Flux Health Forum

Risk of losing tooth

Hi @Bob a friend of mine has a situation where a front tooth is loose because of bone loss around the root of that tooth. There is also an infection around the tooth. Not an abscess but a minor infection in the jaw in the space around the root of the tooth and the jaw. Appointment for a consult with a surgeon to do an extraction is in 30 days. I am suggesting they take vitamins k2 and D morning and night and I am giving them my A9 unit to run double stacked coils over the tooth root area for as much time as they can everyday 24/7 prior to seeing the oral surgeon. The tooth is loose due to bone loss. My understanding is PEMF stimulates bone. Do you have any experience / knowledge of any similar situations where a loose tooth due to bone loss has been saved?

Side note, I know that A9 units also have N optional power chord adapter. I’m no longer seeing those for sale on your website. Can those still be purchased.

Thank you for sharing any of your or your customers experiences with this problem.

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Hi @JTolli, I think your strategy is excellent. That is precisely what I would do. Reflecting on my own use of ICES-PEMF for dental issues (and specifically loose teeth and minor dental infections/inflammation), and combining that with what our customers have reported to me in aggregate about their dental issues, I am pretty confident that if they follow your instructions they will definitely benefit.

Best case, their issue may resolve itself without surgery. If surgery is still necessary, they should consider continuing use of ICES-PEMF before, during, and after, because it may reduce the extent of the needed surgical intervention, really accelerate post-surgical recovery, reduce pain during the process, and improve final tissue recovery and structure.

Keep in mind that if they use ICES-PEMF most of 24/7, they may benefit more from lower intensity, maybe 7 or 8 or 9.

It would be really helpful if they would allow you to post the outcome, and as much detail on what they tried, their observations throughout the process, and the clinical results, as much as they are willing to share on this public forum.

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I have/got implants, so bone stuff and infection was once a primary concern for me. I did unter those circumstances (in addition to the basic supps, 99% organic food, no junk food, sun exposure, no LED lights and minimal EMF exposure):

K2-MK4, not MK7 (Thorne) 3 * 2-3 drops (1 mg per Prop) per day (6-12 mg day total),
Liposomal Vitamin C - holding within the gums
Collagen hydrolisate 10 g / day.
6 mg Boron like glycinate form (Swanson) / day
300 mg Magnesium (net)

These are often overlooked and are building blocks. MK4 is the more active form as to my knowledge. MK7 is good for simple maintenance.

I have also very good results with, and there is good clinical data, using 800 ppm CDS solution to use as mouth-wash or on a tooth brush when there are infections or the gums are not o.k… Not to swallow. Mouth wash 10-20 seconds and then spiting it out. Maybe wash with clean water. Max. 1-2 times a day. Was even sold in the EU for dentistry until it was forbidden, because they go after all with CDS, regardless the good study base and its broad use as disinfectant / antiseptic, use in drinking water treatment, etc.

treating the infected area would also be good. ozonated water (as a rinse) and or ozonated oil (applied to area) would help. even a light peroxide rinse for lack of ozonated water can help kill bacteria… start with 1/2 water half peroxide… altho for me, I’d just do full peroxide 20 second rinse since that would interact with everything else in the mouth on initial rinse and lower oxidation strength anyway.

colloidal silver is something others have recommended for infection, but I’ve only had experience with peroxide, ozone, and hypochlorous acid (HOCl)…

I’ve used strong ozonated water daily to help remove plaque and calculus (not the kind bob uses for the invention of his pemf devices :upside_down_face:)

PurO3 Ozone Teeth and Gum Support (Peppermint/Stevia) Ozonated Olive Oil Oral Care and Complete Oral Health, Gum and Tooth Essential Oil for Advanced Dental Health and Fresh Breath https://a.co/d/5R5q41x

you can get the oil on Amazon too

Thank you for the suggestion! I actually have a SOTA water ozone generator. I will suggest rinsing with ozone water.

I was thinking exactly along the same lines as @OptimalHealth

I do have a related question regarding loose teeth, @Bob: I had a root canal done to a molar back of the left side of the jaw and never had a crown put on it, but after more than ten years, the tooth is getting loose (there is no supporting teeth beside it) and my dentist suggested that it would only last a year or so before he’d have to remove it. I’ve been using the M1 on it, but only for about 5 or 6 hours when I’m sleeping. Do you think PEMF could work on a tooth that is essentially “dead” when it no longer has a root? Or am I looking at it the wrong way, that PEMF should be tightening the gums around it… so that it won’t be so loose? I figured I didn’t have much to lose as I’m applying the coils only when I’m sleeping. Because it’s the one tooth, and my jaw is very small, I am applying only one of the two coils over it but with an intensity of 12.

However reading your suggestion, maybe I should stack the coils for an intensity of 7-9… where the loose tooth is.

Without any specific knowledge on this, my general thoughts are that ICES-PEMF might help surrounding tissues to recover and strengthen. I think the gums and jaw bones can do a pretty good job of holding “dead” objects in place, such as dental implants, for a long time if the living tissues themselves are in good condition. So, if it were me, I would use ICES-PEMF to maximize the general health of the surrounding tissues.

Hmm… my thoughts too, as I’m thinking it doesn’t hurt to give it a try and see if there’s any significant improvement. I will post an update if there is.

That would be really helpful, thanks. And I really hope you get a good outcome.