gift of longevity and health is the best one could do for a friend. I’m looking forward to having a few people to talk to about results in this area as well.