Flux Health Forum

Raynauds disease

Hi - I am new to this forum and unsure if this is the right place to post this topic but I am interested in whether anyone has any knowledge or experience in the use of PEMF/ICES for circulation problems. I have severe Raynauds and get terrible chillblains and ulceration on my fingers and toes over winter. I have read that PEMF can help with microcirculation but haven’t found anything specific on use for raynauds. If it could help, which device would be best and would you apply the coils directly to the hands and feet? From my research so far, I had thought that a whole body mat would be best for circulation issues but Bob, I have read a few of your posts suggesting that most people don’t need this. Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated.

I, too, was tested positive for Raynaud’s just this summer, but have never tried my M1 on it, opting to treat my chronic pain instead. I’ve had to wear socks 24-7 even in summer heat because my feet were always cold.

However, I’ve had some promising results with combination of TCM herbs and meditative energy healing. Only tried it this summer after I was diagnosed, so I’m no authority on it, but that might be an avenue you may want to explore. Mind you, my Raynaud’s is very mild, and I’ve yet to know how much improvement I’ve made, but this winter should be revealing for me.

Here is a link to a website that can better explain the TCM view of Raynaud’s and some of the herbs used to treat it: http://www.itmonline.org/journal/arts/raynauds.htm. You will need someone trained in Chinese herbs to show you how to prepare the herbs for you.

I haven’t used PEMF specifically on Raynauds but I have used DMSO. It is fantastic for that type of circulatory issue. Check out “Midwestern Doctor” on Substack. He is doing a series of articles on DMSO and how the FDA and Pharma have suppressed information on it. (he cites multiple studies) I’m using it along with PEMF and Red Light on an inflamed knee and for arthritis in my hand. My Raynaud’s is pretty much gone. They all work together great.

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I’m a huge fan of ICES PEMF and have been using it daily for years to mitigate an intractable ligament issue, but if I had Raynaud’s syndrome, I would use the treatment that this nurse friend of mine is doing with huge success.

I think @serialspinner has great advice. This is similar to what I would have suggested, basically ICES-PEMF + NIR Light + DMSO. In my experience, there is a strong synergistic effect.

Selecting one of our devices: not trying to up-sell here, but for this you might want to try the C5 with 2x2 coil pads. I cover these with soft medical-grade cloth tape, and they work well for me for this type of application.

By the way, our community is great, and they probably know a lot more about this specific use than I do.


Thanks Serenity - I appreciate this and will take a look. Great to hear this has helped you.

Thanks @serialspinner - great to hear you have had some benefit with this combination of treatments. I already have a red light panel but haven’t come across DMSO so will look into this.

Thanks for sharing this @Jayess - I will take a look.

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Thanks for your reply @Bob, and your suggestion re which device. Have you come across other people who have seen benefits for Raynaud’s? I also have some back and hip pain, but assume the C5 could also help with this?

I don’t have any experience or insight into Raynaud’s, other than what is discussed right here on our forum, so this is the best resource for that information.

As for back and hip pain, many people get a lot of relief when using ICES-PEMF, myself included. It would be good to hear back from you if you decide to try it, to tell us how well it worked (or not) for you. This is how we build up our collective knowledge. The more details you can share, the better. Thanks.

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Sorry, I did not keep up-to-date on the posts for Raynauds until today. Just reading on the DMSO that @serialspinner suggested. I have used DMSO and recommended it to others for pain as well. It doesn’t appear to work as well for me in all scenarios, but definitely is one I would suggest, too. The only catch is that it is not a permanent treatment, you have to use it regularly almost every day in my case, whereas the TCM herbs do appear to offer longer-term benefits.

The other problem with DMSO is that you have to be careful because it is transdermal and takes whatever you have straight to the organs, even chemicals and pharmaceutical medications. So if you’re taking other medications, this can affect how they will react on you. The same goes for chemicals that you get on your hands – make sure you wash off completely with soap and water before smearing on DMSO.

Over the years, I not only keep dmso in my medicine cabinet but have also amassed some information in reference to it:

DMSO is amazing stuff, but just be aware and take precautions.

Thank you, Serenity. Good information. I have found that for me taking DMSO orally has worked best for systemic improvement. It is the best pain reliever I’ve ever used when taken orally. I take 1 teaspoon daily after a meal. No worries about absorbing something dangerous through the skin when used this way.

I was not aware that taking it orally would lessen the danger. I knew that it was possible to take it orally, but found the taste to be very bitter, so I always smeared it on skin. And though some websites said it could be taken orally, nowhere could I find anything on it being safer taken orally. Thank you for the information.

I just mix it in a small glass of water and drink it down. Not a problem for me. I thought the danger was in absorbing something toxic on your skin or hands. This wouldn’t be an issue when drinking it. What other danger are you referring to? DMSO has an incredible safety profile.

Thank you for the information. As I said, I was not aware and reading about direct transmission from skin to organs, I have always been cautious when applying topically. It just did not occur to me taking it orally would be safer. Makes sense of course.

I have seen some really exciting things personally with Trudose PRP - I think it might be worth exploring it if other avenues don’t work for Raynauds.