Flux Health Forum

Short C5/B5 Review

Hello all,

I did, in addition to my long M1 and ICES technology overview, a short B5/C5 Review / overview with some personal experiences as a blog post:

The blog post is in German and the “English” link uses Google translate. The translation woks quite well.

Maybe it is interesting for some or new here.



@hcf Hans that was great info. I read all 5 of the series this afternoon. So much info! Thank you for sharing your knowledge & impressions of the M1 & B5, PEMF in general. Based on your experience I have switched my wife to trying the C5 protocol, as the Omni 8 just never gave her the results it gave me.

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Hi @gunplt,

thanks for the feedback. I’ve spend lots of time trying to understand some of the fundamentals of PEMF. Lots of buzz and only @Bob “nailed it” in regard to the flux density change rate (in T/s or G/s) that is central to the effects. At least that is the idea that I follow.

Regarding the protocols: No one knows which frequency-pattern is “the right one”. So it makes sense to try and/or alternate them. Interesting is the “sweep” function of the b5, that changes the frequency over time in a given min-max window to do further tests or “own research” :wink:


@hcf my 1st device was the C5.

I wanted the B5, but I travel for work and needed something my wife could use even when I wasn’t there to set it up. After early success, for myself and many others, with the C5 I continued to research and learn. I purchased a refurbished A9 on Ebay for use on the road. I plan to also purchase an M1, and a B5 as funds allow.

I am also very interested in a whole body application and have been looking at the mats/pads. The Vasidux is one I was most interested in. I even emailed and spoke on the phone with Briant Meyers about it, but I just don’t have th funds at the moment.

I am interested also in building my own device & coils. The device seems reasonably straight forward to build in the modern age, but building the coils for the purpose and matching them to the generator is where I am focused on learning right now.

Currently I envision a set of coils similar to what is used by the **EarthPulse™ device, placed under the mattress. Can you recommend a resource (book, website, blog/vlog, YouTube channel) that discusses coil design considerations?.

Well, I have to jump off here and get to work. Cheers.


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Interesting that BE Meyers now endorses Vasidux, where the detailed information is sparse. Before he endorsed iMRS (full body) as the best thing ever, claiming to spend approx. 500.000$ on devices to figure that out. I read his book, even did a review in my blog about it, and consumed his site. So I know what I’m stating here. And the thought that high sales provisions “help” does occur to me, too.

I comparison to ICES my own iMRS systems is… “nice”. But “nice” is the little sister of “…”. My review of the iMRS system in my blog is opaque for exactly that reason. It may be good if you have a matching problem and nothing better. So I won’t write anything bad about it, because the FIR-functionality is really, really nice. But ICES plays on another level in regard of the core function.

For lots of reasons I do not put trust into the dream of full body anymore and use local and focused applications of ICES. Maybe @Bob builds a “C33” that can operate 32 pairs of coils, so that one can do a basic version of a full body mat with it. But that would be an expensive thing to do, too.

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