Flux Health Forum

Using whole mat regularly for general health?

Hey there! It’s great you’re exploring PEMF for your well-being. Like you mentioned, while targeted devices like the M1 are handy, full-body mats are gaining traction for their potential to support overall health. (I wanted to jump in even though this thread has been a while! )

While research is still catching up, there are promising studies suggesting benefits like pain relief, better sleep, and reduced inflammation. However, it’s important to remember that individual experiences vary and choosing the right approach matters.

If you’re considering a full-body mat, take your time and research! Compare features like field strength, frequency, and treatment protocols. It’s also key to talk to your doctor to see if PEMF therapy fits your health goals and discuss any potential risks.

For deeper dives into PEMF accessories and their options, you can check out resources like www.pulsepemf.com/. Remember, this isn’t an endorsement, just some extra info to explore.

Ultimately, the decision is yours! Just approach it with informed research, personal needs in mind, and a chat with your healthcare professional. Take care!

@Bob: I know I reply here to a first-time poster which does product-placement. But it is to tempting to not answer :joy:

Yeah, for sure people here like PEMF-machines that cost between 10000-30000$ and weight up to 24 Kg. These machines must be highly efficient based on ancient standards.

The machines look really cool, like stationary battery-chargers with in-build accumulator, which is also represented by thumb-thick cables and the following quote at the website:

“provides dynamic portable energy with our legacy spark gap technology

“Legacy”, yes that may nail it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And “portable”, yes - if you have wheelbarrow. Looks for me a little bit like wireless roasting and/or frying equipment :cut_of_meat: to me. :crazy_face:



A century-old technology that predates the vacuum tube…

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_gap

Beware if you are sensitive to EMI. And you should get a nice whiff of ozone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@KellyPete you seem to have written ChatGPT style garbage with a link back. Why don’t you build credibility with this community first before seeking to compromise its quality with a link to a commercial site in your first post?

Flagging as inappropriate and seeking to have your post removed.

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