Flux Health Forum

Tips for ankylosing spondylitis and a swollen inflammatory elbow

First time buyer, excited and looking forward to experimenting with the M1 when it arrives.

I have ankylosing spondylitis which comes and goes in my lower back, but also I have a swollen left elbow with very low range of motion. This flared up in 2022 and has been swollen since. It feels like a constant injury. I want to use the m1 on this and support my elbow to naturally heal. Is there a protocol that has worked especially well for joint pain? I have bought the usb adapter and am thinking to use it at night on my elbow while I’m sleeping. Is that the best idea? Happy to hear any tips and success stories. Many thanks!

Welcome to the forum! Stick with the default OMNI 8, intensity 9 and use it for minimum 8 hours a a day and that should be a good benchmark before experimenting with other protocols (Alpha, Schumann 4, etc). The default is what has been reported on average as having the best results. Check out my posts on using it to accelerate repair of my broken elbow (also reduced pain so I didn’t have to use pain killers).

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@brightredmoon good luck with your M1. I and my family have had much success with our ICES devices (C5, A9, P9). For edema/inflammation most find the Omni 8 protocol to be most effective. But but not all, for example @hcf finds the C5-B5 protocol works better for him (you can find numerous informative posts from him on this forum through the search function). My recommendation would be to try Omni 8 first for an iteration or 2 (usually at least an hour or 2), and then try C5-B5, Then decide based on what seems to give you the most relief. Low and slow is what most recommend, so I would go with a low to medium intensity say 4-8 (depending on whether you have the coil directly against the skin, or outside of clothing) and the longer you can wear it the better. If I am nursing an injury (typically due to overuse) I try to use my device for as close to 24 hours per day as possible (I probably get 18-20). usually 1 or 2 days is all it takes for me. Your elbow use case is different as it is a chronic issue, so I would look at using it as many hours per day as possible and probably would expect it to take several days to a week (possibly 2) to begin to see results. Best of luck!



this is what I do, especially for elbow and hand & joint bruises/swelling:

First: setup your M1: Omni-8, I use Intensity = 5 You can start with more intensity, but higher intensities cause me discomfort in the joint. So, if you feel joint discomfort when using the M1 (or any other device), try reducing the intensity. For me, Intensity = 5 works best.

Try using the device intermittently, about 5 to 10 minutes every hour or two. This reduces swelling a lot for me. After about 5 to 10 minutes, even low intensity becomes irritating for me, so I discontinue use for an hour or so, then repeat for 5 or 10 minutes, …
I do this during the day or evening when I am not working with my hands.

Getting joint injuries to heal takes a long time (plan on days or weeks, maybe more), but this is how I accelerate the healing and reduce the pain.

this is what I do, especially for my ankylosing spondylitis:

Set M1 to Omni-8 at intensity 8 or 9
Place stacked coils (bumpy-side-to-bumpy-side) directly over the point of greatest pain.

Affix in place by whatever means works for you: back brace, sewn into garments, whatever works for you.

I have a set of coils sewn onto velcro, with another piece of velcro sewn below the X part of suspenders to hold the coils to the velcro on the suspenders.

Many people ask: “Gee Bob, why don’t you make all these garments for people to use?”
simple answer: it would more than triple the cost of my portable ICES-PEMF products. How do I know this? Many people have tried to help me with this, including two professional garment makers.

So, my strategy is: I provide the part that you cannot make for yourself at a reasonable price (ICES-PEMF).

To get ICES-PEMF at a reasonable price, you need to figure out how to hold it on yourself, where you need it, for your specific injury.