For about five years, my brother John and I have been tracking the renal health of his cat, after it had been diagnosed with early-stage kidney disease. Although I have discussed this in bits and pieces elsewhere, since I recently published the full data set, I thought I should post it here.
Reversal of Renal Insufficiency in an Aging Cat: A 5-year Multi-Crossover Case Study. DOI: 10.37714/josam.v2i2.30
Briefly: the paper at the link above shows laboratory test results indicating the ability to reverse cat kidney disease, presented as a case study for one cat over a time period of approximately 5 years.
Bob’s Rant (apologies in advance):
I have tried many times to get veterinarians and researchers to help me build larger study on the treatment of feline renal failure using PEMF, a larger study with many more cats, so that we could report a much larger and more comprehensive data set. But people doing work on this terrible disease all follow the same pattern of behavior when I talk to them: initial interest, they see the very promising data, realize this is a potentially very effective treatment which reduces the need for expensive palliative care, and then, without explanation, they disappear from the radar, rarely or never answering my emails and never committing to carrying out a larger study.
I am not a conspiracy-minded person, but I cannot help but think that this evasive trend indicates a darker undercurrent in veterinary care. Perhaps the long-term palliative but ineffective treatment of renal failure in cats has become “too profitable to cure”, a situation that is similar to diabetes or chronic pain in humans.
I find that even (and perhaps especially) “alternative” veterinarians steer away from the use of PEMF with feline kidney failure because this treatment approach requires only a one-time modest purchase, followed by zero-cost in-home treatments. This removes the clinical profit factor from the equation, and the instant this becomes clear, clinical interest in this approach evaporates.
So, while I cannot “prove” that this (or any) treatment will work for all cats with all forms of kidney disease at all stages of disease, I offer this to the interested reader as a viable alternative which has had at least one well-documented and very satisfactory outcome, showing the clear reversal of renal insufficiency for one cat.
Since both the mainstream and “alternative” systems of medical/veterinary discovery are not making any progress on this terrible disease, I also offer the following:
If anyone would like to contribute to this effort, to find a cure or effective treatment for feline renal disease, we could collect data from individual cats/owners. We would need to know:
- Dates and quantitative results of clinical tests (creatinine, others if available)
- Dates and conditions of use of PEMF
- Clinical outcome
If we can show a clear trend (either positive or negative, we only want the truth), then I can generate a peer-reviewed open-ended scientific publication that shows the effect on larger numbers of cats when treated with PEMF, and we can begin to elucidate the clinical effectiveness in terms of what conditions of use are most effective, whether or not this approach is effective for more advanced cases, etc. Diversity of cats and treatment approaches is an advantage.
If you are interested, you can respond to this post and send us your data for inclusion.