Flux Health Forum

Simultaneous use?

Hello Bob,
I have A9, M1, and P9 units. Can I use them simultaneously? Or would there be some type of interference? About 2 weeks ago, while at work - I was using all 3 simultaneously for the first time (A9 on LOW with coils on each side of left knee, M1 on Omni 8, at 5, stacked coils over right hip, and P9 on A9 at 5, in cargo pants pocket above right knee). After a few hours I noticed a painless waviness in the peripheral vision of my left eye, most noticeable when looking at computer screen. No history of any eye problems (did have LASIK on each eye many years ago). I turned off the P9 and the visual abnormality went away in about 5 minutes. Today I decided to try only 2 simultaneously. I had M1 with stacked coils over right hip, on A9 at 2, and P9 on A9 at 5 in cargo pants pocket above left knee. After about 8 hours, I again had the waviness in my left visual peripheral vision. I turned off both devices and the waviness went away I about 10 minutes. Any thoughts?

I have done the same with 2 M1s and P9. I haven’t had any side effects like what you experienced. I am totally spitballing here - I wonder if the one over your hip (both of your trials had stacked coils over the hip) was ALSO doing some gut shifting. ICES PEMF, in my experience, can help kill pathogenic fungii and bacteria in the gut. I have had very strange eye stuff happen, all peripheral vision temporary changes, when killing fungal strains in the intestines.

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From a technical perspective, the signals from multiple devices do not interfere, so they should work together fine.

From a biological perspective, it may be a matter of “too much is too much”.

There are real biological effects, and therefore it is reasonable to conclude that it is possible to apply too much total stimulus.

You are using pretty low power levels already, so I doubt that it is dangerous. And the effect you are experiencing seems to be temporary, as you have noted. And over time this response may stop happening. But I think you are being cautious, and I think you should keep paying attention to your response. And thank you, it is very helpful to hear these cautionary notes and to have this discussion on this forum.

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Your hypothesis about gut shifting is very interesting. What are the peripheral vision abnormalities that you experience? The best way for me to describe what I see, is to refer to the movie “Predator”. The appearance of the creature when it is cloaked by its camouflage device is what the left upper visual field of my left eye somewhat looks like.

Unfortunately, I haven’t see the movie. I had times where the peripheral vision was

  1. limited and had darker spots
  2. had dots/holes
  3. was blurry / masked

I went to the eye doctor twice in a 2 week period when this happened because it scared me. Also, my eyes were drier during that period and drops helped that discomfort. Nothing helped for peripheral vision but getting through the fungal infection (a friend said it is not uncommon for killing fungal infections to cause ocular nerve adjustments temporarily). Everything was restored after getting through it and I had less system inflammation as a result requiring less water per day, and noticed less inflammation feeling in the brainstem area. For me, it was worth the strange peripheral vision impacts to treat the fungal infection in the intestines.