Flux Health Forum

Which pemf device - how long to use

Hi can you let me know if you use the pemf device for 10 mintues a day is this enough or do you need to wear it all day?

I ask this because currently i use a full body mat on my yoga / pilates students for 10 minutes and am having good effects. I’m looking for a smaller more portable device that I can take to my classes and let them use during relaxation (10 minutes) are any of your devices suitable for this?

I’m also looking to use this on my mum with dystonia

such as the a9 https://www.micro-pulse.com/collections/frontpage/products/pulse-pet-ices-digiceutical-pulse-generator-model-a9a

The c5 for example could you use this on more than 1 person? https://www.micro-pulse.com/collections/frontpage/products/ices-digiceutical-c5-model-system

ICES PEMF, if you read the many posts on this topic and in my own words - is designed to be high portable so that it can be used 8+ hours a day to signal to the body to lower inflammation and repair to the extent the body can. I don’t think the 10 minute time period in a yoga class would do ICES PEMF justice for the capabilities it has shown in the many first hand self experimentation testimonials on this forum.

If two people are sitting next to each other and not moving, for example, a c5 could have 2 coil outlets for 1 person and another 2 coil outlets for the other person.