something of a light bulb moment for me in the fundamental and common experience for all who are familiar with pemf and who have had experience with using pemf for local inflammation and pain. over the last 5+years of using and experimenting with pemf on myself, family, and friends, it’s become very clear by evidence and measured biometrics that pemf reduces inflammation.
i deal with seasonal allergies and inflammation is an uncomfortable and eventual symptom that i have to deal with. I’ve been using pemf every night for my torso and my Garmin watch has been showing results of lower stress levels during sleep. as i age and fall into the group of at risk cohort for heart disease and all the age related -itises and dis-ease, it makes sense that i should be sleeping nightly on a mattress or vest of coils (and grounding mat) to minimize systemic inflammation. heck maybe all day as well, but i find it more practical and convenient for when I’m sleeping.
this is my long winded way of sharing a light bulb moment and tip for all pemf owners that you don’t need to have an ailment, pain or problem to start benefitting from pemf. I’ve been using for the last 2 weeks and my numbers have been showing quite positively on my Garmin watch my stress levels dropping from 16-18 down to about 8-10… very similar to using a grounding pad. side note: I’ve been without a grounding pad for a few months bc I lent it out to a friend. will likely resume later this week with both pemf vest or mat (basically something to cover chest and upper back) AND grounding patch or pad to benefit from both.
I’ll just have to make sure that the grounding patch I’m using will be away from the coils.
look forward to seeing what the Garmin numbers will show…