Flux Health Forum

Trigeminal Nerve Regeneration

I have nerve inflammation and damage to to trigeminal nerve on the back left side of my head due to a melanoma tumor. I have successfully treated the extensive tumor with a salve formula over the last several months. I am still suffering from neurological symptoms from the damage and inflammation to my nerves. I am interested in getting the new p9 model and would like to know if anyone has any ideas what program I could use to help regenerate nerves and lower inflammation. Thanks for any imput.


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I have had success using Alpha and Omni-8 for peripheral neuropathy. Those are my go to favorites and didn’t try other ones but they definitely helped in my case.

Thanks so much for your feedback! I will try these settings. Waiting for the p9 to arrive.

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.

I have a strong family history of melanoma with both parents surviving stage 4. I too have had 2 surgeries for two pre-stage 1 melanomas. Also just had a squamous removed from my face (lifelong suncreen/hat/long-sleeve wearer) and am curious what salve is working for you? Is this the one from eggplants?

Alpha Omega Lab - Deep Tissue Black Salve, along with their line of internal tonics and bloodroot formula. The salve will kill any cancer cell
it comes into contact with but will not harm healthy tissue.

I discovered an eraser sized mole in the middle of an old scar from being sliced in the head from an accident. The salve immediately reacted to it and absorbed into a large network of tumors that covered about a 2 x 3 inch area, swelling the size of a basebase. Takes several
“rounds” of treatment for deep spreading tumors, coming out in layers. Do not believe the bull that is said about it being dangerous, this coming from people who do not have personal experience and are simply repeating the party line. You can put the salve on healthy skin and it does not react, only causes some redness and irritation due to its content of Zinc chloride and DMSO.

That is amazing that your parents survived stage 4.

Do you research.

Thanks so much responding to the thread and best wishes to you. (I have [photos if you are interested to see the process of the salve treatments)


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Thanks for all the info. I hope the P9 works, once you get it. Keep us updated.

So it sounds like the salve is pretty atomic? I’m super fair and my face took a big hit with the latest huge Mohs scar on my cheek. Is your suggestion to use just a tiny amount? Really don’t want a baseball sized swell. :sweat_smile: I tend to be sensitive to things anyway.

It just depends on how deep and extensive the cancer is. Local doctor said my tumor was inoperable so it was my only real course. It can be very painful. Once the tumor comes out and the swelling goes down it heals astonishingly well


The company that makes it suggests a dime thickness of the salve covering the cancer