Flux Health Forum

TMS for depression


I find the winter to be problematic for my mood so I am trying something new this year. I am curious to know how many people have used the TMS setting on the M1/C5 and what their outcomes were (if any)? I have started using it on my left prefrontal cortex TMS 30 mins on power level 6. No particular reason for this power level…just self hacking…thanks.

I have had chronic depression for almost my entire life, but was only diagnosed in my late forties. It was so bad that a few times, I contemplated suicide. Winter was even worse with the SAD syndrome. Doctors put me on antidepressants which created all kinds of side effects, and they only served to mask the problem, not fix it; the last batch caused me 4 months of withdrawal even though I went off of it gradually. Then I switched to the Chinese herb spirit poria which I only had to take for about three or four times a year to keep the depression at bay, but during covid, I had to take it almost every two-three weeks.

Finally got an M1 to treat on the left prefrontal cortex, using omni 8 default setting, intensity 4 and then later to 5. I could still hear the ticking at 4 but it didn’t really bother my sleep. I was using it only during sleeping hours but because of chronic pain I couldn’t sleep more than 4-5 hours, and I know for the most part Bob suggests doing about 8-10. Nevertheless, I could see improvements in my mood and since I started on the M1, I never had to use spirit poria again. Every few months, I would get off the M1 for a couple of nights to see how I would react, and then go back on it when I could feel that heaviness that signaled the depression was still there. I was on it for almost 2 years, but I don’t wear it so often any more and some days, I’ve been skipping it altogether. I get moody, but not really depressed any more.

I did try the TMS setting, but didn’t see much difference, so I went back to omni 8. Also tried the right prefrontal cortex, because I read somewhere in the forum that ICES would work better there for depression, but it didn’t seem to work for me.

Hope this helps.

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I have used it with GREAT success! A few months ago I was able to get entirely out of my depression, but like you it is now creeping back so I am using it again. I had to do a bit of trial and error and research to find the best positioning for me. I bought a cheap cloth headband and use that to keep it in place. This is the chart I found with placement suggestions, and I have been putting it at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (on the chart, it’s the red left side of head for B and C) at level 5 intensity. I get an immediate lifting about five minutes in, then ususally feel a bit better after, but it took a few weeks to get the full result. I am very reactive, which is generally an issue but for this was a huge plus. I’d start with that position for a week, I use the 30 minute protocol but again you can adjust, then if you aren’t getting any results, try another position. And if you get any negative side effects, go down. Higher settings for me come with a bit of nausea and/or dizziness, so you may want to start lower and go higher as needed. Then again, lots of folks only use the higher settings so there is definitely trial and error as everyone is different. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-six-standard-tDCS-configurations-simulated-in-this-study-targeting-A-primary-motor_fig10_230599493



I know this is a bit of an older post, but I was wondering what coil arrangement you used? A single, or stacked arrangement? And how are things at this point? Do you continue to use it with the TMS protocol for depression? If so how often? I hope you are doing well.

I am one of the lucky folks who have the P9, which is equivalent to two stacked coils. I am pretty much still out of the depression, but when I get that “circling the drain” feeling, I just do another session. I’m also finding it helps with anxiety, as a bonus! Definitely worth trying. Again, experiment a bit to find the right intensity and coil placement, as there is no one size fits all, and it may take a few days to a week to first feel the effects. I do find that having the coils a bit closer to my eyebrow on the left top side works best for me.