I have had chronic depression for almost my entire life, but was only diagnosed in my late forties. It was so bad that a few times, I contemplated suicide. Winter was even worse with the SAD syndrome. Doctors put me on antidepressants which created all kinds of side effects, and they only served to mask the problem, not fix it; the last batch caused me 4 months of withdrawal even though I went off of it gradually. Then I switched to the Chinese herb spirit poria which I only had to take for about three or four times a year to keep the depression at bay, but during covid, I had to take it almost every two-three weeks.
Finally got an M1 to treat on the left prefrontal cortex, using omni 8 default setting, intensity 4 and then later to 5. I could still hear the ticking at 4 but it didn’t really bother my sleep. I was using it only during sleeping hours but because of chronic pain I couldn’t sleep more than 4-5 hours, and I know for the most part Bob suggests doing about 8-10. Nevertheless, I could see improvements in my mood and since I started on the M1, I never had to use spirit poria again. Every few months, I would get off the M1 for a couple of nights to see how I would react, and then go back on it when I could feel that heaviness that signaled the depression was still there. I was on it for almost 2 years, but I don’t wear it so often any more and some days, I’ve been skipping it altogether. I get moody, but not really depressed any more.
I did try the TMS setting, but didn’t see much difference, so I went back to omni 8. Also tried the right prefrontal cortex, because I read somewhere in the forum that ICES would work better there for depression, but it didn’t seem to work for me.
Hope this helps.