Flux Health Forum

Sesamoiditis (inflammation of foot bones)

Anyone tried ices on sesamoiditis, an inflammation of the bones on the forefoot below the big toe?
What is the suggested power setting and time period for use with an M1 ?

I think intensity 9 would be fine for the M1. You could experiment with stacked coils or side by side. Slipping coils under your sock will likely keep them in place when not wearing shoes. I have had great success with Omni 8 and Alpha protocols.


thanks for reply. What is your feeling about most efficient use time on and off? use as much as possible? couple hours a day? 2-3 hrs on and off?

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For me on bone and ligament related injuries, more time has proven better, so I am often using it 24x7 and it resolves the issue within a week or two. I haven’t need to take any time off.


after one or two days of maybe 10 hr use on and off, my nervous system was over clocking, like the feeling of sepsis, hyped up buzzzing and very uncomfortable . This effect of systemic nervous system aggravation happens every time I use M1 for extended periods on ANY part of my body. Bob said years ago, he had never heard of such effect. I haven’t used the M1 in a long time so I forgot about this, but I was reminded in spades. Tinnitus, anxiety all exacerbated. I may try lower power and shorter periods after my nerves recover.
I wonder if it may have something to with the fact that I have developmental trauma in the parasympathetic.

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