Flux Health Forum

Thoughts on Pets and Animals

[From: Bob Dennis, owner of Micro-Pulse; I have a financial interest in the sale of PEMF devices, so please take that potential bias into account when considering my statements]

Many people have talked to me about using PEMF for their pets and horses.

Although I do not have any direct personal experience using PEMF on pets, I will summarize what I have discussed with people who have used PEMF on their dogs, cats, and horses, both personally and professionally

Research: I did submit a major proposal to the military in 2016 to study the effects of PEMF on spinal injury (SCIRP Program). It was a standardizes research model using rats for drug discovery (Pharma). I was informed that my proposal was at the top of their funding priority list and that it would almost certainly get fully funded… but then political reality hit with budget cuts and government shut-downs, and the research was never funded. This is a shame, because I think we would have gotten some very important information from that study. I have successfully carried out pother laboratory studies on animals showing dramatic reductions in inflammation, and changes in the inflammation-related cytokine profiles, which I will discuss elsewhere.

General Comment: over the years, I have offered to work with many mainstream veterinarians, but on the whole they are very reluctant to use new technologies with their clients. Many veterinarians expressed the sentiment to me that they would “wait and see if it works on humans first, then, maybe, I’ll try it on an animal.”

But people who are open to the use of PEMF have used it on animals, and they report to me that in general the results are very satisfactory, with a few exceptions.

I have talked to about 20 people who have used one of our ICES-PEMF systems on their dog. Many more have used it but they have not told me any details. The problems they were dealing with were diverse, ranging from incontinence to spinal injury and paralysis to hip/joint problems and car accidents with major orthopedic injury to the dog. Out of the ~ 20 reports, about 3 or 4 said they saw not much improvement. The remainder, about 80%, reported dramatic benefits.

In at least 2 cases people reported that dogs with spinal injuries had recovered some movement of their hind limbs.

In almost all cases older dogs showed markedly reduced discomfort and an improved activity level (running and jumping).

Several dogs were able to recover from severe orthopedic injuries.

Several dogs showed improved joint function and mobility.

In all cases, people had been using the Omni8 pulse pattern and a Micro-Pulse model A9 or one of the earlier models that are roughly equivalent (less energy efficient, lower power output).

In some cases, people fashioned bandages to hold the coils and pulse generator. In a few cases, especially with smaller dogs, people simply slid the coils under bedding while the dog slept.

The primary uses that people have reported to me for cats are:
1- Age-related discomfort and reduced activity level
2- Feline kidney disease

In every case that was reported to me (about 6), elderly cats had significantly improved activity levels, and they could jump higher, climb, and they were more tolerant pf cold and/or hard surfaces to lie down on.

I have three reports that PEMF was very helpful with feline kidney disease, as measured by creatinine level. In two cases it was just a verbal report of improvement, but in one case the person had extensive laboratory testing which very clearly demonstrated that the kidney function was improving during periods when ICES-PEMF was in use, but getting progressively worse during periods when PEMF was not being used. I am a bit surprised that veterinarians have not taken an interest in this, as it is my understanding that feline kidney disease currently has few effective options.

In the graph I show the creatinine levels for one elderly cat which had a complete set of lab tests available. At the left (the first time point) the cat had a dangerously high creatinine level, indicating feline kidney disease, and was unresponsive to other treatments. On January 15, 2015, the owner began using a pair of ICES-PEMF coils placed under the bedding of the cat while it slept (A9 with Omni8 protocol on M or H intensity). The creatinine levels dropped back to normal by May 2015, so the owner discontinued PEMF, as indicated by the horizontal red and green bars at the bottom of the graph. GREEN indicated ICES-PEMF was being applied, RED indicates ICES-PEMF was discontinued, and the creatinine level began to climb again. The owner resumed ICES-PEMF in December 2015, and the creatinine levels again returned to normal. Thereafter, the owner regularly used ICES-PEMF to maintain their cat’s renal health.

Anyone who has tried will tell you that it is almost impossible to strap a PEMF system to a cat. Therefore, I developed the 2x2 coil array initially for use with small pets (specifically cats), so that the coil array could easily be slipped under bedding while the cat slept. In general, that is how PEMF was applied to cats. A model A9 was used (Omni8 pulse pattern) on a medium setting. If the device irritates the animal while it sleeps, simply reduce the intensity until it is no linger irritating.

Initially, I was quite skeptical, because our PEMF systems are small and portable, but horses are large animals. Nonetheless, several equine acupuncturists employed our PEMF system in their practice, and reported very good results to me.

In at lease 2 cases they were dealing with very severe orthopedic injury, and reported very good results.

In three cases they reported that severe hind limb swelling and discomfort was dramatically reduced within about 25 minutes with PEMF.

Several other conditions specific to horses, with which I am not familiar, were reported with very satisfactory results.

These conditions had not responded to other forms of treatment.

In most cases the PEMF coils were stacked and placed on equine acupuncture points. They were held in place by a specially sewn drape. The original A9 pulse pattern was used. Very low intensities were used. It was explained to me that this was to be expected, because horses in general are very sensitive animals.

What we are looking for is as much information as you can share about your animal’s condition, how you used PEMF, and what the results were. You can upload photos and documents as well as your text. The more detail you include, the better. You can come back later, edit your text to add more details, upload images, documents and test results, add helpful links, etc. Also, don’t forget to ask questions, because this will help people to share their observations and experiences that they may have forgotten to mention.

Share what worked and how you did it, but negative results are just as important as positive results!!! If you tried something that did not work well, this experience would help other people too. People respond very differently and have different levels of sensitivity, so something may work well for others, but not for you. What we need is a lot of different observations from many different people so that we can begin to see larger patterns and formulate general guidelines about what is likely to be helpful, what is likely to be wrong, which options should be explored, and which options can be avoided.


I have used the M-1 on my dog with a few conditions.

He has had hip problems since he was a puppy and failed as a service dog because of those problems, but he was a companion dog when my uncle had brain cancer and with my grandmother who had dementia. After they died, he came to work with me every day, but he suddenly stopped wanting to get into the car and he wouldn’t use steps or a ramp and he was too heavy for me to lift by myself.

I put the M-1 under him and I know he wouldn’t always stay on it, and didn’t necessarily like it, but he could get into the car again.

I used it again when he was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma to see if I could create a tumor treating field.

I paired it with water fasting, which blew me away and I couldn’t even put enough of an exclamation on that sentence. He went from not being able to get up and when he was helped up, he shook and slid around and would fall and bang on the floor to where after 14 days of water fasting I had to yell at him to get out of the neighbor’s yard. He is back to not getting into mischief.

I cannot say how much the ICES contributed to the fact that my dog is still alive. It was something to try. From the tumor treating fields videos, I expected to have to use it for 12 months, but he was so improved after the 2 weeks of water fasting that I ended up using it on myself again.

Adjuncts if your dog has cancer would be Turkey Tail Mushrooms, Yunnan Baiyoa on-hand if they have a melon-sized tumor in their spleen with a danger of bleeding out.

I also did enzymes and Modified Citrus Pectin and I did try things like turmeric and ginger and I tried both Whole Food Plant Based vegan and Keto.

He did the vegan for months before I tried the water fasting and ICES, but wouldn’t eat the 90% oil, which Keto Pet Sanctuary did. I even tried things like raw, but he didn’t eat even one bite of that. I tried freeze dried and he wouldn’t eat that either. I tried the heavy cream and he would leave that in the bowl.

He now is back to eating anything and everything.

People freak out when they hear vegan for a dog, but there are people who healed their dogs’ cancer using only a vegan whole food plant based diet and there was a world’s oldest dog who was raised vegan. To me, the Purdue University study, which lowered the rate of dogs getting cancer by 90% just by adding raw vegetables to their diets is what I would tell people seems to be the best idea.

People major on the minors. They blame vaccinations and lawn pesticides and flea and tick preparations, or grains, but the Purdue study was just adding vegetables to their ordinary kibble and it lowered the risk of cancer by 90% and that makes that the most important adjunct to me.

Turkey tail mushrooms is something he no-longer takes and hadn’t had for the past 6 months. The problem with supplements and special foods is that you end up spending $10,000 pretty quickly, which I did.

I tried CBD oil, which caused it to grow. Yes, grow. A few months after I had tried it, Dr. Greger posted a CBD oil for cancer video and it can either cause it to shrink or to grow. I vote against it as an adjunct because the one major study, it shrunk for a week or two and then grew like crazy and oil can make tumors grow if they aren’t all the way over in Ketosis. Gerson said that her father tested the tumors which each oil and every oil except for flaxseed oil caused tumors to grow. That leaves flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, which my dog also wouldn’t eat and I did see one video of that causing the breast cancer of one woman to grow so much faster that it seems like it might be an either grow or shrink thing, too, but Gerson saw it as safer. Not sure if it is. Keto works though, if you are all the way in it and some people can’t get there. The problem is that it doesn’t work enough on its own. It works 30% better if paired with hyperbaric oxygen and it also works better if paired with a glutamate inhibitor, but those aren’t things, which are readily available for all pet owners.

I tried frankincense and myrrh and lavender and other essential oils from doTerra on his visible tumors, but nothing at all happened with any of them.

Water fasting kicked butt and I mean blew all of the expensive things out of the water.

For the first months, he didn’t want the ICES and didn’t want to sleep on his bed at all. Now, it is hard to get him off of his bed and now he loves the ICES. Yes, turn it down for your pets, too.

Since that time, I learned to turn the power down for the dogs, too.


I have used the ICES M1 on my 11 year old dog who stopped moving/eating/drinking. I took him to vet and he had liver and gall bladder levels that were higher than the highest value on the IDEXX blood test. Ultrasound showed severe gall bladder issues with sludge around gall bladder and damage to liver. In parallel, vet gave IV fluids, IV antibiotics, and at my request used my ICES M1 24/7 on Omni 8 Power 5 (connected via USB 5v adapter). It could have been only the antibiotics or it could have been the ICES M1, but two weeks later (and still using M1 around the clock) our puppy is no longer shaking in pain and is acting several years younger than he was these past 12 months. Either way, our dog and our family are very happy. Blood levels are almost completely back to normal, and ultrasound is to be scheduled in the next month. One more anecdote is that while our dog usually has the M1 wrapped around him, some times we wash the wrap and just leave the M1 and coils on his large pillow. At those times, when he lays on his pillow, he always lays where the coils are in the right spot - wonder how coincidental that is. Once the ultrasound shows his gall bladder and liver are A OK, I am curious to try the M1 on this back hips/legs and see if he gets more spring to his hind legs. He can no longer jump into the car like he used to.



With he back legs, there are some adjunct therapies you could do. Low Level Laser is one. There is a vet place on-line which sells them. I used that when my dog stopped wanting to jump in the car and it worked. That was before I got the ICES.

Acupuncture has helped paralyzed dogs.

Thanks @bettereverday. I will try my 54w 850nm bulb on his hind legs and see if it helps. For now, we are strapping the ICES M1, power 5, omni 8, and he has it on at least when he sleeps. He is much more mobile now and is wiggling out of his M1 strap during the day - a great thing to see him up and about.

I have only recently joined this forum and noticed this post. I have used PEMT devices on my dogs for the passed 7 years. I saw my elderly dog who was stiffening up move and jump around like a puppy again after just 4 sessions. After that I started using the device myself and even bought a second. Since then the PEMT device is something I use for pretty much all that ails my dogs. Recovery from surgery was faster, the need for anti inflammatories is reduced. Dogs seem to respond really quickly to PEMT. The reason I came on today though is that my male Rottweiler has torn his ACL. He can’t undergo surgery as he has a heart condition so I really need to try and stablise the leg as best we can. He’s a big heavy boy even though he is lean so its going to be hard. Anyway as per usual I have been using my PEMT on him but he limps worse after a treatment -I have never known this with any of my other dogs… Maybe the heat generated is not helping and I need to ice the leg afterwards or I just need to do shorter sessions…? I was wondering if it might take fluid away from the area? Any idea why this might be? Many thanks for any suggestions… I hate to see him uncomfortable. He is raw fed with a range of supplements and on 4cyte (the dogs eat better than we do!).

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This happens sometimes when swelling is helping to stabilize an orthopedic injury. It may heal faster, but then the trade-off is that you need to do more to stabilize it during recovery.

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Thanks for your reply Bob… That’s good to know… I do have a brace for him so I guess I will need to use that more. I do find my dogs respond quickly and have great outcomes using PEMT as do we… from repairing fractures to muscle strains.

So, if you decide to try to use this strategy (continue to use ICES-PEMF and stabilize the joint), it would be very helpful if you could report back to this forum with the long-term results. Currently, my impression from limited anecdotal data is that the loss of joint stability is temporary because healing is accelerated with PEMF, and over time you get both better joint stability and faster healing with PEMF. But the more feedback we get on this topic, the better.

OK will do Bob… It will be a challenge to stablise Hugo’s stifle joint sufficiently but since surgery isn’t an option we have to give it our best shot. In small dogs (<10kg), fibroplasia or scar tissue is usually sufficient to stabilise the joint. Hugo is not a small dog so I don’t expect conservative management to be quite as successful and some arthritis is inevitable. The longer the knee is unstable the more likelihood of meniscal (cartilage) damage or injury to the other knee so using ICES-PEMF to speed up healing gives us the best shot at a good outcome for him.

Just a quick update. Well Hugo is gradually improving his stifle stability… his stride is lengthening and I can feel the build up of tissue on the inside of his leg supporting the joint. It is still very easy for him to damage the joint at this stage which sets him back a few days, I increase the PEMF treatments when that happens but we are swimming him now and having some muscle return to the area will help. For a large heavy dog he’s doing well…

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Excellent, thanks for the update. I think it is important for people to know that in general we are talking about accelerated healing rate, not a magical instant cure, and I think this is exactly what you are seeing.


An update on Hugo the male Rottweiler 55kg with totally ruptured ACL. It has been over 7 months now since his injury and the leg has stabilized. Our vet is pretty amazed given his size and weight. He is a very active dog too. He has built up a lot of tissue on the inside of the knee but it seems to be doing the job. I used conservative management, PEMT and supplements such as 4cyte, raw diet. He motors around like the knee isn’t troubling him, using it equally with the other and favoring it as the support leg when urinating so it must be comfortable. Although I am still trying to limit his activity he has managed to jump small walls and onto sofas (he is a very active dog) and the leg has held up. If he lays on it when he first gets up he does still limp a bit until he gets it moving whether that will settle or that’s the way it will be I am not sure but so far amazingly good. :slight_smile:


That is great! Thanks for the update. I think with continued management you will see steady improvement, which even if it i slow it is always way better than progressive degeneration.

Thanks for your reply Bob, continuing steady improvement would be awesome. Of course with animals the challenge is when they feel well they are more active and he can be a crazy doofus so the hardest part has been trying to keep him calm. He was hurtling around this morning, twisting, jumping and play bowing with me trying to catch him but his knee seems to have held up :slight_smile:

same with humans: many people have told me “gee, I felt so much better that I promptly went out and hurt myself again.”


Happy to report that veterinarians seem to be getting on board (where I live, it seems vets have actually taken to PEMF far more enthusiastically than MDs…I imagine this has a lot to do with the ways that MDs are educated and how their education relates to pharmaceutical interests…but I digress!).

Our (holistic) vet suggested PEMF for our cats’ asthma/gut issues, and it was only through her suggestion that I began to look into PEMF. I’ve just ordered the M1 to use on myself, family, and cats, and will be sure to report back :slight_smile:

Not to sound like a complete weirdo, but I can’t help but wonder if PEMF has reached some of the folks experimenting (informally, aka at home) with device-assisted communication devices for their cats/dogs (e.g, https://www.hungerforwords.com/ or https://fluent.pet/ – the latter of which is also doing crowd-sourced research). Two of the founders’ dogs-- Stella and Bunny–are using upwards of 50 word-buttons to make context-specific, compound sentences (including informing their humans’ that their ear hurts, thereby alerting them to a new ear infection).

Perhaps this is just the nerdy anthropologist in me, but I think it would be really interesting to hear what these dogs have to “say” --via these buttons–after using a the M1, for instance. Like kids, I imagine many dogs aren’t blinded by societal mores about what “makes sense” or “doesn’t make sense” so I’m willing to bet they might have something interesting to share (and bet their humans’ would be able to provide more elaborate feedback, too). They might also be able to provide feedback that could help inform the use of PEMF with pets who are less fluent in English :slight_smile:

If no one has yet shared the idea with the fluent pet/hunger for words crew, I’ll definitely pass the thought along and see what they think. If nothing else, maybe the dogs can enjoy a bit of inflammation relief :slight_smile:


That would be very interesting to know. I have had an interest in that area of research (formal and informal) for a long time. Definitely please pass it on to them. In particular, I would like to know if they can express discomfort/pain, and relief from pain.

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Wow! This is fascinating. I put a hold on my library’s copy of “How Stella Learned To Talk” :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting this!