Flux Health Forum

Recent interviews on PEMF basics - Bob

I recently had a very good interview on PEMF basics, on a podcast series that is mostly related to ozone. It is a new series, so they are just posting them now. If you are interested in PEMF and ozone, you might want to have a listen:


Good interview, Bob. Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks. I am also doing a series of interviews with Dr Stacey Ravid, to discuss practical matters related to using ICES-PEMF, coil placement, protocols, etc. They are on YouTube, for example:


Stacey and I are recording another one in about half an hour, and we hope to post a few more over the next few months. If you have questions you want answered in a video format, you could try commenting on these videos.

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OK, I just posted on YouTube, here it is:

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… and here is another one discussing the C5 that we posted today:


I’m curious if you have heard of anyone using the coils to shrink fibroids?

yes, people ask about this all the time, but very few have reported to me their experiences. I would say, based on what people have reported, that there may be a benefit; some people say it helps a lot, others say not so much. I do not know the details of exactly what they have tried, or how they applied ICES-PEMF, or % success rate. So I would say it is a mixed bag, but worth trying IMO.

Has there been any success with organ fibrosis? I’ve seen some folks post about arthritis related fibrosis. I’ve seem some pubmed posts on success with pulmonary fibrosis, but it doesn’t look like they are long term studies.

Also, what about scar tissue in general? I have some c-section scars that I’d like to reduce. I wonder if clearing some of that scar tissue might improve blood flow and renew feeling in those areas. If I want to reduce the scar tissue in this area, how would you apply the C5? What protocol?

I have tried many, many times, for many years, to engage surgeons in this exact area of research, exactly the things you are asking. I had the chairs of two departments of plastic surgery at two very prominent universities at my laboratory three years ago to discuss exactly this area of research and how to go about testing it.

It always ends the same way: they think PEMF is charlatanism, they think any effect you see is purely placebo (one said to me: “The placebo effect is now over 70% you know”), and they are afraid to touch the topic because it is so deeply stigmatized that they fear it might damage their careers. Basically, even after you prove that it works, they are still resistant to test whether or not it works.

So, I wish I could answer your questions, I have been trying doggedly for more than a decade to do so, but the resistance from the very people necessary to do that work is like a steel plate bolted to a concrete dam holding back a frozen glacier.

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Bob, I so appreciate your reply. If I’m willing to be your research guinea pig, how would you recommend placing the coils? Should I just start with Omni8? I don’t have my unit yet, but plan to order soon. I do plan to get a deep field coil, because I want to work on my liver too.

My acupuncturist says that she has had some success with treating c-section scars. My thought is to use the treatments as adjuncts to one another, but also, if acupuncture is accessing energy meridians and is effective, then it occurs to me that PEMF ought to do the same. If I’m able to apply the PEMF daily, then that ought to continue the healing work more. (I know that traditionally in China, acupuncture was administered often daily, as we might approach prescription meds in the west.)

I’m a science teacher and quite supportive of your work. If it helps you to document my experience in any way, I’m happy to do so.

The first thing to keep in mind (and the only useful thing the plastic surgeons actually said when we met) is to recognize that scar tissue is very different when fully formed versus during its formation. So, while something might be very effective at preventing scar tissue formation, it might not work at all once scar tissue has formed, and especially after it has aged significantly.

So, right from the start, doing this is very difficult and no matter what the outcome will be limited to one set of initial circumstances.

My advice to you was going to be that you probably will just need to try it on yourself to see what happens and if it helps. Now that you have volunteered, you probably will just need to try it on yourself to see what happens and if it helps. Basically that is the only way to know anything for sure.

I would start with Omni-8, set it on “H”, and use stacked coils directly over the scar tissue. No need to use deep field coils unless it is a very deep tissue. If it is superficial, just use stacked coils, bumpy-side to bumpy-side, taped together.

This is something that will probably require daily prolonged use, for several months before you see much of a change, if there is a change.

I do have one data point: a friend of mine had meshoma from a hernia operation, and he got a lot of relief from pain and progression of the meshoma when he used the A9 every day on X (deep tissue) for as long as he could every day. So we do have some indication that it might be helpful for scar tissue when an ongoing inflammation process is involved.

To be most helpful for yourself and others, simply be diligent and keep a daily record; what did you do, how long, any changes observed. The more detail the better. What is needed at this point is not a strictly controlled study, rather just a good set of detailed, accurate observations.

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