Flux Health Forum

TOJ or Temporal Order Judgement

Discussing the Temporal Order Judgement task
One of the cortical metrics that you get is called “TOJ” which stands for Temporal Order Judgement. This test delivers two taps, one to each of the two fingers positioned on the Brain Gauge, and queries “which came first?”. The test starts out easy (taps are initially 150 msec apart) and gets harder each time you get the question right (sort of like reading an eye chart – it gets more difficult the farther you progress). If you look at your TOJ raw score (on the bottom right hand side of the analysis page next to the label “TOJ”) you will most likely see a number in the range of 20-40. This is in milliseconds (msec) and is your raw score. Remember that the initial test (during training) was set at 150 msec, and the number that you see is what you tracked to. If your raw score was 30, that means that you started getting the TOJ query wrong around 30 msec. The final value is the average of the last several trials since most people track down and then oscillate around their actual best performance (this is called the difference limen). The lower the TOJ raw score, the better that you did. However this differs from the TOJ value that is presented on the bar graph or radar plot. That value is scaled to normative values – if you scored in the normative range, then you scored 100%. If you scored 0%, that means you were very far below the normative range. These scores do not go above 100% or below 0%, so if you are tracking yourself over a period of time (days, weeks, months) and your score is well above the norm or well below the norm, then it pays to note the raw score values. This is often the case for super-testers who do extremely well on this task: they might have a TOJ raw score of 30 msec (which would be 100% of the norm) that goes down to 15 msec after they have done something to improve their performance (nootropics, exercise, etc.). Significant neurological insult can make it very difficult for some people to score in the scaled TOJ graph range, but with recovery, we have seen many individuals progress from well out of range to normative values.

There have been lots of papers that used TOJ to measure differences between subjects with or without some condition. From these papers (a few of them are from research that we participated in) we can list some things that published research has demonstrated to have an impact on TOJ:

Anxiety also impacts TOJ significantly - this is the result of an as-yet unpublished report.

Note that if your TOJ scores are below normal, then it does not mean that you just had a botox injection to your forehead! This goes for everything else in the list – poor performance does not mean that you are in one of those categories. It just means that those populations do more poorly on TOJ than healthy control populations. And also note that just because it’s published, you might disagree with the publication. For example, stating that aging contributes to poor TOJ scores can be disputed – what really matters is whether or not the older cohort tested was healthy or not. Many studies do not exclude any neurological conditions when they do an aging study (this would be comparison of young adults to older adults). The point is, as people age, a larger portion of those people have more and more things that are neurologically non-optimal. For example, a much higher per centage of people in their 60s have chronic pain than do people in their 20s, and chronic pain significantly impacts tests such as TOJ. We have observed many healthy people in their 80s with above normative scores on all tests; it just depends on the overall neurological status.

How is TOJ and its meaning studied? There have been a wide range of studies that target identification of the network involved for TOJ. These include imaging studies of healthy controls performing the TOJ task, studies of individuals with known anatomical deficits and studies of neurological disorders (i.e., somewhat identifiable deficits). Taken together, it appears that parietal and temporal lobes are involved, and there is also evidence for frontal areas to be involved. From our own observations of concussed individuals, it appears that concussions that have impact to the front part of the head have the largest impact on TOJ while insults to the back of the head have much less impact (but these injuries tend to impact timing perception - a completely separate measure).


Tonight was interesting.

I used the Brain Gauge after having not used it all week. I had taken time off to try to get rid of “performance anxiety” and that worked. I took the tests and there was no fear, no self-consciousness, no sense of “blowing it” and the single session of using the ICES on my prefrontal cortex with the Binaural beats has still left the self-monitoring / self-consciousness internal sense silent. No social anxiety and no fear and no test anxiety, which I think of as part of the social anxiety thing and it is interesting that I have had performance anxiety even without an authority figure standing over me. It is even more interesting that it was gone tonight.

I still got a 5% on TOJ and I still got a 27% on time perception and I only got a 58% on accuracy, but my final score was above 50%, maybe because I wasn’t distracted by the sense of “blowing it” and I was able to stay mindfully present.

I didn’t sleep last night, so that might be a factor, but I didn’t test fatigued and I nailed focus. I feel so alert even without sleep and I haven’t used the ICES since I had the “social anxiety” breakthrough. I am seeing if it is like with my ankle and foot, if one session was enough.

Honestly, I haven’t had any social anxiety or self-consciousness in days.

I was pondering the mechanism of broccoli on Autistic children and that is about decreasing MTor and if I understand properly the ICES increases MTor, so that doesn’t seem like a likely mechanism, unless the ICES opened up my blood brain barrier so that the real broccoli and broccoli sprouts I have been eating every night are getting into my brain better or something?

5% and 27% seem like the real answer now.

I got the exact 5% TOJ score several times and I got the exact 27% score at least a few times.

It is interesting to me that I have had such a ridiculously profound brain change and it isn’t showing up. Intangibles.

I am going to be so psyched if I go through the event of this weekend and don’t feel self-conscious or social-anxiety.

Next week, I will start experimenting with the ICES again and I am going to try to be more consistent with my Vitamin D because that is something which worked in Autistic children and no matter what I had self-consciousness and that is one of the things they have.

The reason I didn’t sleep at night though corresponds with the not having a sense of time passing. I pay bills for a family business as one of my jobs and thought it had been a week or two since the last check run, but it was almost 2 months. Nobody was upset because we have been dealing with these companies for 50+ years and have never not paid our bills, but I was literally shocked that I was seeing dates from February. That area is ridiculously off and I am genuinely not aware of it at all. It wasn’t me having social anxiety and trying to get out of the job and it wasn’t that there wasn’t money. Those two things might cause me to feel fear and shut down and I have shut down for those types of things when our customers don’t pay us at times in the past, but I didn’t shut down and didn’t feel fear. I just didn’t know time had passed.

What is fascinating to me is that it has to be that I feel so “lucid” but it feels like I feel “so awake” and I laugh because I got almost half of the accuracy score wrong and my logic says, “You have felt lucid all day today after not having slept last night and, yes, it is because you aren’t feeling anxious, but you still blew the brain test and may actually need sleep as a human being or something…”

I really thought I was going to nail the test.

I will say that life will be so much better not being anxious or self-conscious or having social anxiety, even if my perceptions go 100% off and even if I offend everybody and make everybody hate me.

What I “get” is that my brain is improving and I will try my best to do brain plasticity and nutrition and mindfulness and to keep researching, but at some point, if people judge it, I can’t help it that my brain is still broken. I thought it would be fixed by now.

Not being awkward, so that people don’t feel awkward around me would be my favorite thing and that has happened several times since I did the combination of Binaural Beats and ICES on my prefrontal cortex.

Did something in my synapses change with the electromeds?

Or is there some mechanism to it, which is similar to having a fever?

Maybe I am Autistic and maybe I got rid of an endotoxin or something? Does PEMF get rid of endotoxins?

The thing that I know is that I feel like my logic is still functioning, but I am analyzing that I wasn’t aware of time passing and my logic didn’t know that I wasn’t aware of time passing and it wasn’t aware that I was blowing the test and though I emotionally like that better, the self-moderating inner voice knew I was blowing it, so it is like I got rid of the accurate voice of logic and feel so much happier. That makes me know that I need to keep a column of “Your happy feeling logic isn’t telling you about this…” list